Representative Makers of Components, Accessories and Plant.
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Alidays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering
Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Matchless Works, Birmingham.
A great feature is made by this company of its forges and furnaces, fired both by oil and gas. It is of rapidly increasing importance that modern high-speed tools and cutters should be hardened and tempered with the utmost care, and it
is only by the use of suitable furnaces that this work can be done with safety and economy. Large-aise furnaces are supplied for such purposes as the heating of long bars for nut and bolt making, drop-stamp forgings, etc. Smaller furnaces, and forced-draught blowers are also made, and in addition a lunge of pyrometers is manufactured for use with these appliances. Shop cranes to lift up to two tons will he found of great service when lifting engines and chassis. These are fitted with an automatic self-sustaining arrangement. Reference to the Alldays and Onion light and heavy vehicles will be found on page 7, in Section A.
Acetylene Illuminating Co., Ltd.
Office and Works: 26S-70, South Lambeth Road, London, S.E.
This company specializes in the manufacture of oxyacetylene high-pressure cutting and welding plants. During the last few years a. great deal of valuable experience has been aequired in this direction. It is no longer necessary for a user of motor vehicles to order new parts in every ease when a breakage of, say, a crankcase, cylinder jacket, spur pinion, etc., occurs. Owing to the development of this branch of welding. new pieces can be let into the fractured part, cranks can be repaired, and, when required, the treated part is hardened and machined, when found necessary, to finished sizes. The Actylene Illuminating Co., Ltd., supplies complete plants which can be sent abroad and placed in active service without delay in repair shop or works.
Aster Engineering Co., Ltd. Head Office and Works : Wembley, Middlesex.
Aster engines have made a name for themselves which is favourably known to engineers in all parts of the world. • It has been the practice of this company for some time now to manufacture engines for use in chassis built by other makers. Many well-known motor manufacturers employ the famous Aster engine as the power unit in their productions. A fine range of engine models is also made by this company ; these are intended for utilitarian purposes, such as pumping, the generation of electric current for lighting and heating, and so forth. The Wembley shops are well equipped for the undertaking of repair work in all its branches.
Aron Taximeter, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : 80a, Salusbury Road Kilburn, London, N.W.
Prominent amongst the taximeters which are looked upoi with favour by both drivers and owners of motorcabs, ar well as by the public generally, is the Aron,,a taximeter which has been approved by the National Physical Laboratory, and by Scotland Yard and other licensing authorities. This appliance can be supplied with figures to represent any required foreign distance a n d ooinage units. During the last 12 months, several modifications and improvements have been made in the constructiol. of this meter. The dial is now provided with black or red figures, as may be desired, on a white background.
The clear-faced Aron meter,
James Bartle and Co.
Office and Works : 23Cia, Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, London, W.
We are enabled to illustrate the "Easyweigh " six-ton hydraulic jack, which is a speciality manufactured by this firm of engineers. This jack has been designed with a view to supplying the needs of those who require heavy lifting tackle, and who, at the zame time, are in need of weighing apparatus, a.nd yet are not in a position to put down a weighbridge. The " Easvweigh " jack is ingeniously designed to register the weight which it is lifting while it is in operation. The simplicity of its movernent is remarkable: there are no valves, the liquid being displaced by a hand-operated screw. A small hey can, as a matter of fact, lift the front of a steam wagon with it. It is a jack which we can confidently recommend to all those who are using heavy vehicles of any kind. It also has considerable possibilities in connection with the employment by tramway, railway and other authorities; it can be supplied with or without the weighing gauge.
It is interesting to note that these makers also handle a number of other specialities, amongst which are special towing hooks of the English War Office subsidy pattern, and tipping gear for tip wagons.
David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield;:, Ltd.
Works : Lockwood, Huddersfield. London Office : 34, Old Bond Street, London, W. For many years this company has made a special feature of its machine-cut gears and gear-cutting plant. The bevel-gear generator known as the " No. 2 D.B.S." will be found of great service in large repair and engineering shops, for cutting teeth and wheels of many descriptions. It need hardly be ea:al that a machine of this kind must be kept continually employed if it is to prove a profitable investment. Most of our readers will, no doubt, prefer to order the required number of cut wheels direct from David Brown and Co., Ltd. On the other hand, municipalities and large firms, who have enough gearwheel work to do, will find that it pays to add the special machine to their existing plant.
