London Office : Cambridge Circus, W.C.
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Telegraphic address "Komrnerksze Luton ot London."
This company has had more than its share of the remarkable development 'which has taken place in connection with the employment of passenger-carrying motor vehicles in the Provinces of Great Britain. Cornmer Car chars-asbancs are
seen now in a very great number of seaside resorts, as well as inland provincial cities. We have described the Coriuner Car chassis in skeleton form in our notice concerning the company'a products which is included under Section A, which deals with goods transport. The company, however, makes a distinct speciality of passenger-transit requirements, and, as a rule, does not supply its standard goods-vehicle chassis for this branch of the industry. The passenger chassis are distinct from the goods-carrying models in respect of horsepower, of increased flexibility of suspension, of differentsized wheels, and, as a rule, of generally higher gear ratios. One provision which we may note, and whichis of great importance in connection with this class of machine, is the extra V-rim rear-wheel brake, which is supplied whenever cars have to be operated in specially-hilly districts.
A torpedo char-h-bancs body, which is known as the " Kerry " type, was a distinct feature of the seasons of 1911-1912, for employment in Great Britain. It has met with very considerable favour, and has obtained large sales for the company. One of these models has recently been sent as part of an order for passenger service to Cape Town. We may quote as typical of this class of employment, that it has a "Kerry-type" body, seating capacity for 22 passengers, a permanent canopy, removable windows, and enclosed rear seats. This is a model which is particularly well adapted for both summer and winter service.
In regard to double-deck buses, the company has, of course, supplied quite a number for use at home. A recent delivery of this class of machine was a 37-seated double-deck omnibus for private service in Karachi, India. The Daimler Co.. Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Coventry, England. Telegraphic address : "Daimler Coventry."
One of the most far-reaching developments in regard to the construction of passenger-transport vehicles in Great Britain was the decision of the Daimler Co., of Coventry, to manufacture industrial models. Based on unique experience of the failures and shortcomings of very many of the earlier models of motorbus chassis, the design of the Daimler motor
bus chassis has evoked nothing but praise from those who are familiar wits, its constructional features. It has a four-cylinder 40 h.p. sleeve-valve engine, alarge-diameter leather cone clutch, a gearbox which can be fitted either with spur gears or with silent chain transmission, and a special form of worm drive back axle. A number of these machines hag for some time past been doing service in London, and they have achieved an enviable reputation for almost complete silence and for comfortable accommodation for passengers. We are unable, with the space at our disposal, again to refer to the many unique features which have been embodied in this design. We have no hesitation, however, in recommending any of our Overseas readers who are contemplating the introduction of passenger-transport machines for urban services to obtain full particulars of these latest Daimler models. The Renard train, also manufactured at the Coventry works, has specific application for passenger-transport work in many Overseas districts. Amongst some of the orders which have been secured for Daimler motorbuses during the past year we mention fleets for the Metropolitan Electric Tramways Omnibus Co., Ltd., The British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., Sheffield Corporation Tramways, Melbourne Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., the Berlin °mulling Co., the Fifth Avenue Coach Co., New York, Munich Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., Halifax Corporation Tramways, Constantinople GeneralOmnibus Co., etc., etc.
Dennis Bros., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Guildford. Telegraphic address : "Dennis Guildford."
In regard to char-l-bancs work, this concern has achieved a considerable tined of success. Vehicles of this kind are being used in a great many parts of Great Britain, as well as Overseas. Double-decker motorbuses, of the type which has been evolved in that wonderful school of experience, the
operation of London motorbuses, are also to be found on many users lists. The fact that the whole of the fleet of 2500 motorbuses now being operated by the L.G.O.C. in London, all of which machines have been designed as the result of that company's own unique and vast experience, are fitted with worm-drive live axles, is a particular feather in the cap of Dennis Bros., Ltd. No finer testimony to the right choice, many years ago, of the worm final drive could be forthcoming than this decision. Dennis ambulances, it has to be noted, hold a commanding lead in London.
Capacity. H.P. Drive. Price.
