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A New Steel Barrel Kerbstone Petrol Supply Apparatus, which Facilitates Filling of the Fuel Tank.
M. ANY CONCEOS, directly. or otherwise asso ciated with the motor industry,. are kee=ping . . an eye on the possibility of post-war extension and development, and with this end in View they are at the present time in many case S .laying plans % and-'forimilating schemes as tentative as they may possibly be If a concern is in a position,as a restilt of contemplative foresight, to exploit new specialities of approved and efficient quality, so soon as war-like conditions cease they should ,obviously hold the field against more lethargic competitors. -Inthis reSpePt it is noteworthy to refer to. the praiseworthy efforts of the Steel .Barrel Co., Ltd., -Ukbri-dge. -' This company has recently ,constructed n. new kerbstone petrol supply apparatus,-and. although it Can be obtained at the :Present tiMe. -under the usual._ priqrity certificate, it will unquestionably fill a more eV-tended market atter the peace.. . From our illustrations it will be seen that the apparatus is extremely compact and neat; moreover, at first glance it would appear, as it actually is, to be siniple in opeijation. The makers have avoided sp far as, is possible the embodiment of intricate mechanical fittings which. might easily deterrently affect the accuracy of the apparatus. The.general construction can readily be observed. Inside the outer casing is arranged a container, which .has. a-Measured capacity of five gallons. This container can either be filled by gravity feed from the main supply tank, which in turn receives its supply from the underground tanks, or it can be independently used direct from the bulk installation plant underground. The height of the spirit in this container is shown on a narrow glass. gauge in front, which is coloured in order to accentuate the visibility of the spirit. Alongside this glass. gauge is a metal indicator, which is accurately gradu ated in pints up to -five gallons. Slidably fitted on this indicator is a pointer, which enables the person drawing off a supply of fuel to ascertain that he is receiving a proper measure. This indicator has beeti approved and stampedby the Board of Trade. as
• accurate in its reading..
The container can be filled .uponopening a valve in the lower part of the apparatus, any surplus, quantity of spirit over and above-.the five gallons being returned to the underground-tank. by way of an overflow pipe from the head of the container. A flexible hose conveys the spirit from the container't&the tank of the -ve.hicie.
It is fitted at its delivery end with a device.te avoid.. the risk of spilling the spirit.. The possibility of -fie has also been counteracted.
The mode of operation is as follows. The container is filled and the pointer fixed as showing the contents before drawing off. The mini-rotary hand pump is then Operated a few times to create a vacuum, and
then provided that the receiving tank of the vehicle to be filled is lower than the supply apparatus, the contents automatically syphon out. If the full capacity of the container is not required, a small cock fitted at the head of the syphon can be opened to admit air which stops the working of the syphon and likewise the flow of spirit. If a larger supply than the container's capacity is required, the same: operation can be readily performed over and over again. The risk of wastage of spirit has been guarded' against. Should any drippings come from the flexible hose after use, a drainer which is used as a rest for the nozzle, and is fitted with a close-mesh gauze, takes this leakage back to the main supply tank. If for any reason it is deemed necessary to empty the container itself, this can be carried out by operating a valve fitted for this purpose. The lower portion of the apparatus is fitted with ventilators, so that a current of air with an unimpeded-flow can carry away any petrol vapour fumes which may be given off. In this thorough manner the risk of fire or explosion is avoided.
Should the syphon system through some unaceohntable reason fail, the semi-rotary hand pump would still deliver a supply of spirit, but in this case it would have to be worked by hand. We have been enabled to make a close examination of the apparatus, and the results of our scrutiny ' fully endorse the claims for accuracrand efficiency of working made by the manufacturers. So soon as the halcyon days once again dawn, this type of kerbstone supply apparatus should find much favour with garage men generally. Its advantages are obviously so manifold as to need no emphasis on our part.
During the course of our visit to the Steel Barrel Co.'s premises we were afforded an opportunity of running over the works. The company is working at full pressure at the present time on urgent Government contracts, which are beingexpeditiously executed. We were able to see for ourselves the familiar steel barrels made by the company, on which, by the way, a firm and solid reputation has been founded, in the various stages of construction and subsequent test. We were impressed with the methodical dare and scrupulous supervision displayed in their production, points, which unquestionably bear an invaluable relationship to the strength and durability of the company's speciality.