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I T SEEMS that we are to have another Select Com mittee to discuss the subject of London traffic. If so, we trust that the...
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Of pirouetting pirates. That electric lorries are to be produced at Otley. That the L.G.O.C. may have to look to its guns....
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"The wheel of .wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport 0 whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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List of Exhibitors. T HE FOLLOWING names of those who in all probability will be staging exhibits, of special interest to our...
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Limits and Tolerances. A Boom in the Use of Bad Roads. A LTFIOUGH we have improved our education as a nation in the...
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Quantity Production of an le in an ex-Aircraft Factory. J UST AS THE heavy petrol lorry has largely developed upwards from the...
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Description of the Still Engine in which the Otherwise Wasted Heat from the Engine is Largely Recovered. I N THE ISSUE of The...
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The Organization of the Base Motor Transport Depot at Rouen. By Capt. L. A. Rushbrooke, T 0 KEEP A FORCE of 1,800 aeroplanes...
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A Description of an Outfit Built by a French Maker of World-wide Repute. O NE OF THE DIFFICULTIES that has been experienced in...
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W REN benzole is used in a Ford engine, the following points should be looked to :— The carburetter adjusting disc will usually...
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Some Topical Notes and Comments. T HE NOTICE 'recently issued by the Air Ministry, warning demobilized officers of the R.A.P....
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A PRIZE OF TEN SRILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. .Specification No. 125,308, by J. Sieber and another, both of...