18-20 seats 28 Worm 585 25-32 „ 35 11 805 NOTE.—The extra charge for packing and delivery, fob London or Southampton, of each model amounts approximately to £20 per chassis. Each price quoted is for chassis, and includes rubber tires.
It is almost impossible to include anything like a complete list of users of Dennis passenger transport machines iu the present notice • both the 28 h.p. and the 36 h.p. types are proving exceptionally popular for this class of work. For instance, Llandudno owners have in service no fewer than 20 machines in this popular seaside resort. Amongst Colonial users of similar models are; Messrs. Sykes and Co., of Bulawayo; Messrs. Cannock Motor Co., of Johannesburg; Messrs: Howard Motor Co., Brisbane; Messrs. Shields Motor Co., Melbourne; Messrs. Murray Aunger, Adelaide; the Shields Motor Cu,, Sydney; Messrs. Dennis Bros., Perth; Messrs. Weanar and Co., Singapore; Messrs. toke Yen, Kuala Lumpar, Bederated Malay States; Messrs. 14Iahthee, Hoossain and Co., Madras; Messrs. Turner, Hoare and f Bombay; and Messrs. Caruana and Bossalina, Nicolaieff, Co.,drimea
One of the moat recent machines of this type to go abroad is a high-class torpedo char-h-bancs built to the order of Messrs. Davies and Boyd, of Napier, New Zealand. This is of somewhat unusual design, and of a type which bids fair to become very popular for employment Overseas, where. the journeys are sometimes of unusual length. A high-sided, enclosed torpedo body is used, and there is accommodation for 18 persons with seats on each side of the vehicle. There is only one entrance, and that is at the front. This body is mounted on a 28 h.p. cliar-a-bancs chassis.
Drewry Car Co., Ltd.
Works : Burton-on-Trent.
Office; 13, South Place, London, E.C. Telegraphic address : "Effervesce London."
Amongst the few concerns which have given their specialimd attention to the production of self-propelled motorcars for use on rails, few are better known than the Drewry Car Co., Ltd. Nowadays it handles models which range from the small single-seated inspection car to machines capable of carrying quite a number of passengers. Drewry's were the first English house to specialize in the construction of motorrailcars, and the design and construction of all their models is 'British Throughout. The standard models vary from the 4 h.p. single-cylinder pattern to a machine which is fitted with a 20 h.p., four-cylinder engine with a gearbox three speeds in either direction. This larger model is capable of a top speed of 50 miles per hour on the level. The Drewry Car Co. advises us that it heti already supplied machines for all parts of the world, and it is proud of the fact that by far the larger proportion of itf more recent orders are " repeats " from satisfied users.
• Durham, Churchill and Co. .
Works : Grinaesthorpe, Sheffield. Telegraphic address : " Velometer Sheffield."
We refer inthe previous section to the Durham-Churchill machines. These have been used extensively for passengertransport purposes, and particularly in respect of char-S-bancs work. Vehicles of this type are used by: The Barnsley Motor Co.' Ltd. ; Mr. George Booker, Barnsley; Barton Bros., Baeston ; The Peeirith and District Service • Southworths Motors, Ltd., of Rhyl; Harrogate Road-Car Co., Ltd., etc., etc. The most popular type is probably the 22-seated model, which embodies the 40 h.p. chassis. Other typea however, which are in use are the 22-seated, 35 h.p. torpedo char-as banes. and the 27-seated, 30 h.p. char-A-banes. Several public services are maintained by these machines around Sheffield. J. and E. Hall, Ltd.
Works : Dartford, Kent. London Office : 10, St. Swithin's Lane, E.C. Telegraphic addresses : " Hallford London and " Hallford Dartford."
J. and E. Hall, Ltd., is a strong opponent of that kind of policy which, adopted by many would-be users of passengertransport vehicles, prompts them to put on a small vehicle first, and ace how it pays." Such vehicles, it is claimed, seldom produce a dividend, as the elemental. expenses of running motor vehicles of different.. sizes are by no means in direet proportion to their first cost. The North-Eastern Railway Co. is perhaps one of the most useful references to which this eampany can point as being a user of modern Hallford chass:4 for char-it-bancs purposes, and there are few owners in the home country, be it noted, which have such an extensive experience of provincial public-service transport. A useful, and withal amusing testimony is forthcoming from the motor-vehicle department of that railway company. They wrote, in March, 1910, to the Dartford factory as follows: " We are pleased to say both the cars ran very satisfactorily last summer; but, at the same time, we regret we are unable to say they did not do so without a failure, as one of them broke a fan-belt lace !"