A permanent staff of experts is employed by the company, which is pleased thoroughly to enter into the gearing requirements of customers and to prepare designs and specifications well-suited to particular conditions. The important question of the relative advantages of the under nr over-type wormdrive for reae axles is one upon which the David Brown staff is particularly qualified to advise. The drives are made for many differing duties.
The Bosch Magneto Co.. Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Kimberley Road, Kilburn, London, N.W.
If not actually the first sueeeesful magneto to be applied to internal-combustion engine ignition the Bosch was certainly very early in the field. The good name for reliability and long life earned by this machine in its earliest years has not deteriorated in any way by the test of time. The Bosch Magneto Co., -Ltd., has recently placed on the market a mechanical lubricator, which is one of the most simple and efficient of its .type. This appliance has been largely taken up by railway companies, motorbus companies and similar large users. Its action is at once simple and efficient, and a large range of oil feeds can be obtained when it is in use. A special type has been designed for motor vehicles, and this can be supplied with any required' given number of feeds. Self-advancing and other special magnetos are applied to suit customers' individual requirements.
Brame*, Ltd.
Head Office and Works: Coventry, England. A great feature is made by this company of its the filler, which is intended to dispense with the labour incurred in the pumping up of pneumatic tires. This inflator consists, in effect, of _a small two-stage air compressor_ In 'LIM, it is screwed into either of the engine valve caps. A pressure gauge is furnished with the appliance., which registers up to 140 11)., and 12 ft. of strengthened ,1 in. hose, fitted with standard size nozzles, is also supplied. The total weight is 5 lb., and the model is simple and strongly constructed. Many of the taxicab owners have found that to provide drivers with this appliance is a very profitable investment, and its increasing • sales prove that users are realizing the value of carrying the inflator in the toolbox. • This company is also interested in the manufacture of the La France oil-driven motor wagon, full particulars of which it will be pleased to forward to readers who are interested, and who apply.
The British Chuck and Piston Ring Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Sandy Lane, Coventry, England.
A great feature is made by the British Chuck and Piston Bing Co., Lttl.„ of the special metal, and machining methods empinyed, in the production of all its piston rings, particularly those intended for use on petrol engines. We need hardly point out the importance of these fittings being an absolute fit in the cylinders, if economy and power in running are to be obtained, Brown Bros., Ltd.
Read Office : 22-34, Gt. Eastern Street, London, E.G.
lt would be difficult to state any motor accessory, particularly as regards heaVy vehicles, which cannot. be supplied by this famous company. We understand that it does an extraordinarily large business with the various Colonies, and other emantries, in vehicle supplies, garage and workshop requisites, and so on Machine tools, benches, forges, hand tools of every description, lamps, and many hundreds of other supplies, are handled. A further range of vehicleparts, garage equipment, brake lining—the famous Raybestos brand— tires, covers, clothing, etc., is also kept in stock, whetice the many depots and agencies of Brown Bros., Ltd., in Ell parts of the world, are continually replenished.
Bruhn's Taxameter, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : 245, Gray's Inn Road. London, W.C.
Bruhn's taximeter is now in use in practically every city throughout the world where taxicabs and light commercial vehicles are in service. Many corporations, municipalities and licensing authorities, who have held competitions in order thoroughly to test various mileage and fare-reaording mechanisms, have ultimately decided to adopt the standard Bruhn taximeter for this purpose. It is interesting, for instance, to note that 6300 Brill-ins are in eerviee in Buenos Aires Ea-me.
The city of Florence has adopted this taximeter within the last few weeks, after drastic tests of several makers' productions had been held. It is unnecessary for us to enter hero into the constructional details of this appliance. We may add a few words to the lateet production of this company, viz., the dashboard mile recorder. Of this we reproduce an illustration herewith. It will be seen that its details are designed on taximeter lines.
