Representative Makers: Section C.
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Fire Engines, Tower Wagons, Sanitary Wagons, Watercarts, Rollers, etc.
Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Scotstoun, Glasgow. London depot : 21-22, Upper Rathbone Place, Oxford Street, W.
Telegraphic aiddresses : " Automobile Glasgow " and Karalbo London."
This company has specialized in regard to self-propelled tower wagons, and is, of course, able also to quote in respect of its heavier types of machines which are particularly suitable for the special service of municipalities and corporations, as well as of road-making and other authorities. In respect of government employment, Albions have been remarkably successful, not perhaps so much in the home country, but particrlarly in connection with develoRment work in the smaller Colonies. In countries such as :Nigeria and Uganda, where new roads have had to be built up into the hinterland of the few coast towns, the Albion has been chosen time and again by the Crown Agents for the Colonies and similar , authorities, in order to ensure the establishment of a reliable and economical public.passenger service, of course, occasion ally, in conjunction With goods teansport. A useful list of Albion models appears on page 6.
Argylls, Ltd.
Works and Head Office : Alexandria, Dumbartonshire, Scotland.
Telegraphic address : "Argylls Alexandria."
This Scottish constructor has, in the past, turned out several examples of modern motor fire-brigade apparatus. It is at the present time constructing industrial chassla of the 15-cwt., one-ton and two-ton types, of which we have something to say in previous sections. Argylls, Ltd., is prepared to quote for fire-brigade first-aid tenders and other equipment in accordance with Colonial and Overseas requirements. It has supplied ladder wagons and other types of fire-fighting machines to a number of fire-brigades in Great Britain, and we may instance in this respect Dundee, Huddersfield, Keighiey, Oldham and Sheffield. It makes a speciality of a first-aid tender having accommodation for six men, KM ft. of hose, and a number of chemical extinguishers.
We illustrate on page 41, in a later portion of this section, a useful and handy type of ambulance, This can be supplied on either the 15-cwt.; or the 2-ton chassis. Alley and MacLellan, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Sentinel Works, Polmadie, Glasgow.
London Office : 139, Grosvenor Road, S.W. Telegraphic address : "Alley Glasgow."
A stain-wagon manufactnrer which has had exceptional experience in regard to the supply of satisfactory, and in many cases, unusual types of municipal wagons is Alley and MacLellan, Ltd. We have described, in Section A of this issue, and at some length, the principaLmechanical features of the two types—the undertype and the overtype--of steamer which this maker produces. It is with the highcapacity undertype model, which is being extensively employed for municipal work, that we are particularly concerned. Hull Corporation, for instance, has used a fleet of these machines for road-maintenance purposes for a considerable perk& One such wagon carries a tar-spraying apparatus with all its necessary impedimenta. Coal wagons for electricity and gas departments, and special machines for the conveyance of road material, fulfil particular conditions to which Sentinel wagons seem • particularly well adapted. Watercarts, with large cylindrical water reservoirs and the necessary distributing apparatus all carried on the ample platform area afforded by the special type of construction of the Sentinel overtype wagon, are another speciality of this maker. The Alley and MacLellan patent hydraulic tipping gear is a feature which has been successfully embodied in connection with wagons used for the haulage of such material as Coal, macadam, gravel, etc., etc.
Belsize Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Clayton, Manchester. Telegraphic address : " Belsize Manchester." Sole export agent: A. W. Roslington, Lloyd's Avenue House, Lloyd's Avenue, London, E.C.
In our first section, which deals with goods transport, we have listed various models which are marketed by this well known Manchester maker. Of special interest to readers of the present section is the fact that all these types up to the three-tonner are being employed satisfactorily in Royal 3fail service in various parts of great Britain. The three-tonner is in use under very strenuous conditions in connection with parcel-post inter-urban services, and as fire-brigade chassis.
Barford and Perkins, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Queen Street Irorwciks, Peterborough.
Telegraphic address : " Barford Peterborough.''
