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27th June 1958
27th June 1958
Page 1
Page 1, 27th June 1958

Page 39

A Flank Uncovered

T HE 47-day London bus strike, which has caused the London Transport Executive an immediate loss of revenue of £2m. and has...

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Road Transport's Field in Agriculture

ESPITE Britain's enormous and growing pro ductivity in other directions, agriculture remains one of our most important...

Passing Comments

Interesting Claims From Japan T HROUGHOUT the world chemists and other technicians are searching and experimenting with, all...

Page 41

One Hears—

That two (or more) Hands are better than one. That although at the front they are always at the back. That infra-red analysis...

Page 42

£394 Fines—Now Four Vehicles Deleted

F OUR of the 12 special-A-licence vehicles operated by S. Grirnshaw and Sons, Ltd., Holme Lane, Selby, were last week deleted...

Page 45

Vehicle Struck Off in "Flagrant Case": Two Lorries Suspended

A N A-licence vehicle operated by a partnership, F. Handcock, Allendale, "Hexham, was struck off by the Northern Licensing...

B.R.S. Accuse Former

• Sub-contractor F R a sub-contractor to contact a cusO tomer direct and take the traffic away from the major haulier . was...

Inter-company Linking Sought

application to amalgamate the Robinson group of excursion licences covering the main towns in East Lancashire was heard by the...

Page 46

Men in the News

MR. HAROLD WATKINSON, Minister of Transport, will open the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court on September 26. MR. B. J....

B.R.S. Open New D

epot at Queensferry AA NOTHER stage in British Road Services' long-term planning for increased operational efficiency has been...

Tory ilf.P.s Urge Aid for Rural Buses •

CONSERVATIVE back-benchers are beginning a new campaign at Westminster to save rural transport services from further...


R EGULATIONS concerning direction indicators on heavy, lorries are to be applied early next year, Mr. G. R. H. Nugent,...

Page 47

Aussie newsman Dvoretsky beats blazes

out of the Austin GipsyAND IT COMES UP TOPS London motoring correspondent to the Australian publication 'Modern Motor Harold...

Page 49

Bus Company. Pay Claim Adjourned

MEGOTIATIONS for an increase in N pay for provincial bus employees will be resumed next Friday. The subconimittee Of the...

"Share the Traffic " T HREE coach operators serving the Aldermaston area,

Berkshire, were on Tuesday granted permission to run excursions to London 'Airport after they had withdrawn objeCtions against...

New Power Steering Introduced

A NEW compact power-steering unit for heavy Vehicles has been introduced by Bouiton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., Wolverhampton. It is a...

Bus Companies Accused by 15 Councils

A LLEGATIONS that some South Wales bus companies had "feathered their nests" through fare increases gained by putting forward...

Page 50

Yo Training -Scheme for , Vehicle Builders • A LTHOUGH discussions

-reopened "Imore than two years ago, no national . cheme has yet been agreed for training pprentices in the vehicle-building...

Corporation Not Liable • in Accident Clain!.

IN the Court of Appeal on .Monday, Stockton-on-Tees Corporation were held to be not liable to pay damages to the widow of a...

Government Against Higher Fares .

A NY . proposalfor . raising London -M. Transport fares will be faced with stiff Government opposition, it was announced - this...

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Danger to Workers in Bus Industry

T HE level of employment in the bus industry is bound . to be affected in the long run by the falling-off in passenger...

H.P. Restrictions Hit Haulage—Applicant

FA. A HEAVY decline in general haulage in Co. Durham resulting from - hirepurchase restrictions was one of the reasons advanced...

New Coach Terminal for Midland "Red'

AST Friday saw the opening at Dig beth by the Birmingham and . Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., of what is claimed to be -...

Page 52

Tribunal Increase Grant by Two Vehicles

A N appeal by J. Hart and Sorts, Ltd., Biddulph, Stoke-on-Trent, . against a decision by the West Midland Licensing Authority,...

A-licence Renewal Not to be Automatic

A LTHOUGH upholding the grant of an additional A-licenc.e .vehicle to Mr. P. A. Thorne, Eastville, Bristol, the Transport...

Gaoled Ex-haulier has £248,626 Liabilities

r ON TINGENT liabilities of kJ £248,626 12s. 7d. were shown in the statement of affairs produced by Eric Earls Bamford,...

