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Armstrong Removals Ltd: Cap. 4100. Dirs.: J. W. Armstrong, 14 Mount Street, Sutton-inAshfield, Notts; D. Wordsworth, 7 Mount Street, Sutton-in-Astffield, Notts. Reg. office: 7 Mount Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts.
G. Seedhoase Transport Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Dirs.: G. Seedbouse, and C. 1. Seedhouse. lfasmin, Castle Street, Brownhills, ire. Walsall, Staffs: Sec.. C. 1. Seedhouse, Reg. Office: Castle Street, Brownbills. or. Walsall,. Staffs • L. W. 'Oliver (Removals) Ltd. Cap. f1011. Objects: To acquire the business of L. W. Oliver carried on• at East Hoathly as 'general carriets.
haulage contractors, etc: .W. Hargreaves, 10 Lion Mews, Richardson Road, Hove; F. M. Oliver, 3 Paints Farm Cottages, East Haighly: Sec..: F. M. Oliver. Reg. office: 3 Raines Farm COttages.. East Plano Transport Services Ltd. Cap. £500, Subs.: E. Walton and 1. Lewin, 12A Maddox Street, London, W.1. Sec.: W. Walton..
Cave-Wood Ltd. Cap. £100. • Dirs.: I. F. CaveWood; N. M, Cave-Wood, 128,Boia Moor Road. Chesham, "Bucks; G. P. Cave-Wood. Reg: office: 128' Bois Moor Road, Chesham; Huai.
W. U. Robinson and CO. (Rootage) Ltd. Cats. 1100. • Dirs.: W. H. Robinson and L. M. Robinson. 59 Desmesne Road, Wallington, ' Surrey, Sec.: W. H. 'Robinson. Reg. office: 27 Lind Road.
Sutton. Surrey. ,
Clio Day and Sons Ltd. Cap. £20,000. Objects: Ili carry on the business of haulage. and transport ..contractOrs, etc. Dirs.: 0. Day and E J. Day, 11 High Street; Heel y cyn. Bridgend, Glam. Sec.: E. J. Day. Reg. office: Building 0.23, Kingsway, • .Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend, Gfam.. • . /Oho Taylor and Son (10p H011aadi Ltd.. Cap. £8,000, 'Objects: To carry on the business of haul:age. contractors,. etc. Dirs.: J. A. Taylor and MM. ,Taylor, $ Carr Lane, Lip Holland, nr. Wigan. Sec..: MI M. • Tailor. Reg. office: 3 care Lane. UO
Holland. nu' Wigan. • • • Rfsboroligh Carriers Ltd. Cap. £5.000, Dirs.: R. F. Crorne and 14:. M. Centric, Elmcfale, Wycombe Road, Princes Risborough, Bucks. Sec.: K. M. .Croine. Reg. office: Elindale. Wycombe Road. "Pri)lces Risborough; Slicks. • • Tom Taller Ltd. Cap, £5,000, Objects: To acquire the business of a haulage contractor etc. carried on by T. Taller at Loscoe, Derbys. Dirs.; T. Taller and U. Tatter, 75A High Street, Loscoe, Derbys. Reg. office: 75A High Street, Loscoe, Derbys.
, Radio Taxi-Nana Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs.: G. M. 0. Sinkin, and J. H. I. Lewis. 3/9 Lincoln% Inn Fields, London, W.C.2. . • .1. W. Matthews and Soli Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: .TO carry on the business of toad transport clearing house.' etc. Dirs.: W. J. Matthews, Belfbank, Welford-on-Avon, Akar Stratford-on-Avon; j„ W. Matthews. 73 Grantbrook Road, Mickleton. near Stratford-on-Avon, Sec.: T. Bathe. Reg. ['thee: Bellbank, Welford-on-Avon..n ear Stratford-onAvon.