A remarkable business has been built up by Barford and Perkins, Ltd., an old-established manufacturer of light agricultural plant. This company has specialized in a very sueceisful manner in the production of motor rollers propelled by internal-combustion engines. Starting originally with a moderate-sized model, it has now to its credit no fewer than 20 different standard sizes, and these can be varied again in respect of widths of track, arrangement of rollers, and total gross weight, so that it is unlikely that any inquirer will be unable to he suited in respect of these handy machines by one of the company's standard models. The *company also makes excellent cooking apparatus for institutions.
At the time of publication of this present issne, it is particularly interesting to remark that Barford and Perkins, Ltd , had, when war broke out in the Balkans, a number of 14-ton paraffin-driven rollers in hand for the Turkish Government. This company's Overseas business is a very considerable one, as its small rollers, of compact design, not being hindered by fuel or water-supply difficulties, render them particularly suitable for use on pioneer road:construction work in new countries. There is quite a number of them in West Africa, and other countries to which they have already been sent are Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, Denmark, the Dutch East Indies, Egypt, Federated Malay States, Fiji, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Montenegro, Norway,Russia, South Africa, Smith America, Sw.eden, Turkey, and the West Indies. In all Overseas countries where there is any difficulty in regard to the plentiful supply of water and of solid fuel, the internal-combustion roller affordsi,a iead solution of such difficulties, and this is, of course, particularly the case in regard to the construction of up-country roads.
Iu regard to the constructional features of the rollers. may be said that these embody one or other of several models of good sound internal-combustion engines, driving through simple speed-reduction and reverse spur gear, and thence by a substantial chain to the rollers. Special machines are built for use on racecourses and other large grass tract; and the smaller ones are also being increasingly employed with what are known as ribbed Cambridge-type rings, for use on arable or grass land.
An interesting accessory which has of late been found most useful where the rollers have to be used in boggy country, consists of an eccentric lifter on each end of the main axle. By its use, the roller is able to lift itself bodily out of a hollow or a sticky spot.
Sento, Commercial Motors, Ltd.
Works : Avonmore Road, West Kensington, W., and Olten.
London Office : 3, Lombard Street, E.C. Telegraphic address : " Klibergar London."
Berna commercial-motor models are made, as we have already stated elsewhere, in a very useful series of sizes ranging from 10 cwt. to five-ton capacity. The medium, sized models are of a suitable nature for use as tip wagons, and for many of the special services which are required by municipalities and other authorities.
In regard to military employment, the Barna has already achieved in England considerable success in connection with Territorial manceuvres, and on the Continent for regulararmy transport. Large quantities of baggage and troops have been transported to the entire satisfaction of commanding officers, and their employment in this respect is, therefore, capable of considerable development.
H. Buessing.
Works address: Elmstrasse, Braunschweig. Telegraphic address : " Motor Braunschweig."
This German constructor has had considerable experience in connection with the manufacture of miadern motor-propelled fire-brigade apparatus, and we are able to illustrate a machine of this type. It has constructed both first-aid and ladclee wagons, as well as self-propelled motor pumps of tha turbine variety. Another class of construction in which municipalities and other authorities are interested, and in which this manufacturer has had experience, is that of sanitary wagons and tip vehicles, a special feature being made of side-tipping bodies with rack-aperated plungers.
Cedes Electric Traction, Ltd, Works : Stamford Hill, London, N.
Office : 112, Great Portland Street, London, W.
This concern has a number of interests which include tha supply of gearless electric-driven automobile, chassis of the special types which are suitable for fire-brigade purposes. It also undertakes the installation of the Cedes-Stoll electric trolleybus alternative to tramcars, The Cedes fire.engine chassis is battery propelled, and has hub motors. It is claimed that this class of chassis is specially suitable for firebrigade work, as the chassis can get clear away from the station within aix or eight seconds of receiving a call, and that a distance of 60 miles can be covered with one charge. The whole of the machinery and chassis is now manufactured in England, and the machine can he either front or rear driven ; the battery may be placed either under or over the chassis. It Li interesting to note that the London Fire Brigade is employing Cedes electrically-propelled chassis as escape wagons. Thu eemparay is also specializing in the production of Cedes electric ambralanc;es, and these are used by the Corporation of London, and by the Port of London Authorities.