R. W. Com'.
Head Office and Works : 219, Goswell Road, London, E. C.
The great increase in the use of aluminium for motor chassis has given Mr. Robert W. Coan his opportunity, and he is doing a large and expanding business in supplying wants for aluminium castings of all descriptions. Although prepared to quote prices for eyery requirement in this kind of work. Mr. Coan has specialized for some years in the particular needs of both light and heavy commercial motors, and a large stock of patterns is carrieal, which allow almost any order to be promptly carried out. The Commercial and Marine Engine Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Oak Works, Church Road, Hanwell, London, W.
It is more than a passing tribute to the present and future importance of the commercial motor, that many firma are finding it advantageous to devote their sole energies to the production of some essential component part for use on heavy motor vehicles. The Commercial and Marine Engine Co.. Ltd., is a case in point This company, which is a comparative newcomer to the industry, has a well-equipped plant capable of turning out a considerable number of engines Weekly. it is the intention of the directors to specialize in 35 h.p. and 45 h.p. engines, intended for uses on commercial kzehicles.
The Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.
Office and Works : Spon End Works, Coventry.
Many prominent makers of industrial chassis have fitted the Coventry roller chains to their vehicles. Some of these have a special chain designed for their own particular use, which the Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., manufactures. It has been possible, by this means, for the above company to produce a range of chains suitable for many different patterns of petrol and steam-driven vehicles. The company has considerable sale for use in chain-drive gearboxes.
Rotas Motor Accessories Co. London office : 43-45, Gt. Eastern Street, E.C.
On the eve of going to press we have received from this company particulars of the latest Rotas manufactures. These consist chiefly of lighting-equipment accessories for use on commercial motors, and they include dynamos, lamps, generators, accumulators, etc.
Fenestre Cadisch and Co.
Head Office : 17, Harp Lane, London, E. C.
These factors are agents for a number of specialities, many of which are quite well known to users of commercial-motor vehicles. We may specially mention the Zenith carburetter, which is a feature of several of the best-known types of commercial motors. A new slow-running device has been added to the standard Zenith recently, and the results accruing from its use are stated to be remarkable. Other specialities handled by this firm to which we would draw attention are the wellknown Vinet removable pneumatic tire rim, the " R.B.F." ball bearings, the exceptional range of Goliath motor horns, and the Alpha series of electric and acetylene lamps.
Drummond Bros., Ltd, Head Office and Works : Guildford,
Catering for all deems of users, both large and small, the machine tools made by Drummond Bros., Ltd., are meeting with a ready sale in all parts of the world. Agencies have
been fixed up in many of the principal towns and countries, and users of business motore should experience no difficulty in getting in touch with some agent or depot within easy distance of their headquarters. It becomes a serious matter, if motor delivery vehicles are held up, maybe for days, while waiting for some component part to be returned from the nearest repair depot after attention. The Drummond machine-tools arc designed throughout with a view to the requirements of the small user. For the repairer, and for the owner who does his own maintenance they are just the thing. The lathe illustrated herewith is a wonderful all-round tool, and its use is strongly recommended. Doherty motor Componenots, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Earl Street, Coventry.
The radiators for heavy motor vehicles, manufactured by
the Doherty are now well known to manufacturer and users. The Co.,1. years experience of Doherty Motor Com ponents, Ltd., in the construction of this type of accessory has been turned to good account in the latest patterns. Thi cast aluminium radiator, of which a special feature is made. is meeting with great success, and is being fitted in place oi the ordinary sheet-metal form of radiator, on many machines. Repairs and old-type accessories of this nature are effectively dealt with at the factory, where a large plant has beer erected for the purpose.
Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., Ltd, Head Office : Corporation Street, Birmingham.
This company is doing an increasing business in the supply of the well-known Timken double-duty thrust roller hearings ‘Ve understand that these specialities are being incorporated in the designs of commercial vehicles of many of the leadim makers. The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd. has fitted a large number of its vehicles with this type of bearing, tin increasing use of which testifies to its all-round efficiency,
Electric Ignition Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Sparkbrook, Birmingham.
