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"The wheel of .wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport 0 whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads ouir which it runs."--John Beattie Crosier.
North-Eastern C.M.U.A.'
At a meeting in Leeds recently it was leciciecl tea form a North-Eastern (Yorkhire) Division of . the Commercial doter Users Association, and officers ■ nd a committee were appointed.
Mr. E. S. Shraiinell-Smith (chairman If the National Council) said that the kimmercial Motor Users Association vere pressing for certain amendments o the Transport Bill; and they vere directing their attention specially
o three points. They hoped to obtain in amendment to thea Bill' whereby the 11inistek%hould Lave the power to have bridge. strengthened and to apportion he cost between the owners, either ocal authorities or railway and canal :ompanies, and the users. In the second dace, they hoped to get the Minister to uder local authorities to keep their 30oks of accounts so as to show in an tnalysed form bow much really conserned wheeled traffic and how much mu-traffic services.
The third point was a proposal to set ip advisory committees, and .rthere was 7ery little doubt that when the Bill had oassed through the Standing Committee lrovision would be made for the apmintment of Advisory Committees with easonably wide powers.
Napier Profits.
The report and balance-sheet of D. STapier and Son, Ltd., shows the record lrofit, after allowing for depreciation, of 0142,335 debenture interest, dividends m the preference shares, and of 10 per ient. on the ordinary shares, with a aonu.s of 2s. 6d. (or 12& per cent.) on the ordinary shares absorb. £106,750, income ax, directors fees and manager's commissions take £13,250, £35,000 is placed in reserve (making £95,000), and £6,073 is carried forward. Truly a splendid result, on which Mr. Napier and Mr. Vane are to be congratulated.
rhe Price ot Petrol.
A representative meeting of users of notor vehicles, called by the Fuels Deaartment of the Automobile Association it Guildford last week, unanimously >eased a resolution calling on the Government in the national interest to carry out inmediately the recommendatioes of the Fuel Research Board on gas standards, aroviding that all gas companies shall be required to strip completely the benzoic 'rem their gases and to remove the reitrictions at Present hampering the nanufactUre of commercial alcohol for notor fuel.
General Sir Edmond Elles, Viee-Lieut. af Surrey, presiding, ascribed the enormma price of petrol to the Government ax, to large and powerful oil combines voiding up oil, and to the lack of eniouragement on the part of the Governnent in the home production of motor
Capt. Montgomery, the secretary of the mint Fuels Committee, regarded the reient reduction of No. 3 grade spirit from 3s. 10. to Zs, ltd, as a miserable sop to oublic opinion' and said that the petrol
d tompanies ha no more intention of giv ing a reasonable price than before. In regard to home sources he spoke of the great potential supplies of commercial alcohol, which should be developed, and said that this country could produce 450,000,000 gallons of benzole per annum, if our coal were treated scientifically. Mr. Leonard Biddle, president of the Guildford Chamber of Trade, moving the resolution, said that every trader knew that efficient transport was the life and soul of trade. The import of petrol was done on a wasteful basis because the steamers which brought it had to return empty or in ballast and could not take exports.
Alderman Shasvcross, ex-Mayor of Guildford, said that the matter should be brought to the notice of the National Chamber of Trade, which represented 300 chambers of trade in the country.
Mr. Underdown on Cippenham.
Throughout the inquiry into the muchcriticised Government works at Cippenham, it has frequently been stated in evidence that the motor industry, for one reason or another, was unable to deal with the question of repairs to motor vehicles. Mr. H. C. B. Underdown, President of the Association of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers, gave his evidence last Wednesday, and said he was strongly of the opinion that the project was not calculated to secure the necessary repairs in the quickest possible time, or in the most economical manner. Re said that in July, 1918, 11 manufacturing firms, through the Association, offered to become responsible for repairs at the rate of 250• vehicles per _ week, provided the Government supplied the spare parts and advanced by way of loan such sums (not exceeding in the aggregate £250,000), as the various manufacturers might require. They had also proposed that the vehicles should be •
marketed through the manufacturers in quarterly batches, afterwards in monthly 'batches, the manufacturers to effect repair and to receive as their full remuneration 25 per cent, commission on sales. If the manufacturers then failed to nlace the vehicles, the Government would be free to auction them or dispose of them as. it liked. Neither offer was accepted.. With regard to high ruling prices, be considered that fancy prices might be obtained for 5,000 to 10,000 vehicles; but unless the matter was very carefully handled the remaining 40,000 could not be assorted at a satisfactory price.