Clayton and Co. tHudderstleld), Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Union Works, Huddersfield. London Office : 68, Victoria Street, S.W.
Telegraphic addresses : "Karriakar Huddersfield," or " Karriakar Lo.ndon."
Several of the Karrier models are particularly suitable fur municipal work, and autboritiea which are employing them satisfactorily are, for example, Huddersfield and Rochdale_ The special tipping gear, which is brought into operation in the same way as the patent Karrier winding gear, which was described in our notice on Karrier vehicles in Section A, is particularly suitable for employment in connection with road. authorities' tip wagons. A transverse tipping shaittjg connected to the ordinary wagon differential shaft by a roller chain. Steel tipping bodies and tower wagons are other speciaRica. All inquiries re agencies, etc., should be sent direct to Huddersfield.
Commercial Cars, Ltd.
Works: Luton, Beds.
London Office : Cambridge Circus, W.C. Telegraphic addresses: "Komerkars Luton and London."
Commer Cars have been extensively employed for mnnicipal work and by other authorities, including the military arm, in various parts of the world, and there is little doubt that their uses in all these directions will be very considerably increased in the near future. A branch of the company's business which bids fair to grow to very large proportions is that which consists in the supply of special self-propelled fire-brigade apparatus, for which the ultimate huge demand is only just beginning to make itself properly appreciated. In conjunction with Messrs. Henry Simonis and Co., of Pretoria Works, Walthamstow, a special chassis has been designed, and is being supplied for fire-brigade work, for use as a motor fire pump, a tender, a first-aid machine, and for fire-brigade ambulances. Three models are offered, and these are fitted with 50 h.p., 75 h.p., and 100 h.p. engines', respectively. They can be supplied also, it is interesting to note, with either turbine or reciprocating pumps, a direct drive to the pump being a special feature. This offer of
alternative pump design should make a special appeal to municipalities which at the present time are not conclusively convinced as to the superiority of the turbine pump.
A motor watering cart, which is built on the standard 40 h.p. goods-transport type of chassis, carries a tank of 1000 gallons capacity. This is fitted with a rotary sprinkling gear, which is capable of spraying a surface up to 62 ft. in width. A special flushing device is worked by a centrifugal pumping arrangement, which is driven direct off the main engine shaft. This can maintain a nozzle pressure of 80 lb. per sq. in. It is intended for street cleansing, and for the flushing of gullies and drains. The pump can also be used for filling the tank. A machine of this type was recently supplied to the Municipality of Victoria, British Columbia, through the company's agent, the Columbia Taxicab Co.; Ltd., Vancouver. A considerable fleet of three-ton lorries has been supplied to the Municipality of Monte Video. per the company's agents, Messrs. Moore and Tudor, of Buenos Aires. This fleet is shortly to be increased by a five-ton Commer Car lorry, and an 80-gallon water tank wagon. Recent orders for Government and Municipal authorities include seven fit-ton chassis for the Metropolitan Abattoirs Board, Adelaide, South Australia, supplied through the com pany's agents, Messrs. Eves and Crowle, Pine Street, Adelaide; two four-ton military wagons, for the Russian Imperial War Office; four three-ton box vans for the Russian General Post Office ; and recent deliveries of fire pumps include fine examples for Calcutta and Johannesburg, as well as, of course, in London and other areas of Great Britain.
Dennis Bros., Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Guildford. Telegraphic address: "Dennis Guildford."