Makers and users of motor-driven commercial vehicles look with favour on the productions of the Electric Ignition Co., Ltd., which was one of the pioneers in the electrical ignition business. All the productions of this company have been kept up-to-date, and modified and extended as the industry progressed. Sparking plugs, charging sets and accumulators, all come within the range of goods manufactured, and the factory is now equipped to handle a large volume of work.
Fastnut, Ltd.
Head Office : 115, Newgate Street, London, E.C.
Although many potent lock nuts are manufactured and sold, it is doubtful whether any one of these closely approaches the Fastnut, so far as safety in use and cheapness in cost are concerned. This device is now extensively used by machinery makers and engineers generally. It, has been largely incorporated by chassis makers in their models, especially where it is known that the work to be done will produce undue vibration and shaking. Its Use saves much time in assembling.
Fastnut, Ltd., also manufactures a wide range of adjustable spanners, wrenches, washers and so forth, all of which are distinguished by some simple and effective improvement.
Torino Manufacturing Co.
London Office : 67-8, Bunhill Row, E.C.
Most of the Torino specialities are connected with the question of bal1 bearings and similar appliances. Roller bearings, plummer blocks, and many other kinds of workshop appliances are manufactured by this firm, and these are so designed as to incorporate the use of Tormo balls. In addition, this company manufactures packing materials, and joints for gas. petrol, steam engines, etc.
The Herbert Frood Co., Ltd.
Works: Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire. London Office : Upper Rathbone Place, London, W.
Many metals and compositions have been tried from time to time in the search for some suitable material which can be used for the lining of brake blocks and clutches. Few of those have, on the whole, given greater satisfaction in service than has the special fabric-metal composition known as Ferodo, which is manufactured and sold by the Herbert Frond Co., Ltd. Ferodo is used for the lining of vehicle brake blocks by many railway and tramway companies, and motorbus companies in all parts of the world line the clutches and brakes of their machines with it: results are excellent. This material is made up in sheets and blocks, which present no trouble in cutting and working into any required shape. Some of the Ferodo clutch linings have done very big mileages under heavy service conditions. The Herbert Freed Co., Ltd.. has lately produced a special improvement intended for use with Forodo, which greatly assists in keeping the lining cool when in use. It consists, broadly speaking, of a corrugated metal sheet, which is placed between the Ferodo lining and the brake block proper, avid greatly assists in dispersing by radiation the heat generated during application of the brake.
Fletcher, Russell and Co., Ltd. Head Office and Works: Warrington, Lanes.
The great improvement made of late years in high-speed steels has led to the introduction of many appliances which are specially intended for the treating and working of such material. A satisfactory hardening and annealing furnace is essential if the best work is to be obtained from high-speed
steels. The furnace illustrated herewith is a representative type of such an appliance. It is manufactured by Fletcher, Iluesell and Co., Ltd. From the illustration it will be seen that the furnace is both light and portable; the adjustment for gas and air is easily regulated, and other useful features are incorporated. We may briefly mention that a unique series of furnaces is made bythis company which are fitted with special burners for using petroleum fuels. These will be found serviceable in isolated towns where coal-gas is not available, or where the low cost of oil renders its use economical.
Halda Taximeter Co., Ltd.
London Office : 15, Chapel Street, Euston Road, London, N.W.
, The Halda works, which are situated in Sweden. have this year celebrated their 25th anniversary. The taximeter produced at these works is a good example of careful design and accurate construction. The meter has been approved by many public licensing authorities, and is well spoken of by users who have fitted and tested it. Many Heide taximeters are in service in London and other big British cities, and they are also favourably looked upon by many Overseas users. The universal application permissible witfl this instrument is a strong point in its favour. It can be geared to horsed cabs, sledges, and so forth, as well as, of course, to ordinary motordriven vehicles. This taximeter can be suited to all foreign coinage and distance data. The British Motor Cab Co., Ltd., has fitted, in all, 1500 of its cabs with Halda taximeters.