Albion Report..
The report of the directors of the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., for the year ended December 31st, 1918, shows that after making provision for depreciation on buildings, plant and stock and deducting managing directors' remuneration and bonus to employees, and after making provision for the estimated liability under the Finance Acts, there remains a neat profit of £76,511, to which must be added the sum of £17,513 brought forward from the previous year, making £94,024. The directors have transferred to the reserve fund £30,000, making it £135,000, and have set aside as a provision for debenture discount and expenses £5,000. The company have paid interim dividends of 3 per cent. on the preference shares and 5 per cent. eel the ordinary shares, absorbing -£10,476, and a final dividend of 3 per cent. on the preference shares, which absorbed £4,016. After making these deductions a sum of £44,632 remains for disposal, which is allocated as follows :—By the payment of a final dividend of 15 per cent, on the ordinary theses, absorbing £19,379, and carrying forward to next year a, sum of £25,153.
For practically the whole year, the entire capacity of the works and the energies of the company have been devoted to the service of H.M. War Department, primarily in the manufacture of 3-ton Albion vehicles, in addition to which, a portion of the company's premises has been employed as a shell factory.
Since the close of the financial year, the reserve fund has been capitalized and divided to the extent of £96,895, a further £200,000 of ordinary share capital has been created, and the amount issued increased by £129,062, making the total issued ordinary capital at date £258,256.
Licensed Taxicabs.
The number of taxicabs licensed by the Chief Commissioner of Police for the Metropolitan area for the year ended 'April 30th, 1919, was 4,742.
Bus Shortage.
As a sidelight upon the shortage of motorbuses, chiefly in London, it is interesting to note that the War Office offered in February last to withdraw omnibus chassis from France, but were informed that they were not required. Who was the informant ?
De Dion Agents.
Messrs. J. Blake and Co., of Liverpool and Manchester, the well-known Lancashire automobile dealers, have secured the sole distribution rights for the DeDion Bouton vehicles for the counties of Lancashire and Cheshire, and will shortly be prepared to consider and discuss agency terms throughout this territory.
• It is greatly to, the credits of Mr. Stenson Cooke, the capable and enterprising secretary of the Automobile Association, that he has placed an order for a D. J. Smith suction gas plant to be fitted on a Ford car. He desires to test for himself and to demonstrate the advantages of a useful rival fuel to imported
Municipal Motors.
The following local authorities have the question of the provision of commercial motor vehicles under consideration; —Perthshire C.C. (fire engine); ,Brixworth R.D.C. (steam tractor) and two wagons) • Kidderminster R.D.C. (motor lorries /or haulage); Seaham Harbour U.D.C. (fire engine). The following municipal authorities have deoided to purchase motor vehicles;--eCookham R.D.C. (motor lorry, estimated cost £1,200); Runcorn R.D.C. (Ford car); East Sussex C.C. (motorvans); Dundee LC. (provisionally decided by committee, steam lorry, £1,400); Bury St. Edmunds T.C. (second-hand Daimler chassis for fire engine, £200); Rushden U.D.C. (electric dust van, £1,250; sanction of Local Government Board to be obtained); Guisborough R.D.C. (steam lorry for haulage, £1,100).