In regard to municipal employment, Dennis Bros., Ltd., has secured' a pre-eminent position with its motor fire-engines. This company has proved to be the, pioneers, for fire-fighting purposes, of the use of the turbine pump direct driven by a high-speed petrol engine. No company so far has supplied anything like so many petrol-propelled fire-pumps as hasthis Guildford constructor. It frequently happens that fire.maeters have very definite and special ideas in regard to the class of fire-fighting apparatus which shall. be embodied on the self-propelled chassis for which they are asking so readily at the present time. The horsed fire-engine is now effectively superseded as efficient apparatus, and the demand is already becoming almost overwhelming for self-propelled plant to supersede horse-drawn equipment in all parts of the ssorlcl. Dennis Bros., Ltd., has an unchallenged experience in this respect, and the company is prepared to tender for selfpropelled plant of all types. It must be understood, however, that, from the point of view of efficiency, it has conclusively decided that the turbine pump is the most effective, and it is this class of gear which, it fits and supplies exclusively. In regard to first-aid apparatus, ladders and ambulance outfits, the company is able to fall in with almost any special requirements, for which stipulation may be made. It will perhaps serve a good purpose if we mention some of the Overseas orders which Dennis Bros., Ltd., has already fulfilled for fire-brigade purposes. This maker's fire-engines have been dispatched to Athens, Auckland (Ni.), Persia, Burma (3), Bahia (3), Christchurch (N.Z.), Copenhagen (2), Dunedin, Fremantle, Ghent, Ipoh, India. Office, Karachi, Siam (2), Oporto, Penang, Selan,gor. 'Sydney (11), South Brisbane, Bilbao, and Rockhampton (Queensland). Durham Churchill and Co. Works: Grimesthorpe,, Sheffield.
Telegraphic address: Veloineter Sheffield."
Durham-Churchill machines are in use by a number of corporations for municipal purposes, notably by the corporations of Sheffield, Liverpool, Bradford, etc. A standard type of overhead tramway-gear-repair tower wagon is a speciality of this Sheffield maker.
Thomas Green and Son, Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Smithfield Iron Works, Leeds.
London depot : New Surrey Works, Southwark Streets S.E.
Telegraphic address : " Smithfield Leeds."
This manufacturer offers two interesting types of commercial motors, which have very specific applications. They consi0 of rollers and of a new motor sweeper. The motor rollers are made in sizes which are carefully tabulated in the Est in cluded herewith. It will be noticed that certain of the models are specially intended for employment on grass land, and these have, therefore, split hind rollers, or double cylinders, as they are called. For tarmac and road-repair work, the single hind roller is employed. A sturdy petrol engine drives laterally into a simple form of gearbox, and thence power is transmitted through a spur-gear reductioa and a chain final drive. These rollers can be supplied either with or without. extra water tanks and awnings. A recent interesting Green delivery was a five-ton special roller for the Norwegian Government. This has divided back rollers, and a special weight box arrangement, which is intended to ensure that the weight on all the rollers will be equally distributed. A seven-ton roller was also recently supplied for use in Batavia.
One of the most interesting machines which it has been our duty to consider recently is the English-built motordriven road sweeper, a class of apparatus for which we prophesy a very considerable demand in the near future. Continental municipalities are rapidly increasing their equipment in this respect. The Green sweeper has a special channel frame built high at the hack, in order to accommodate the rotary sweeper and its drivine. gear. The petrol motor is of standard 16 h.p. type, and "this can be provided with a paraffin carburetter if necessary. A leather-faced Astertype clutch transmits the drive to the gearbox, which has two speeds forward and reverse. These provide for a rate of travel of 3 m.p.h. and 6 m.p.h., respectively. The back axle is driven by worm gear, and the hind road wheels are of the artillery type, and of large diameter with steel tires. The rotary brush is driven by bevel wheels and chain and chain wheel, and is inclined on the shaft and arranged so as to push the sweepings outside the wheels. The width of the sweeping track is about 5 ft. 6 in., and the brush is about 1 ft. 10 in. in diameter. The price of this machine is £400: if fitted with a special 80-gallon tank an& pumping arrangenu nt for spraying under pressinle, £10 extra; if fitted with rubber tires on the front and hind wheels, £50 extra.
1) 20 31 It 1/ 425 NOTE.—The above prices are all f.o.b. The weights are in running order, but when M full ballast, these will be from 5 cwt. to 10 cwt. heavier.
J. & E. Hall, Ltd.
Works : Dartford.
London Office: 10, St. Swithin's Lane, E.C. Telegraphic address " Hanford London."