Harvey, Frost and Co., Ltd.
London Office : 39 and 41, Great Eastern Street, E.C.
We need hardly say at this stage that Harvey, Frost and Co., Ltd., occupies a prominent position in everything pertaining to tire repairs. It is a hard fact that one of the greatest expenses connected with the running of commercialmotor vehicles is that of tires. A really bad cut, during the early days of a tire's life, will frequently lead to early total destruction, if it he not seen to at an early stage. The HY. Co. supplies all kinds of vulcanizing plants, both large and small. It will repay many users of light vans, motorcabs or parcelears to put down a small H.F. vulcanizer. Many a tire can be invested with further mileage capacity if repairs are tackled promptly.
Alfred Herbert, Ltd.
Works : Coventry, England. London Office : 64, Victoria Street, S.W.
During the hist year many improvements have been made to the big range of machine tools made by Alfred Herbert, Ltd. At the Engineering and Machinery Exhibition held at Olympia in October lust, the exhibits s‘aged by this concern were a centre of interest to many engineers who had travelled from the Continent and abroad in order to purchase ma
chinery. It is not too much to say that there is little machine work in connection with the engineering industry, which there is no Herbert tool capable of handling with maximum production. economy.
Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Works : Chelmsford, Essex. London Office : 59, New Oxford Street, W.
The ball bearings made by this company represent the latest practice in this particular class of work. The last few years have seen the ball-hearing principle applied to many hitherto unheard-of uses. It is to the enterprise and initiativ.: of such concerns as the Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which seized upon and demonstrated many new departures in which ball bearings could profitably be utilized, that this extended application is due.
Hollings and Guest (1908), Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Thimble Mill Lane, Birmingham.
Of particular interest to our readers, so far as the manufactures of this company are concerned, are the special hydraulic tire and screw presses. These appliances are constantly being supplied to tire firms in England and Overseas. Many of the well-known tire companies employ from six to twelve of these presses. These are designed to deal with a. great number cf band tires. Overseas readers, however, will be specially interested in the smaller screw press, which is worked by hand, and which is intended for use where only one or two vehicles are employed. Providing always that the steel-tire band has not been rusted on the wheel for years, this press is powerful enough to remove it, and also to replace a new one without trouble. In case, however, of any band being almost irremovably rusted on, it can be removed by sawing and breaking. A new tire can then be put on, with the aid of the Hollings and Guest screw press, which is capable of giving a total squeeze of 40 tons.
Kirkstall Forge Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Kirkstall, Leeds.
The steels and irons marketed by the Kirkstall Forge Co., Ltd., are in great demand by motor chassis makers. Great attention has been paid to the manufactures of this company with a view to securing the highest material strength, consistent with durability, and ease in machining. Kirkstall crankshafts, and drop-stamp forgings of all kinds are excellent examples of the company's work. The .Kirkstall Forge Co. also manufactures bars and girders of all sections and in all sizes. It produces, too, the Butler axle.
The International Time Recording Co. London Office : 151-155, City Road, E.C.
The keen competition existing in almost every industry at the present time, has led responsible managers, seriously to consider the question of the few wasted moments which occur here and there in almost every factory and works. This
wasted time is of great importance where the number of employees is considerable. In order to assist, in the tracing and prevention of this odd-moment delay, the International Time Recording Co, manufactures a range of instruniseits Which is largely used by employers of labour all over the world. Briefly, the system consists of a cluck and recorder, itt which the employee is required to place a specially-numbered card, inscribed with his name, and on which the time of starting and leaving work is recorded by the insertion of the card into a slot provided in the clock.
Markt and Co. (London), Ltd. Head Office : 6, City Road, London, E.C.
A large range of accessories suitable for use on commercial vehicles is handled by this enterprising house. It would be impossible to mention or to describe here even a small percentage of the specialities in which Markt and Co. is interested. An appliance which has met with a great amount of euccess is known as the Little Giant wheel puller. Even a tightly driven-en wheel can be shifted with the help of this tool. The appliance consists of a suitably-proportioned screwclamp having adjustable arms. Engineers will at once grasp the possibilities of this construction when applied to the removing of refractory wheels.