British v. American Tipping Gear. • In our issue for May 8th we described a new form of hydraulic tipping gear of American origin which has; recently been adopted by Leyland Motors, Ltd. This particular type of gear, which is claimed to be remarkably efficient in use, has one seeming disadvantage, in that it utilizes chassis space which might otherwise be taken up by the body itself, thus providing the maximum of carrying space. To prove this contention we reproduce on this page a group of illustrations of 4-ton Caledon lorries, which have been supplied by Lookers, Ltd., one vehicle supplied to Levenstein, Ltd., being fitted with the American tipping gear and the other machine in use by the Middleton Corporation having a tip body operated by an English-made gear. By comparison it will readily be seen that the American gear occupies much more room on the chassis than the British arrangement; the dotted line on the illustration of the vehicle• titted...with the latter type shows the approximate position of the body when in normal position. •
For most tipping wagons it is desirable that the body be kept as .
short as i _possible n order to get the angle for tipping, turning, etc., correct, and the American model wastes a considerable amount of apace be tween the cab and the body.
In the case of the vehicle in use by the Middleton Corporation, the body had to be fitted on the standard 13 ft. 3 ins. Wheelbase, owing to the question of delivery principally, but on the Caledon, which the corporate= now have, on order, the same capacity body will be fitted on a vehiele, with a 12 ft. 3 ins, wheelbase, as the body can be built closer to the cab and the wheelbase shortened to correspond. The 4-ton Ca/edons supplied to Levenstein, Ltd., have given very good service, so much se that they have three machines of this make now in use.
Sir George Gibb and the Road Board.
In the House of Commons last week, Mr. Atkey asked • the Secretary to the Treasury whether he would state, how many meetings et the Road Board had been held since January 1st, the date on which it was reported that the chairman had re-entered railway service, and April 30th; and what members were present on each occasion? Mr. Baldwin: I am informed that the answer is one, on February 28th last, at which the chairman and the late Sir J. H. A. Macdonald were present.
Mr. Atkey. Does .the fact that there has been only one meeting account for the failure to carry out the programmes decided on by the War Cabinet?
Mr. Atkey asked on what, date Sir George Gibb ceased to draw his salary as chairman of the Road Board?
Mr: Baldwin: Sir George Gibb continues to draw his salary so long as he retains his post as chairman of the Road Board. He is retaining that post, at the request of the Government, until the proposed transfer of the powers and duties of the Road Board to the Ministry of Ways and Communications has been sanctioned by Parliament. Mr. Atkey : Is he then receiving remuneration from both Boards?
7.11r. Baldwin: I have no knowledge of that, but he is giving very effective service to the Road Board, (It has been announced in the Press that Sir George Gibb has resumed his connection with the North:Eastern Railway in an advisory capacity.)'
.Fellows Magneto Report.
The report of the directors of the Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd.,' for the year ended December 31st, 1918 shows after allowire, £4,638 for depreciation and the writing down of preliminary expenses, an available profit of £14,129 (as against £8,514 for the previous neriod of 18 months), to which must Tie added an amount of £1,182, brought forward from the previous year, making £15,311 in all. An interim dividend of 4 per cent. has already been paid on the 8 per cent. cumulative participating preference shares' absorbing £1,867. A final cumulative dividend of 4 par. cent. (less tax), together with a participating dividend of 1i per cent. (less tax) is to be paid on the preferred shares, snaking 9 per cent. for the year, and a dividend of 24 per cent. (less tax) on the ordinary shares. This will absorb in all £12,181; leaving a balance of £3,130 to be dealt with. This sum, after deduction of such excess profit tax (if any) as may be payable by the company, it, is proposed to place to reserve, less the sum of £1,000, which will be carried forward.
Burnley Agents.
In our" issue for May 1st " The Extractor " made mention of Burnley as standing out amongst the smaller towns of Lancashire in connection with the sale qf commercial motors. He gave a brief survey of the activities of the various dealers and agents in this, town, but erroneously gave the name of a firm which he stated were first in the field. As a matter of fact, Mr. G. E. Duerden, of Olympia Engineering Works, was 013 first commercial motor agent in East Lancashire, and as such deserves all credit for his enterprise. He took the agency for Halleys for a short while, and subsequently became an agent for Maudslay lorries in March, 1913.He Made a practice of only representing one maker in order to give the maximum of service to clients. He tells us that he has delivered more Mandalay chars-ea banes than any other agent in the district,,and has at present orders in hand
for 25 machines of this class which have to be delivered by the end of June. Mr. Duerden had de livered from the signing of the Armistice up to Easter 35 char-à-bancs chassis—a very creditable piece of business. He keeps in stock a very good supply of spare parts.
