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Personal Pars

27th March 1942, Page 22
27th March 1942
Page 22
Page 22, 27th March 1942 — Personal Pars
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Ma F. C. G. MILLS, chief executixe officer of Transport Services, Ltd., London, has been elected a' member of the Institute of Transport.

MAJOR JOHN PETO, M.P., has been appointed by Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd,Secretary for Petroleum, to be his Parliamentary Private Secretary..

MR. S. A. CHAPMAN, depot foreman of the transport department of West Hartlepool Corporation, has been appointed depot superintendent, in succession to the late Mr. J. G. Storey.

MR.C. W. WATERS, until recently sates director of Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., has recently assumed control, under the managing director, Mr. J. W. Howlett, of the commercial

side of the business, with the title of " commercial director."

MR. HARRY CLARK, manager and secretary of the Federation of Yorkshire Road Transport Employers, has been elected to be one of the representatives of the National Federation of Road Transport Employers upon the Standing Joint Committee of Road Hauliers' National Organizations.

MR. STEWART OWLER, who has represented John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., in Liverpool and district for several years, has cabled home the news of his escape from Singapore. He has arrived at Colombo, Ceylon, on his way home. He is well known to Thornycroft users in the Merseyside district. Ma. G. A. DAWES and MR. C. E. JORDAN, the respective transport managers of Tubes, Ltd., Birmingham, and Accles and Pollock, Ltd., Oldbury, have been appointed joint traffic control officers for Tube Investments, Ltd. companies in the Midlands area. In all, 26 companies, 83 lorries and 34 tractors are involved, MR. j, M. BIRCH, director and general manager of Birch Bros., Ltd., has been elected an associate member of the Institute of Transport, as have MR. W. BAXENDALE, deputy general manager of Wallasey Corporation bus undertaking; CAPTAIN J. W. JONES, senior partner of Universal Road Transport, Bristol; MR. H. L. MILLWARD, transport manager of Halifax Corporation, and Ku. M. C. VICKERS, operating manager of Northumbrian Transport Services.