Metropolitan Fare Register Co., Ltd.
Office and Works : 80, Belvedere Road, London, 8.E.
This machine represents the latest construction in taximeter design. Special care has been taken to render it safe from ill-usage and faking. The passenger has a clear view of the amount charged against him, owing to the careful face design of the taximeter. This combined time-and-distance recording apparatus has received the approval of many authorities. It is popular with cab-owners.
Another speciality manufactured by this company comprises etrong, flexible tubes known under the name of Vim. This conSista of an outer flexible tube, which is made up of a series of *coiled wires, inside which short bushes or ferrules are tightly inserted_
Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd.
}lead Office and Works Belmont Works, Battersea, London, S.W.
It is difficult to describe the precise advantages possessed by the Price lubricants without entering into a long technical dissertation. Space does not permit of this being done here, and we must content ourselves therefore with stating briefly thatthe lubricants and greases made by Price's Patent Candle Cc., Ltd., are representative of the latest and best practice. Many motor manufacturers recommend the use of Price's oils.
Hans Renold, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Progress Works, Brook Street, Manchester.
The chains made by this company require no urgent recomtremdation from WI. Their application to motor-driven vehicles is already considerable. Overseas readers, however, may not be aware that this maker supplies chains for many other purposes than that of final-drive transmission. Amongst these other applications may be cited chains for transmitting power in the workshop, for auxiliary motors, lathes, gearboxes and other machines and accessories. It may be stated broadly that, wherever belts are employed for power transmission, Hans Renold, Ltd., is equipped to supply a scheme and quotation for a specially-designed chain drive, which would do the required work.
The Record Oil Co.
London Office: 104, Leadenball Street, E.C.
This company manufactures several brands of oils and greases, which it is claimed should be of special interest to users of taxicabs and light commercial motors. Prominent, amongst these manufactures is the lubricating oil designated ," T 43," and the. grease known as "G 8." Many users have expressed their satisfaction with these products, while the maker states that they are the lowest-priced lubricants on the market.
Silvertown Lubricants. Works: West Silvertown, London.
A special feature is made by this company of the brands of oil known as Agrimotor and Commotor. These are manufactured for use, as the name indicates, in agrirnotors and commercial motors. The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., is a user of these products. Spiral Tube and Components Co.
Head Office and Works : 24 and 24a, Caledonia Street, King's Cross, London, N.
A rapidly-increasing number of motor vehicles is now being equipped with these radiators. It would be difficult to imagine a more-efficient system of tube cooling than that adopted by the Spiral Tube and Components Ce. It is particularly important, where machines are to operate in tropical climes, that the cooling system should be extremely efficient. The success which is attending the use of spiral tubes for vehicles intended for use under a hot sun, is ample proof that this component is proving satisfactory in service. The tube made by this concern presents many advantages over the ordinary type: it is both light and strong, and the minimum of soldering is needed in the jointing of the corrugated ribbon, which is helically wound on the tnise. The company has had groat experience in radiator construction, and the plaiit installed is capable of turning out a large number of these components. Further accessories which are made comprise dashboards, bonnets, tanks, fans, exhausts, silencers, and so forth.
Steel Barrel Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Uxbridge, Middlesex.
This company specializes in the manufacture of welded steel tanks for all purposes connected with the use of corn. mercial motors. Large-sized tanks for the storage of spirit. both underground and in exposed positions in bulk, arc made. The smaller casks, barrels, and similar products, made by this company are extensively used in workshops and garages for oil, acid, and other storage purposes. A special plant has been laid down at the Uxbridge works, and this is equipped with suitable tools capable of dealing with the welding of broken component parts of motor vehicles. Here cracked cylinders can be welded, and broken components Can effectively be repaired. Such parts as fractured rear-axles, crankshafts, etc., can be welded, and afterwards machined,
hardened, and ground to their original size. The Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., also manufactures a range of welded steel tanks for use with motor-driven road tank-wagons.
