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I T would certainly not be true to say that commercial vehicle operators—both goods and passenger—take their tyres for granted;...
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Also prepared to put U.K. trunk traffic on to rail THE nucleus of a European Transport Development Group has been established,...
B ECAUSE the smalls reception depot at No. 7 Shed, Royal Victoria Dock, has since last October handled an average monthly...
Transport Clearing Houses has, like the R.H.A., decided not to recommend a rates increase at present. The Conference has been...
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FROM OUR-INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT B RITISH ROAD SERVICES have coneluded a new pay agreement with the unions which is...
THE free loan of a complete articulated 1 outfit for proving runs to factories or distribution centres on the Continent is now...
THE Mioistry of Transport is willing 1 to consider examples of hardship resulting from the endorsement of the driving licence...
T HE threatened strike of Scottish road haulage workers has been called off. Mr. Alex Kitson, general secretary of the Scottish...
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THE whole of the share capital of I F. White (Haulage) Ltd., Leicester; Geary and Bailey Ltd., Barwell; and Newcombe Bros....
T HE F.E.C. Commission has asked the French Government why it is failing to apply the Community provisions on the free movement...
W summer on a dual-carriageway road to link the MS motorway with the A456 road leading into Birmingham. It will run from the...
R EFERRING to the Beeching Plan, the Buchanan Report and the Geddes Committee, Mr. G. F. Page, chairman of the London and Home...
F OUR men alleged by Mr. George Shindler, prosecuting, to have turned an isolated plot of land in the Hertfordshire countryside...
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F OLLOWING the British Government's decision to participate in a Channel link with France, there is much speculation as to how...
" TN perhaps nine cases out of ten the 1 vehicle which ought to be off the road is owned by a dubious operator who very likely...
L ORRIES carrying sand, _gravel and .1--4 timber were criticized in the Lords last week for throwing-up mud and slush. Certain...
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ik PROPOSAL that a form of rate should be levied on property development, especially in city centres, to contribute towards the...
A SUGGESTION that the new road signs should be introduced at the same time as any change is made in the rule of the road has...
T HE main purpose of the Bristol RE coach demonstration (The Commercial Motor last week) was to enable members of the technical...
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West Hartlepool on Monday to mark the official handing-over of five new Leyland/ Strachans single-decker buses to the...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT O NE of the most impressive discoveries to emerge from the massive study of south-east...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT 1k/TORE bus trouble may be in store for lvi the London Transport Board over its decision to...
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A S reported briefly in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor, the Transport Tribunal reserved its decision on the appeal...
TH E Transport Tribunal, sitting in London this week, allowed an appeal by Docks Haulage Co. Ltd., of Portsmouth against a...
Q VER-CROWDED Irish boat trains between Birmingham and Holyhead were given as one reason for an application by F. and M....
WHEN Ribble Motor Services Ltd., of VV Preston, Lanes, applied before the Northern Traffic Commissioners at Carlisle last week...
A GRANT of five new destinations was added to the excursion and tours licence of Royal Motorways (Redditch) Ltd. by the West...
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A N application by Angus Transport Co. Ltd., of Friockheim, Forfarshire, for three platform vehicles and one artic on A...
'THE Minister of Transport has I dismissed an appeal by the Colchester Borough Council against the decision of the Eastern...
T HE West Midland deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. R. Hall, ruled at a public inquiry in Birmingham last week that it would be...
THE Scottish deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. B. Birnie, sitting in Kirkcaldy last week, upheld a submission of "no case to...
A N appeal by Doncaster County Borough against the decision of the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners granting to the Yorkshire...
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CASEBOOK BY NORMAN H. TILSLEY Grievances and Embarrassment in the North M ATTERS are, I fear, once again coming to a head in...
A LMOST coinciding with the affairs 1-1 in London, Mr. Hanlon, the day after the proceedings before the Tribunal, made known...
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MORE FLEETLINES FOR SHEFFIELD: Sheffield Corporation has placed a repeat order with Transport Vehicles (Daimler) Ltd. Coventry,...
A HYDRAULICALLY OPERATED .1 -- V screw mechanism for elevating the upper deck is a feature of a new articulated car...
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A N expansion programme for Vauxhall Motors Ltd. that will . involve an expenditure of £30 m. over the next three years was...
in A.E.C. vehicle sales in the U.K. during the first four months of the current financial year, compared with the similar...
Chloride Profits Leap: The Chloride Electrical Storage Co. Ltd. group profit before taxation for 1963 was 43,532,130...
area of Traders' Road Transport Association, Mr. F. G. Joyce (George Freeman Ltd., Brighton) was elected chairman. Retiring...
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Tackling Bush-to-spindle Wear 1 . . • WEAR IN ITS various foriris tends to fall into two categoriescritical, or just annoyinv...
QTRONGER legislation regarding the I-) illumination of commercial vehicles and the speedy introductiOn of a plating scheme were...
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and Publications More Slotted Angles S IX new designs of slotted angle have been introduced by Dexion Ltd., and with the...
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A T the instigation of a newly formed company—Northern L.P. Gas Ltd.— the general manager of Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation...
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By John F. Moon A.IVI.I.R.T.E. ROAD TEST: Austin-Minatic 7-cwt. artic I CANNOT think of any other commercial vehicle that I...
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A FUEL-CONSUMPTION rate of 10 m.p.g. at an overall average speed of 34 m.p.h. for 505 miles is a pretty good figure for any...
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T HE development of new giant tyres is advancing rapidly, covering a very wide range of new materials, constructions and tread...
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By The Hawk The past fortnight's weather should teach us not to expect spring in March, and road operators in the North have...
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JANUS WRITES E VFN when the new scales of road haulage wages . come into effect it will still be possible in theory for an...
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Value • The "Ultimate Statistic" • Road Haulage History D ErRECIATION is the subject of an inquiry from an ancillary operator...
A Midland distributor states that a client is considering the purchase of a maximum load articulated eight-wheeler which is...
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ill E well-known vehicle operating companies reported their results for 1963 this week; the figures were satisfactory and well...
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Armstrong Removals Ltd: Cap. 4100. Dirs.: J. W. Armstrong, 14 Mount Street, Sutton-inAshfield, Notts; D. Wordsworth, 7 Mount...