West Country Activity.
Amongst the volume of business handled by the motor trade during the past few months, a good deal of importance has been attached to the Midlands and Northern Counties, and, possilaly from it geographical situation, the claims of the West and South Wales have been somewhat overlooked.
During the last few days, however,
some very interesting figures. have been. received from Harris and Resell, Ltd., Bristol and Cardiff, from which we learn that no fewer than 70 three to five-ton chassis have been actually delivered by them to their clients since the signing of the Armistice, and in addition they still have actual firm orders on their booksform further 88 chassis, of which deliveries are coming through in rota-. tion, We learn that the concern have re
cently completed the purchase of a building site of three acres withmeeasy access of the business centre of the city, and it is their intention to erect a most up-to
e date commercial motor garage and works. Further extensions of the activities of the company are in course of negotiation, and from the particulars we have learnt from time teltime °bottle progress and development of the business we can quiteerealize the intentions of
the company to maintain their slogan of " the largest motor specialists in the west."
Glasgow Bus Extensions.
If tramway extensions are out of the question these days there is every prospeot that at last Glasgow may enjoy the privileges of a more comprehensive bus service to and from the country.
Already several favourite resorts are linked up by motor, and a number of new routes are to be catered for this summer.
• A Brewery Commer.
Benjamin Ainley, Ltd., brewers, Lindley, Huddersfield, have just taken delivery of the Commer Car lorry shown in one of the illustrations on this page. The lorry is expected to do general work in connection with the brewery, and with this object in view it has been arranged that it can be used with a flat platform for the carrying of boxes, with chain sides for the carrying of barrels and with deep detachable binged sides for the carrying of malt calms, etc. The lorry was supplied by Messrs. Grace and Sutcliffe, of Keighley, agents for Commer Cars, who have sold many vehicles of this make in and around the district.
Splendid Bus Service.
The Harrogate Road Car Co., Ltd., have completed three years work with seven McCued vehicles, six of which are fitted with bus bodies and the remaining one with a char-iisbancs body. The mileages accomplished by these vehicles up to the end of last year are as follow; —57,390, 52,496, 54,339, 52,308, 47,205, 52,290 and 15,776, the last • being the distance run by the char-a-leancs. These mileages are sufficient praise in themselves for the efficiency of relining of the vehicles, but if further convincing testimony were needed it is readily forthcoming in a letter which the McCurcl company have received from the user. To
• 'quote their own words:—
• i We are well satisfied with • the manner in which these chassis have stood up to their work, more especially as the conditions under which they have been running have been far from-favourable
"You, will be surprised to hear that we were left with but one mechanic to effect repairs to the whole of our fleet, also that we have had to train many new drivers on these machines ; generally speaking, no machines could have stood up better." Further comment on our part is needless. We reproduce on this page an illustration of another McCurd singledeck bus recently delivered to. Harro gate.
L.C.C. Buses.
The Essex County Council have decided to oppose the L.C.C. Tramway and Improvements Bill, which, it was reported, if passed in its present form would empower the London County Council to maintain motorbus services to and from London and any places in the county of Essex without having to obtain or ask for the consent of the Essex County Council.
From Cotton to Co-operation.
A few years ago some of the leaders in the cotton trade organized the Cotton Industry Motor Transport, Ltd., with headquarters in the Charlton Road, Manchester, with a view to conveying cotton from the docks at Liverpool to ti's various distributing centres in and around Manchester. A fleet of 35 lorries —25 4-ton and 10 6-ton of the Garner type—was established, and a. fine garage put up on 'a site of 3,000 scpaare yards. This has not proved a success, and the entire buildings and all the motor lorries have just been purchased by the Cooperative-Wholesale Society, Ltd. The society's extensive operations at Liverpool, Manchester and Lancashire in connection with the production ef textiles and foodstuffs will enable it to absorb the whole of the vehicles for its own ser
vices. The building will, most probably, be developed for the construction of the Bell car, the designs and drawings in connection with which have recently been acquired by the society. Under the superintendence of Mr. A. H. Freeman three cars will he made and a 3-ton lorry.