Double-deckers of the Milford design have maintained pro&able and popular service on the main road between Chatham and Maidstone.
Recent deliveries to Overseas users of passenger-transport Halliards are : two double-deck motorbuses and two chars-4.banes to the Malabar Commercial Corporation, Ltd., for use in connecting up the towns of Cochin, Trivandrum and Nager; and two double-deck omnibuses with top canopies for the Municipality of Monte Video
Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Yoker, Glasgow. London Office :36, Causton Street, Westminster, S.W. Telegraphic address : "forceless Glasgow."
We have a great deal to say, in our first section, with regard to standard Halley vehicles, and we, therefore, need not make much more reference to their machines under the present heading than to invite our readers to make a cross referedee to the first section. Several of the standard models are admirably adapted for char-a-bancs and motorbus purposes, and, indeed, the four-ton model, three-ton model, 2i-ton model, and the two-ton model, have been used to a large extent in such employment, and under bad conditions.
Ironside, Son and Dyolterhoff.
London Office : 40, Mincing Lane, E.C.
Telegraphic address : 'Ironside London."
This firm has made a speciality of the supply of "New Century" petrol-driven locomotives of all types, and it is undoubtedly a distinct feather in its cap to have secured the first order for the supply of a machine of this type to be used underground in the United Kingdom. THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR was in a position to publish first particulars of the delivery of this machine to certain mine owners in Cumberland. At the present time this company has under construction a rail locomotive for maheline haulage, so that it is evident that there is little limitation to the size of internalcombustion-engine locomotion for which Ironside's are prepared to quote.
New Century" design provides for an engine, in the smaller models at, any rate, of the single-cylinder horizontal type. Special patented carburetter arrangements are embodied whereby there is never any explosive mixture outside the working cylinder itself. Transmission is by spur wheels
and by metal-to-metal clutches of special design. Final transmission is by large-sized roller chain running in an oil balli.
The Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Letchworth, Herts. London Office : 78, York Road, King's Cross, N. Telegraphic address: " Unbaffied London."
This Letchworth manufacturer has had almost more than its share of orders for Overseas passenger-transport machines. In particular, it has specialized in regard to the production of chars-d-bancs of all types, and in many instances these have been constructed entirely for the conveyance of native passengers. We are etiabled to illustrate a notable meal with special features; this is a special police ambulance, which has been exported by the Citiwn Agents for the Colonies for use in Singapore ; it is a roomy wagonette, and in it special hanging straps are provided for the suspension of stretchers. Chars-a-banes for provincial and seaside resort services are also a Lacre speciality.
Capacity. HP. Drive. Price.
12 seats 18 Chain 389 10s.
20 „ 30 •I 507 10s.
28 „ 30 533
33 $, 30 .1 610 NoTE.--All the above prices are for char-h-bancs chassis with tires, f.o.b. The 12-seated chassis, if fitted with a 20 h.p., four-cylinder engine, costs £25 extra. The 33-seated char-it-banes chassis, if fitted with a 38 h.p., four-cylinder engine, costs 220 extra.
Leyland Motors, Ltd.
Works : Leyland, Lancs. London Office : 47, New Kent Road, S.E. Telegraphic addresses : " Motors Leyland," and Motatura London."
The Leyland machine has created an excellent record for itself by virtue of its employment by the Central Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., in London, a concern which has, at the time of going to press with this issue, just made terms with the all-engulfing London General Omnibus Co., Ltd. There is no doubt that the consistent running of, awl the generally-comfortable service provided by, Leyland machines in the service of this operating concern did very much towards securing its present popularity for this class of machine. The Central concern owns 150 Leylands, and amongst its recent" developments it has instituted services in certain provincial districts in the home country, where the vehicles do equally well.