Kent County Council is a prominent user of four-ton tip wagons for municipal work, and it is obvious that a machine of this high grade is particularly suitable where corporations and other public authorities require goods-transport vehicles for public-service work. This company also manufactures 25 h.p., 30 h.p., and 40 h.p. Hanford chassis fitted with special telescopic tower bodies for use in connection with
tramway overhead service lines. We are enabled to illustrate a recent interesting delivery of the municipal type of HaIlford for the Municipality of Singapore. Two such machines are at the time of writing ready for delivery ; each of them is of four-tons capacity. It will be noticed, of course, that they are tipping wagons.
Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Yoker, Glasgow. London Office : 36, Causton Street, Westminster, S.W. Telegraphic address : " Horseless Glasgow."
Halleys until recently were pursuing a very active policy in regard to the construction of modern self-propelled tire-fighting appliances. Glasgow, Partick, Edinburgh, Lanark, Clydebank, Leith, and Kilmarnock, and other Scottish towns, have, as a matter of fact, already acquired fine examples of this class of construction. We are, however, desired hr the company to say that, at the time of going to press, it is experiencing such an extraordinary pressure of orders for ;standard vehicles of all types, that it does not feel justified in quoting for fire-engines complete with pumps. Nevertheless, it is pleased to have inquiries and orders for motor tender chassis or other fire-brigade tenders complete with bodies.
Another speciality of this company is the supply of tower wagons and tramway overhead repair wagons. These are built on the 34 b.h.p. chassis. Amongst users we may quote the Corporation of Glasgow, which has four machines, and the Corporations of Salford, Rotherham, Rochdale, Liverpool, and Oldham.
The Lacre Motor Car Co„ Ltd, Head Office and Works : Letchworth, Herts. London Office : IS, York Road, King's Cross, N. Telegraphic address : " Unbaffied London."
A most-imposing list of municipal and Government purchasers of Lacre machines reaches us, in response to our request for special information of such business which was recently sent to the principal manufacturers of industrial vehicles in respect of the present Overseas issue. We would refer our readers to the notices in regard to Pacre industrial models which have been included in the two previous sections and especially to the tabulated particulars of the types which appear in section A Goods 'Transport) under the Lacre notice.
In the present instance we perhaps cannot do better than record some of the more important municipal and Govern, meat orders for Overseas authorities which the Lacre Co. has already carried out. These will serve as excellent examples of the many varied types for which the company is at all times happy to quote. Amongst special deliveries we may, therefore, record the following : four 38 h.p., fourton steel tipping refuse wagons for the Johannesburg Municipality ; a 30 h.p., two-ton wagon for the Union Government of South Africa ; a two-ton tower wagon for the Johannesburg Municipal Tramways ; a 30 h.p., two-ton tip wagon for the Sydney Metropolitan Board of Water and Sewage; two 18 h.p., 20-cwt. wagons for the Melbourne Corporation; a 38 h.p., four-ton lorry for the N.S.W. Government Public Works Department ; an 18 h.p., 25-cwt. lorry for the N.S.W. Department of Public Inspection; two 15-cwt. and one 25-cwt. machines for the South Australia State Railway ; and a number of special machines (illustrated an page 36) for the City of Santos Improvements Co., of South America.
Leyland Motors, Ltd.
Works : Leyland, Lancs. London Office : 47, New Kent Road, S.E. Telegraphic addresses : " Motors Leyland" and Mstatura London."
