Yo Training -Scheme for , Vehicle Builders • A LTHOUGH discussions
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-reopened "Imore than two years ago, no national. cheme has yet been agreed for training pprentices in the vehicle-building ndustry. This was reported on Monday iy Mr. A. E. Morrish, at the annual [inference of the National Employers' kssociation of Vehicle Builders.
He said talks about training started gain in 1956 after an interruption from 951, but the trade unions disagreed with he draft scheme on four. points. They lid not think apprenticeships should be erminafed for disobedience or incompeence, nor did they want evening-class nendance to be compulsory. They also .uggested that no recommendations hould be made concerning other young vorkers, and that attendance at day chool should be allowed up to the age if 21, instead of 18. .
Mr. Morrish said compromise had ieen reached on some points, but a move rom the union was now awaited, OBITUARY NE regret to announce the deaths of yr MR. NORMAN CLARENCE ALEXANDER ;PURGEOP,F, MR. ALEC KINGSLEY IOLOSHER, MR. ANTHONY GEORGE 3RUNDY and MIL H. DYMOND. .
Mr. Spurgeon was deputy managing lirector of the Lockheed Hydraulic 3rake Co., Ltd., and the associated cornianies, Automotive Products,. Ltd., And 3.org and Beck, Ltd. He joined . the ockheed organization as an accountant. n 1922, and was responsible for much if the reorganization and expansion ollowing the war. He was 55.
Mr. Hollisher, who was 61, became ;eneral transport manager of Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd., Nottingham, in 1946, ifter being traffic manager. He repreented the company on several transport :ommittees.
Mr. Grundy was formerly general nanager of the Stalybridge, Hyde, i4ossley and Dukinfield Transport Board.
• Mr. Dymond had been service [tanager of A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., for 17 fears when he retired in 1955.
:',OLOUR SERVICE FOR OPERATORS IT:AMITIES for giving comprehensive technical service on all colour probems are provided in a new laboratory iuilding erected by Imperial Chemical ndustries, Ltd., at Slough, Bucks. Here, :ustomers can seek advice on 'painting pecifications and application techniques ind operatives can receive specialized raining.
Separate sections of the building are ft:voted to pretreatment, industrial, notor manufacturers and re-finish. comnercial transport, wood finish, decorative ,nd marine applications. The transport ection comprises two large rooms, fully !quipped with spray booths, ovens and _ ' rubbing deck," One. bay is used .for he trial of air-drying synthetic. paints' ised on buses. and coaches. In another; dectrostatic equipment has been installed. or the experimental painting of vehicles .nd parts.