The Stern Sonnebora Oil Co., Ltd.
lie ad Office : Royal _London House, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.
The lubricating oils and greases for oil and gas engines, electric motors, dynamos, chassis, and so forth, made by Stern Sonneborn, are well known. A product which is not quite so well known, but 'which is rapidly making a reputation for itself, is Screwol, which is a soluble oil for use on machine tools. An extremely ingenious oil-testing machine has been designed by this company for the purpose of testihg lubricants and greases. Samples of these products if forwarded by the company's clients, will be testes', free of charge, and a full report as to the quality and properties they possess given. This is a useful facility to many vehicle users.
Terrell, Swann and Co.
London Office : 9, Regent Street, W.
. Cast aluminium lamps form the bulk of this trader's productions. The method of manufacture dispenses with the use of joints, rivets and solder, and only three separate parts are employed in the complete lamp. These advantages will, no doubt, be much appreciated by users Overseas, to whom the question of efficient lighting is of great importance. The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., is ordering large nuinbers. of these lamps. A special generator known as the
" Wick-fed " is made by Terrell, Swann and and when this accessory is used with the cast aluminium Co.,lamps, the ciempany will guarantee both lamp and generator for a period of two years.
'T. Toward and Co.
Works : St. Laurence Iron Works, Ouseburn, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
London Office : 57, Gracechurch Street, E.C.
This manufacturer is engaged in the production of several specialities which are particularly of service for use Overseas. Prominent amongst these may be placed the tar-macadam mixing machine, with boiler attached, which is serviceable for road-making purposes. Other specialities which are likely to prove of service to our readers are the steel vertical-crosstube boilers, which are designed for the driving of steamengine and other power plant. Rectangular and cylindrical flanged-steel tanks may also be mentioned as other useful manufactures of this company, and itis interesting to note that a special burner, designed for nee with paraffin boilers, is manufactured and can be used with Toward boilers. nil
Tubes, *Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Birmingham.
The increasing demand for efficiency in the construction and design of commercial motors has led several firms to give 'great attention to the materials and construction of various (component parts, on which the life of chassis may be said ;materially to depend. A prominent British factory which (has specialized in this particular-clase of work is Tubes, Ltd. ,It need hardly be said that expert opinion on back-axle (sleeves, torque tubes, and high-grade nickel-steel components, !etc., may readily be obtained from this company. Nothing 1,could he more conducive to extravagance in running than the trepeated failures of, say, a torque tube on a commercial vehicle, which may be, at the time, operating at a distance of several hundred miles from the nearest depot. It is only by paying strict attention to the materials from which these parts are made, that such a disastrous possibility can be obviated.
United Motor Industries, Ltd.
London Office : 45-6, Roland Street, W. It is questionable whether this company is not better known as the D.W.F. It is claimed that the balls made by United Motor Industries, Ltd., are accurate to within 1-50,000th part ef an inch, and most elaborate plant has been laid down to ensure this dead accuracy in every single D.W.F. product. The steel used is of the highest class obtainable, and the 'manufacturing processes employed are intended to secure the best possible finish, without regard to cost of production.
C. A. Vandervell and Co.
Office and Works : Warple Way, Acton Vale, London, W. •
The C.A.V., dynamo-lighting system differs from all others in many essential features, one of which is the fact that a magnetic cut-out is not needed. By an ingenious use of the magnetic actions and reactions which occur between the armature and the field magnets, the output is kept constant at all speeds of the engine. It is a well-known fact that if a dynamo be run as a motor, and supplied with current from an accumulator, the amount of current taken will be proportionate to the load. In the case of a machine which is driven through chain or gearing by an engine, it will naturally= try to drive the engine, and the current will be excessive. In the C.A.V. dynamo a simple freewheel is interposed between the pulley sad the armature spindle, so that, when the engine is stopped, or is run too slowly for the dynamo to charge the accumulators, the armature may still revolve quite freely, thus overrunning the driving pulley. Owing to the design of this machine, a very small current is taken from the battery, because it is impossible to put any load upon the dynamo shaft while it is running az a motor. In service this system is meeting with a considerable amount of success. A large number of sets is in use on industrial vehicles.