Page 53

End of Trade Plates for Car Carriers

O PERATORS of car transporters win in future need A or B licences. Until now they have run under general trade licences. The...

Irish Transport Must Pay its Way

THE terms of the Northern Ireland Government's Transport. Bill, which have just been published, provide that the accounts of...

Bus Company to Defend Licences

PA A PUBLIC sitting is scheduled to be held today by the Northern Traffic Commissioners to decide whether the road service...

Page 54

"Spend More Time in Preparing Cases ": Information Out of Date

A PPLICANTS should spend more time preparing their cases and be able to answer questions about their operations, Mr. J. R....

Fewer Passengers : Staff Shortages

T HE Summary of the Annual Reports . of the Traffic Commissioners for 1956-57 (Stationery Office, 3s. .6d.) revedis trends in...

Page 55

Repair Bills Led to Bankruptcy

THE high cost of running and main tamning used lorries was given as the main reason for the insolvency of Sidney Michael...

New. Two-level Garage for 262 Buses

A NEW bus garage at Greenland Road, Darnall, is expected to he fully operational by the end of the month. The building was...

No More "A" Lorries for Reader Bros.

THE application by Reader Bros., Ltd., Hull, for six A-licence vehicles has been refused by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority...

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'Animals the Same as People'

By P. A. C. Brockington rj, . pigs like looking at themselves in a polished .aluminium surface? Does this apply to sheep and...

Page 59

T WO years ago a new method of assessing milk hauliers'

rates .was introduced by the Milk Marketing Board after prolonged consultation between the Board and the Milk Carriers'...

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New Equipment and Publications

Pallet Made of Fabric A PALLET made. of hessian and selling at approximately a third the price of 1 - 1 conventional types has...

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Off To a Good Start

THERE were 124 starters on Sunday I at Manchester's first eliminating contest in the Lorry Driver of the Year competition. The...

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Slickness Beats Squalls

A LTHOUGH intermittent drenching fk squalls disrupted proceedings in the Coventry round of the Lorry Driver of the Year...

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All Out for "Bulk"

Group Dealing in Animal Foodstuffs and Other Commodities Makes Wide Use of Articulated Outfits and Bulk Tankers E XTENSIVE use...

Page 66

Loads Must Keep in Perfect Condition, So Sub-contracting May Be a Danger to Business

By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. p ROVIDING a haulage:service for Manchester's grocery And - provi sion merchants has been the...

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By P. A. C. Brockingtou H ISTORICAL records of life in the Eastern Cotmlies in the 17th century mention the havoc that was...

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Problems Facing the Agricultural Haulier

By J. Hewson, Chairman, Agricultural Hauliers' Group, Road Haulage Association ( in an interview ) Proposed Restrictions on...

Page 77

• New. Plastics Body for Milk Float

INTENSIVE development of plastics I bodywork and cabs is being undertaken by the Wincanton Transport and Engineering . Co.,...

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Is the Law Too Kind to Farmers?

T HERE was once a politician who made a famous remark—or infamous according to one's point of view—about farmers being "...

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Transport for Farmers

Wide Range of Specialpurpose Vehicles to be Exhibited at the Royal Show, Bristol 1TH nearly 600 stands displaying the whole of...

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West Lancashire Operators Offei

7 ast Market Haulage By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. W HEN Mr. Harry Hague started up in business as a produce merchant in...

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Effects of 1957 Strike Still Felt

THERE was no room for strikes in the I bus industry, Mr. Raymond W. Birch, chairman of the Yorkshire Woollen District Transport...

Are Fare Increases Outdated ?

F ARE increases instituted last September by the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., met unusually strong passenger resistance....

Small Companies Cannot Serve "Royal"

CIVE private coach operators were last week refused permission to operate services between Bristol and the Royal Show ground...

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Tall Stories

W ORKERS in the road transport industry may have noted, and should take warning from, the tendency to present them in a bad...

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More Business for Specialists

Farmers Offer for Transport Over 50m. Tons of Goods a Year, But Hauliers Must Provide Suitable Facilities if They Are to...

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Smithfield Strike : Delay in Negotiations Admitted

BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT IF the committee of investigation appointed by the Minister of Labour into 1 the "causes and...