Mixed Driving Standards at Birmingham
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LAST Sunday's round of the Lorry Driver of the Year contest at Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, left the impression that the city , can boast of some skilful drivers. But it also indicated that, in general, the standard of competition driving was lower than one might be entitled to expect. Too many drivers lost marks in the Highway Code test and several knocked down barriets.
Best performance of the day was putup by H. Parker, of the Bromford depot of British Road Services, with the remarkably low figure of 24 penalty points. Here was a driver who had studied his Code before the contest, drove faultlessly through the five-mile road section, and performed with neatness and dispatch in the three tests. The redoubtable A. E. Haywood was again among the class winners, this time suffering the loss of 32 points in Class A. With the same penalties, S. Cottrell, of S.P.D., Ltd., won Class D at the wheel of an Austin.
Another first-class demonstration of judgment and control was provided by A. Holt, of Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., driving a Morris " artic " in Class F (2). He dropped seven points on the Highway Code test and 20 on the width-judging test, but came out with a total loss of only 44.
The arrangement of the tests at Fort Dunlop makes the task of the organizers relatively straightforward. The three manceuvring tests were laid out in succession on a road between the Dunlop offices and the sports ground, and the 150-odd competitors were put through their paces with comparative speed.
With their rear windows blanked out, the Birmingham drivers tended to make less usc of their driving mirrors than of the ever-open door, not always with success. The results seemed to indicate that of the three tests, width-judging, perhaps surprisingly, gave more trouble than parking at the kerb, and the reversing test was the most difficult.
RESULTS CLASS A—Up to 15 Ha 1, A. E. Haywood (Birmingham. 12), Commer, 32 penalty points; 2. A. Field (Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd.), Morris, 36; 3, J. S. Wooding (Austin Motor Co., Ltd.), Austin, 38.
CLASS B-15-19 ft.: 1. 1. Hugutins (Birmingham Co-operative Society. Ltd.), monis, 55; 2, F. Booth (S.P.D.. Ltd.), Austin, 77; 3, 1. Cross (Birmingham Co-opzrative Society, Ltd.), Morris, 100.
CLASS C-19-22 ft.: 1, L. Glaze (Quasi-Are, Ltd.), Bedford, 32; 2, A Green (Austin Motor Co., Ltd.-). Austin, 34; 3, C. Beardsmore (Allport and Son. Ltd.), Austin. 49.
CLASS D-22.25 ft.: 1, S. Courell (S.P.D.' Ltd.), Austin, 32; 2, 1, Morgan (Guest. Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd.), Bedford. 36; 3, E. G. Weston (G.U.S. Transport. Ltd.). Austin, 39.
CLASS E (1)—Over 25 ft., two axles: 1, T. C. Allard (Geo. Baker, Ltd.). Austin, 56; 2, W. N. Hill (MItehells and Butlers, Ltd.), Leyland, 62; 3, L. Richards (Mitche(ls and Butlers, Ltd.), Leyland, 76.
CLASS E (2)—Over 25 ft., more than two axles: 1, H. Parker (ILLS.), BliSt01, 24; 2, W. G. Hunt (Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd.), A.E.C., 52; 3. T. Malioy ()oseph Lucas. Ltd.), Leyland. 53.
CLASS E (1) --Articulated, tractor under 3 tons, semi-trailer under 22 ft.: 1, S. Archer (Austin Motor Co., Ltd.). Austin, 41; 2, A. Harass (Austin Motor Co., Ltd.), Austin, 63; 3. J. G. Edwards (Midland Counties Dairy, Ltd.), Bedford, 91.
CLASS F (2)—Articolated, tractor under 3 tons, senit-traller 22-27 ft.: 1, A. Holt (Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd.), Morris, 44; 2, C. Foley (Austin Motor. Co., Ltd.), Austin, 63; 3, E. Hipkess (Morris Motors, Ltd.), Morris, 68.
CLASS G—Articulated, tractor over 3 tons, semitrailer op to 27 ft.: 1, N, Boon (B.R.S.), Leyland, 72; 2. E. Shelton (Weldless Steel Tube Co.. Ltd.), Leyland, 80; 3, R. Horton (Weaver Transport), A.E.C., 88.
CLASS H—Articulated, tractor any weight, semitrailer over 27 ft.: 1, F. Sorrell (B.R.S.), Leyland, 110; 2, G. Woodworth (de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd.), Bedford, 194; 3, E. Brookes (de Havilland Aircraft Co.. Ltd.), Bedford, 267.
CLASS I—Standard rigid 'unitary load carriers. 1942 ft.: 1, Dvr, B. T. Jarvis (22 Birmingham Field Dressing Station, R.A.M.C.). Thames. AR,