Taxicab Shortage.
The London M.P.s., in their inquiry into the congestion of traffic, considered last week the question of the lack of
taxicabs. Sir Harry Samuel presided over a large-attendance.
Mr. Alfred Smith, president of the Vehicle Workers' Union, said that there. were now something like 1,000 discharged soldiers who were ex-drivers and had obtained their licences, but were unable to get employment. At the same time there were 400 or 500 cabs which could be put again on the streets but for the regulation requiring a 10 in. clearance between the axle and the ground, so as to clear a man who
was knocked down. •
Mr. Gamier, Discharged Soldiers' and Sailors' Federation, said the obsolete cabs numbered nearly 600. The drivers were asking that Scotland Yard might license these for one or two years. Private cars were running round London which had only a clearance of 2 ins. or 3 ins. The obsolete cabs were being offered to the drivers at £78, and an expenditure on them of about £30 would be necessary.
• The London M.P.s decided to approach the Home Secretary with a view to the suspension of the 10 in. clearance regulation, and also on the question of fares, and to communicate with the Board of Trade on the subject of the importation of spare parts.
The members forming the deputation are:—Sir Samuel Scott, Sir D. Dalziel, Sir H. Norris, Viscount Curzon, Mr. J. D. Gilbert, Mr. H. G. Purchase, Sir Alfred Yeo, and Mr. Glanville.
Leylands and an Irish Show.
At the time of writing it'is anticipated that the Leyland commercial vehicle exhibits at the Belfast Agricultural Show (May 28th to May 30th) will comprise four-ton G-type fiat platform wagon, a. 27-seater char-a-bancs de luxe, and a 500-gallon Leyland motor fire engine. The following are a few particulars with regard to these machines :
The four-tonner is the model which corresponds with the type that was used in such very large quantities by the Royal Air Force until shortly after the Armistice. That branch of the Service has over 4,000 similar machines still in service. It is modelled on the British Wax Department subsidy specification, and was the first machine nest only to be entered for the Government subsidy trials, but to secure the certificate in• that connection. The G type is a typical modern Leyland construction. It has a four-cylinder 36-40 h.p. engine, four speeds and reverse gearbox, and the well-known double-reduction spur and bevel-driven back axle. This type is suitable for use With a large variety of commercial forms of -coachwork. The later edition of it is known as the K model, but this will embody only comparatively unimportant variations from the war-type pattern, principally consisting of the embodiment of the lower type borinet-and radiator and the necessary adjustment in height of the water outlet pipes and the fan drive.
The 27-seater Char-a-banc.a is mounted on the chassis -known as the N type, which has a wheelbase of 15 ft. 6 ins. It has the same engine as that mounted in the G and .K models already mentioned, but has the worm-drive back axle to comply with the requirements of this class of passenger vehicle. The machine is handsomely finished in accordance. with. the modern conception of requirements for road travelling for public passengers of to-day, and represents all that is best and moat up-to-date in this class of ve hicle. A less luxurious type of body, which accommodates up to 32 passengers, and which is known as the Popular, may be fitted to this same chassis. The fire engine which is to he exhibited is a standard example of the company's 500-gallon motor pump, the machine in question being for delivery immediately -after the show to the §andwieh Fire Brigade. It has the standard Leyland 48-60 b.p. engine.
To-day's Sale.
A further auction sale of U.S. Army motor vehicles is to be held on May 27th,
at noon, at the works of the Grahame White Co., Ltd., at Hendon, when a large number of all classes of motors will be brought under the hammer.
'Aster Report.
The fifth annual report of the Aster Engineering Co. (1913), Ltd., shows that after payment of the interim dividend of 5 per cent. the company have a balance of £37,014, out of which a further 5 per cent dividend is to be paid. After the deduction of this amount a sum of £33,282 remains to be carried into the accounts of the current year, which compares with an amount of£23,200 brought into the previous year's accounts.
Co-operative .Motors.