The North Eastern Co. is another big operating concern which has now, after testa of a most diverse nature lasting for a number of years, placed considerable orders for Leyland chars4banes. The War Office, the Admiralty, and the Metropolitan Asylums Board are all users of Leyland ambulances, and the 301 h.p. or the 24 h.p. models are suitable for this employment, whilst abroad, in Lisbon, the Cape, and Monte 'Video, etc., etc., it. is noticeable that tramway concerns are employing Leyland machines as auxiliaries to their own systems.
One of the most successful provincial operating companies is the Antocar (Tunbridge Wells) Co., Ltd., which is now exclusively employing Leyland chassis. Another branch of passenger transport in which the internal-combustion engine has had a considerable hand is the construction of self-propelled petrol-driven 'tramcars. A service inaugurated a short while ago at Heysham, in Lancashire, has proved entirely satisfactory. This class of machine employs a 55 h.p. engine, the gearbox enabling four speeds to be employed in either direction. For larger and heavier work, Leyland Motors, Ltd., has constructed coaches fitted with Leyland engines, and the Thomas petrol-electric transmission. This last class of machine has recently been adopted by the Central South African Railway Co.
As we go to press, we axe advised of latest orders received at Leyland, which include three motorbusea for Cape Town, five motorbuses for Lisbon, and two more raikars for South Africa and New Zealand respectively.
Mandalay Motor Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Parkside, Coventry. Telegraphic address: "Maudslay Coventry."
The Maudslay design is one which was tried thoroughly in the early days of the motorbus development in London, and the small fleet which was run by the London Road Car Co., Ltd., made many friends for the designer. Since those days, however, the company's operations have been considerably extended, and, as we have mentioned in the previous section, the company is marketing a fine range of goods-transport machines. In addition to this, several of the models now listed are suitable for use as single or double-deck motorbuses and chars-a-bancs. The Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., of Edinburgh, for instance, employs a large fleet of Maudslay machines, with which it is securing satisfactory services.
Milnes-Daimler-Mercedes, Ltd.
London Office : 132-135, Long Acre, W.C. Telegraphic address: " Milnesie London."
Machines which have until recently been known as the Milnes-Daimler, and which are now marketed in the British Empire as Milnes-Dairnler-Mercedes, have, for many years past, been in regular service as passenger-transport vehicles in many parts of theworld. The almost exclusive demand which was made upon the makers of these machines in the early days of the London motorbus boom was sufficient to stamp such models as eminently suitable for this class of self-propelled traffic. It is almost unnecessary, therefore, to emphasize the fact that those who have in mind the possibility of the establishment of new motor passenger-transport services, or of the enlargement of existing ones, can hardly, while investigating the whole subject, refrain from obtaining from this maker its recommendations based on its almost unique experience in this particular branch of the industry.
D. Napier and Son, Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Acton Vale, London, W. Telegraphic address : "Moneyer London."
It would not be appropriate, in the section of this issue dealing with passenger transport, if we omitted to mention the Napier motorcab, which has played so prominent a part in the development of the motoreab industry, in London especially, and to a small extent in provincial cities. This is a high-grade model, and one which from records in our possession, we are able to state yields 'economical results from the point of view of maintenance and running costs.
The machine has a four-cylinder engine of high-grade design, and this feature in particular soon caused it to become a most popular type. It is also in successful use Overseas.
The Renard Commercial Motor Co., Ltd.
London Office : 82, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.
Telegraphic address: " Renrotraco London."
The Renard-Latil front-driven machines have, amongst the many varied uses to which they have been put, been employed to a considerable extent for passenger-transport service, and their exceptional length of free platform for given wheelbases, and the ability to dip the frame to accommodate bodies of exceptional width and low construction, have rendered it advisable, in many cases, to employ Renard chassis. Tabulated particulars appear on the next page.
NO7E.—The prices quoted are for chassis only with rubber tires, delivery at London depot. It should be noted that the special Renard system enables steel tires to be employed on the hind wheels if necessary, and this means a reduction of from a•ri to 52 on the prices quoted above.