Devairaholds Ltd. Can. £101). Objects: To carry on the business of road transport clearing house. etc. Subs.: J. Herbert and T. A. Herbert, 156 Strand, London, W.C.2. Sec.; T, A. Herbert, WiligateHaulage Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs: S. H. Lucas and F. A. Dean, 6 Surrey Si.. London, W,C.2, Sec.: S. H. Lucas. Reg. office: 6 Surrey Street, London, W.C.2.
Kenzie's Coaches Ltd. Cap. £5,000. Objects: To carry on the business of motor coach and omnibus operators, etc. Dirs.: B. C. Kenzie, Mead House, East Anglian Lane. Shepreth, Cambs.; H. M. Kenzie and P. F. Kenzie, East-. Anglian Lang, Shepieth.Cambs.; C. B. Kenzie, Wimbish House, Fowlmere Road; Shepreth. Cambs. Sec.: H. M. Kenzie.
L. E. Hoboake Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. 1)irs: L. H. Holyouke and G. A. Holyoake, 191 Portland Place. London, S.E.25. Sec.: G. A. floiyoake.. Reg. office: 191 Portland Road, London, S.E,25.
Tames W. Robson o Craster Ltd. Cap. PAN. Objects: To carry on the bitsincss of transport contractors, etc. Dirs..: -J. W. Robson and A. J., G. Robson, " R.ockville ". Craster.. Alnwick, Northumberland. Sec.: A. J. G—Robson. Reg. office: Craster Garage, Westend, Craster.. Alnwick. North umberlancf.
Cabot Transport (Bristol) ' Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: A. F. McColl, 75 Wedmore Vale, Bristol, 3: I. A. Ridler, 58 Coronation Road, Bristol, 3. Sec,: A. F. McColl. Reg. office: 58 Coronation Road. Bristol, 3.
E. Boswell Ltd, Cap. £1,000, Objects: To carry on . the business of general carriers, etc. Subs.; E. H. Boswell, 8 Aldwick Close. London, S.E.9; M. E. Knight, 76 Hawthorn Road, Woking, Surrey. Dir.: E., Fl. 'Boswell. Sec.: M. E. Knight. Reg. office: 290 The Arches, Cambridge Heath Road. London, E.2.
Frederick L. and R. Fox Ltd.. Cap. £1,000. Objects:-"To acquire the business of haulage contractors, etc., carried on by F. L. Fox and R. Fox at Marple Road, Offetton, Stockport. Dirs.: F. L. Fox, 49 Buxton Lane, Mamie, Om.: R. Fox, 31 Oakdene Road, Mamie.. Ches, Sec.: 3. H. MacDonald. Reg. office: 31 Oakdene Road. Marple, Ches.
Jameson (poops) Ltd. Cap. £2,000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors. etc. Dirt.: A. C. A. Jameson, 22 Hopwood Avenue. Heywood, Larks.; R. Sharpies, Badcote Cottage, Entwistle, near Bolton. Lancs, Sec.: C. Wilkinson, Reg. office: Derby Mills, Wham Street. Heywood, Lancs.
Delonitaerseat Wintver .(Overseas) Ltd. Cap. £20,000, Objects: To carry on the business of general and Mechanical engineers, builders and 'general construction contractors and hatdier(, etc. Subs.: N. E. Ford, Silver Greys, Sandy Lane, Cobham, Surrey: P. 5. Ward, 6 Maultway Crescent. Camberley, Surrey.
Edward McDermott Ltd. CAP. E100. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Dirs.: E.. McDermott, snr., E. McDermott, inr., and M. E. McDermott, 499 Bolton Road, Ashtonin-Makerfield, Lancs. Sec.: E. McDermott, Mr. Reg. office: 999 Bolton Road, Aston-in-Malcerfield. Lancs. . .
Schofield's Coaches and Taxis Ltd. Cap. £1,000, Subs.: H. Schofield and S. Schofield, 19 Oaken Clough, Ashton-under-Lyne. Dir.:H. Schofield. Sec.: S. Schofield. Reg. Office; 11)3 Wellington Road, Ashton-oncler-LYne.