The increasing number of motor vehicles bearing the names of co-operative societies tells its own tale. Quite recently the Co-operative Wholesale Society purchased over 30 motor lorries, and it is now making arrangements for placing a commercial vehicle on the market. The co-operative distributive societies in South Yorkshire held a special conference at Barnsley recently to consider the question of improved methods of dealing with motor repairs, purchase of parts, and the supplying of petrol, tyres, oil, etc. The secretary of the association convening the 'conference stated that he had recently circularized the societies in the district, and tabulating the returns found that they had about 80 vehicles of various types in use, and that the expenditure involved in running them worked out as follows;— Spent in repairs per annum, £5,628; tyres, £2,000; oil and grease, £2,944. A committee was appointed to consider the formation of a federal motor garage and, sales department, and report to a future conference. It was pointed out that societies would in this way not only be able to do their own work but also to meet the requirements of members in the way of obtaining new vehicles. .
Waiting for a Fail.
In view of the high prices of motor vehicles, Poole Borough Council has adjourned for six months the question of purchasing motors to replace horses.
Travelling Dangers.
A writer in a daily. paper has come to the belated conclusion that, it, should be possible to instal some device in taxicabs by which the passenger could stop the cab in the event of the driver being overcome by sudden illness while at the wheel. He says that as things are now, were such a thing to happen an awful accident would be inevitable. He desires to know if taxi drivers are ever subjected to periodical medical examinations, and thinks that they certainly ought to be, for their own sake as well as for the sake of their fares.
We wonder whether it has ever occurred to him that all travelling of any sort or kind is fraught with possibilities of this nature, and in most case.s far more so than the average taxicab which receives, as a rule, much attention to secure mechanical efficiency, whether it be owned by an operating company or an individual.
Refusal to Licence Buses.
* At their last monthly meeting the members of the Farnborough District Council took the drastic step of refusing to licence motorbuses in their district. The object of this action is to force the Aldershot and District Traction Co. to reduce their fares. The chairman of the council, Mr. G. W. Collins, reminded the members that the secretary to the company interviewed the council a month ago on various points raised, and promised to report to the directors. Since then a letter had been received stating that the chairman of the directors felt that it would be useless for the time being for him to put before his co-directors any question of the reduction of fares.
After much discussion as to the reasons for and against increased fares, a xesolution refusing licences was carried unanimously, and a suggestion put forward that the council should operate their own buses.
Motor Road Sweepers.
The Highways Committee of the Mary7 lebone Borough Council reports that it has considered an offer from the Lau& Motor Car Co., Ltd., to supply a motor road sweeper for the sum of
577 10s., fitted with a 100-gallon tank and a sprinkling apparatus. Delivery can be given in four months from the date of odder.
The two motor sweepprs already possessed by the councir -are Laffiy motor sweepers (made in Paris), and have proved to be most efficient machines. The lack of facilities for obtaining spare parts in this country has been, and is, the cause of considerable difficulty with the Lafiiy machines.
In the circumstances, the committee recommends that the offer of the Lacre Motor Cur Co. be accepted.
. . Devon Transport.
'Those whO hre ashoeating that the rural districts of Devon shall be linked 'up by .a system oi light railways are finding that it is almost impossible to speed up matters. Various committees aro at work overthe TorringtonOkehampton scheme, but their ardour has been considerably cooled by a hint that the Government, in spite of all their promises as to reconstruction, will not help by a grant, and even the disused rolling stock in France would have to be paid for. There is some idea new that the Road Transport Facilities Board will come to the help of the rural districts, and that they will try to arrange for a motor service.
Monogram Oil.
Those users who proved the quality. of Monogram oil before the war will be pleased to learn that the reconstruction of the British Monogram Oil Co., Ltd., has now been completed, and a new company has been formed, under the title of the British Monogram OA Co. (1919), Ltd., Stanley Works, Acton, W.3, under the directorship of Mr. L. Roddarn and Mr. L. S. Tainter.
• Manchester Looks Ahead. •
Manchester Corporation Cleansing Committee has scheduled 23,200 in the next year's estimates for the purchase of motor vehicles.