A company like Leyland Motors, Ltd., which is in the position of being able to offer both steam and petrol-driven chassis, has a particular claim to be able to meet the require ments of municipal and other authorities. Standard tip wagons for refuse collection, and for use if necessary; with interchangeaMe watering wagons, have been supplied in-considerable numbers. The Borough of Chelsea has especially secured remarkable service from Leyland s in this class of employment. At the present time it owns 15 wagons, of which the first two were ordered in 1900. Other prominent municipal authorities which are getting satisfactory service from Leyland wagons are Westminster, Liverpool, Pontypridd, Wandsworth, Twickenham, Greenpoint, Blackburn, Belfast, Bombay, Hamburg, and Colombo. Another branch of municipal employment in which the
Leyland concern is gradually making for itself a highly desirable reputation is in the production of motor fire pumps.and other similar sell-propelled fire-brigade appliances. The machines which have been delivered so far include eight to the Londortaounty Council, two to Dublin, and others to Birkenhead.-Bury, Eastbourne, Sheffield, Stafford, Calcutta, and Hobart. Large numbers of tower _wagons have left the Leyland works. These can be fitted resPectively to three-ton, 2i ton or two-ton types of chassis, according to the weight of •
stores to be carried and the speed considered desirable. The middle size is one which, however, receives most approval. A recent order is for 12 tip wagons for Buenos Aires.
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd. Head Office and Works : Pepper Road Works, Hunslet, Leeds. London Office: 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.G. Telegraphic addresses : "Canning Leeds" and "Intensely London."
The well-known Mann steam chassis is constructed in one form as a patching roller, and this has achieved very considerable success in Great Britain amongst surveyors, and a large number of them is at work. The usual arrangement of rollers is reversed, the wide one being at the back, and separate wheels being employed under the smoke-box at the front end. This enables the wheelbase to be kept very short, which is, of course, •of great advantage for rolling short patches, as the machine can do a greater number of traverses per minute than the more common long wheelbase traction type of roller.
The Renard Commercial Motor Co., Ltd.
London Office : 82, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W.
Telegraphic address : " Ilenrotraco London."
The front-driven models which are manufactured in France, and handled in the British Empire by the Renard Commercial Motor Co., Lid., have found useful application in connection with street watering and cleansing machines. This is a particular adaptation in which the grouping of the whole of the power-generation and transmission• plant right at the front of the chassis enables the brush and water mechanism to be accommodated suitably at the rear of the chassis. A number of these combined watering and sweeping machines is already in use for the city of Paris, and inquiries are very brisk in respect of their employment in Great Britain.
Sidney Straker and Squire, Ltd.
Works : Bristol.
London Office : Nelson Square, Blackfriars, S.E. Telegraphic address: "Rhomboidal London." Straker vehicles have been employed for a large variety
of municipal and Government purposes, and this company is always ready to quote for such special machines as tramwayrepair tower wagons, dusting and watering-wagons, and lorries suitable for the use of road surveyors and similar officials. Although the company is specializing at the present time, and with very considerable success, in regard to the production of a one-ton model, it at the same time does very considerable business in respect of its heavier machines. These are all types which readily lend themselves to use for such purposes as those we have mentioned above.
It may not be inappropriate in the present section again to mention the fact 'that Sidney Straker and Squire, Ltd., haa had considerable experience in regard to the construction of tramway and light-railway ears propelled by internal-combustion engines. Machines of this class were a popular feature. at the great Franco-British Exhibition, at Shepherd's Bush', London, a few years ago. Since then, the company has had a great many inquiries from all parts of the world for machinea of this type, and has subsequently completed models for rail service of various kinds. Municipal authorities who find themselves encumbered with a non-paying electric tramway system of small capacity are likely to find success if they substitnte machines of the kind manufactured by Straker's for their electrically-propelled tramcars. Instances are known to us where this policy is being very carefully considered.
John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.
Works: Southampton and Basingstoke.
London Office : Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.
Telegraphic address : "Thornycroft London."
Thornycroft models have been constructed in a variety of types for special municipal purposes. We illustrate, on the preceding page, a useful form of self-contained automobile fire-brigade equipment, the particular example of which was supplied to Christchurch (New Zealand). Thornycroft's have achieved remarkable success in respect of municipal dust and watering wagons, and particularly is this the case in respect of the City of Westminster authorities, who have quite recently increased their fleet by an additional batch of lorries of this make, fitted with interchangeable dust-collecting and watering bodies. In regard to Govern ment employment, Thornycroft machines are being used to an increasing extent. A notable example of this class of work is afforded by a recent delivery to the Japanese War Office. The new type which has been constructed under British sub sidy conditions is mentioned in the two sections which precede the present one.