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B.r.f. Meeting To Evolve War Principles Post
L AST Wednesday at an informal luncheon held by the British Road Federation to meet Mr. P. J. NoelBaker, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport, and......
North Wales Agreement On Sand And Gravel Rates
T HE North-western Area Committee of Associated Road Operators has negotiated an agreement with North Wales sand and gravel producers and other interested parties fixing haulage......
Hull Merger Proves A Success
T HE annual general meeting of the Hull Joint Organization of A.R.O. and C.M.U.A. recently met, when the secretary reported on the satisfactory financial position of the......
London Retail Delivery Scheme
T HE Transport Commissioner for the Landon Region announces that the retail-delivery scheme, adopted by London' shopkeepers to save fuel, vehicles, tyres and man-power, will be......
Forthcoming C.m.u.a, Meetings
T HE annual general meeting of the London and Home Counties Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association will be held on April 9, when the Divisional Committee and......
Deliberate Mistake In Dennis Advertisement
A S a check upon the interest of readers, in the announcement of Dennis Bros., Ltd., that company perpetrated a deliberate error in its page advertisement published in our issue......
What A Little Paper Will Produce The Importance Of...
paper and handing it over to the collectors is indicated by the way in which such salvage can be employed. Twelve quarto letter headings are the equivalent of a rifle-cartridge......
U.s. Urged To Lift Highway Barriers I Nsta_nces Where...
occupied more than double the necessary time because of loading restrictions in different States were given recently by Mr. H. A. Martin, Junr., Federal Director of Marketing......