laig has a word for his Budget
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IAIG — and I don't mean the no with the dimples — has a iord for it: Duplicitous. It escribes a Budget purporting to elp both industry and the idividual but which in fact lobbers everyone ldiscriminately by increasing he cost of distribution of iractically everything used in nanufacturing or sold in shops. With that wide-eyed air of :andour that the American ;ecretary of State manages to iffect, Sir Geoffrey Howe landed out a 7p rise in dery duty is an industrial benefit, It would, le said, "Help to hold down )usiness costs." And another 9p gallon on petrol and £10 on car 3xcise duty are, of course, the lext best things to a win on the ao.ols.
Any ingrate who does not Nelcome a 12-25 per cent ncrease in the annual tax on orries over 11/2 tons unladen 3hould be sentenced to five years of Militant Tendency.