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Laig Has A Word For His Budget
IAIG — and I don't mean the no with the dimples — has a iord for it: Duplicitous. It escribes a Budget purporting to elp both industry and the idividual but which in fact......
Iraqi Prison Can't Break His Spirit
NHAT must seem like an aternity in an Iraqi prison has not broken the spirit of John Smith, formerly managing director of Hestair Dennis. Phil Ives, managing director of DAF......
Only Cyclists Need Apply For This Job
A QUALIFICATION for political office in the Department of Transport is the ability to ride a bike — and not just so as to look for work. Ernest Marples set a precedent years ago......
Spring In The Air At Cheetham
THE Spring Transport Festival at the Museum of Transport, Boyle Street, Cheetham, Manchester, has become so popular in its three year's existence that, I am told, many bus and......
Co-op Man Turns To Disabled Drivers
AFTER 35 years in the Cooperative movement, in which he held about half-a-dozen posts as transport manager, as well as that of Unigate Dairies area transport manager in......