C. C. Wakefield and Co.
London Office : 27, Cannon Street, E.C.
It is by now, we think, universally known, at any rate to users of motor vehicles, that a proper system of lubrication, together with suitable lubricants, must be employed if anything like the desired efficiency is to be obtained from motordriven vehicles in constant service. There are one or two firms who have made the question of lubrication and lubrirants a special study. The demand which is experienced for the services and manufactures of these firms is sufficient evidence that the departure has been fully justified. Prominent amongst the makers of oils and greases for motor vehicles is the firm of C. C. Wakefield and Co., whe manufacture a special lubricant known as Castro]. A range of oils known as the Wakefield motor oils and greases is specially intended for use on commercial motors. Many important tests and records with well-known machines have been made when these lubricants have been need.
Henry Watson and Sons, Ltd.
Head Office and Works: High Bridge Works, Walker Gate, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Henry Watson and Sons, Ltd., is particularly concerned with its high-grade castings for motor component parts. It is claimed that metal possessing unique qualities is used in this connection. Some few weeks ago we published in the ordinary weekly issue of Tuz COMM:MCI al, Moron a series of micro-photographs, specially taken for us, which showed in graphic fashion the difference between the Watson special metal which is known as Phosforum, and the metal which is ordinarily used for brasses and bearings.
White and Poppe, Ltd.
Head Office and Works : Lockhart Lane, Coventry.
The engines made by this company are well-represented in Overseas countries. Some purchasers of petrol-driven vehicles make a point of specifying that a White and Poppe engine shall be installed in place of the chassis maker's own engine. Over a series. of years this power unit has made a name for itself for reliability, and economy in upkeep aud power. The later models produced show no falling off in these respects.
W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd.
Head Office and Warehouse : 23, Southwark Street, London, S.E.
A special feature of its supplies intended for use on motor vehicles and in garages, repair shops and so forth, is made by W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd. ft might aptly be termed the " Universal Provider" of stores for the motor industry. Lubricating oils, steam and petrol fittings, hose, pumps, and
many other articles are sold by this concern. The semirotary pumps, in particular, have achieved a great name for themselves owing to their constructional simplicity and also to their efficiency. Overseas users who would like to be placed in touch with a company which can supply all their wants, so far as motor vehicles and their upkeep are concerned, cannot do better than communicate with W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd., at its London office.
S. Wolf and Co.
Head Office : 115, Southwa,rk Street, London, S.E.
S. Wolf and Co. is known chiefly for the various agencies of which it possesses the British selling rights. We may mention the following as being amongst the most important: Solex carburetors; W.H. magnetos; S.R.O. ball-races; Cleophone electric horns; Sauser sparking plugs; and portable electric-drilling machines, which latter are able to handle quite a large range of work.
E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd.
Works: Soho, Birmingham, England.
London Office : 28, Victoria, Street, Westminster, S.W.
For many years this concern has made a speciality of transmission sets and gearing. It is this company's contention that very few manufacturers make every part of the car, and with the constantly increasing demand for higher of& cienciea, makers of chassis cannot pay the attention to tin many important details indissolnbly connected with gears and gear wheels which such parts demand_ Accordingly, a special plant to cope with such work has been set up, and a trained staff is engaged, who are prepared to go into every little detail connected with gear problems. Gearboxes, back axles, and similar complete units are also manufactured by this company.
Robert Park and Co., Ltd.
Head Office : 91-93, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.
It is quite likely that heavy motors and machines ordered from English makers by our Overseas readers will be placed in the hands of Robert eark and Co., Ltd., for shipment. A large and increasing shipping business has been built up, which is recognized by many of the leading motor and accessory manufacturers, as being the most prominent of its kind. Readers who are interested in the shipment of machinery of any description cannot do better than get into touch with this company, with a view to having their requirements and inquiries satisfactorily met. A large fund of interesting data is filed, which deals with foreign money values, shipping rates, dimensions, and so forth.