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T HE general apathy of goods operators, whether hauliers or ancillary users, towards the training of tomorrow's managers is...
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3illett Whitaker 0 NE'S first impression of Ernest Gillett Whitaker is that he belongs to the basic English. Indeed, there is...
O F all the mayors I have heard welcome conference delegates, Cflr. John Kennedy, Mayor of Scarborough, was in his introductory...
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F IVE witnesses from the National Coal Board gave supporting evidence when an application for a low-loader on B licence was...
A FTER pleading guilty to 130 charges of illegal vehicle operation, fines totalling £85 15s. were imposed on a Warrington...
Special Types Banned for Long Steel Sections, But Normal Lorries are Too Small BY G. DUNCAN JEWELL I NCREASING demands on...
S UBS1DIES for the railways to relieve road congestion were recommended on Monday by Mr. R. J. Gunter, president of the...
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MR. D. G. MILLER has been appointed general sales manager of the LambrettaTrojan Group. MR. G. M. NEWBERRY succeeds MR. J....
G ENERAL discussion on the powers of the Minister of Transport in maintaining traffic flow and undertaking minor road...
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rl A DRIVER, even having crossed the road studs marking the approach to a pedestrian crossing, must stop if anybody steps on to...
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A N application for a new A licence for two vehicles, made by a haulage concern at the instigation of its main customer, was...
A SUCCESSFUL application was made, at Edinburgh on Monday, by Mr. John Gray, Rosebank Garage, Slarnannan, who sought a new A...
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A N average of 50-60 per cent. of imported Heinkel bubble cars transported by British Railways was damaged in transit. During...
M ORE hauliers are going bankrupt. This is shown in an analysis of failures both in bankruptcy and deeds of arrangement which...
before Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, at Carlisle last week, because they held that the cul-de-sac at the...
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OACH operators in the Ambleside area of the Lake District have agreed to a fares schedule. The Northern Traffic Commissioners...
COACH drivers in the Western traffic area are to get an immediate increase in pay following the recent award to provincial...
Levacar, an air-levitated, high .1 public transport system under development by the Ford Motor Co. of America, was capable of...
A N application by a restaurant pro-, prietor to the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, at Birmingham last week, for...
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" P UBLIC transport is and will continue to be, an essential service and although we must again increase our charges the...
E XTRA annual revenue of £50,000 is ,1 -4 expected by Middlesbrough Transport Department following a grant of fares increases...
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A PPROVAL _has been given for a car parking plan at Harrogate which will cost nearly /100,000 and provide free space for more...
A MOBILE workshop installed with V.H.F. radio and fully equipped to deal with most breakdowns and emergencies has been...
Harrogate Office: A branch office of the Mercantile Credit Co., Ltd., has been opened at 1 Royal Parade, Harrogate. New Petrol...
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'FIFTY Leyland Titans, 20 Leopards I and five Atlanteans have been ordered by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd. W. C. Standerwick,...
A S an addition to their existing range rm. of third-axle conversions, Henry Boys and Son, Pleck, Walsall, are now producing a...
CAPABLE of operating at up to %--o 3 m.p.h. in water, a new vehicle is at present undergoing tests with the United States army....
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T HE transport section of industry was often the "Cinderella of the piece," said Mr. A. D. Wilson, Managing director of...
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By .... A. E. SherlOck-Mesher B RAKING and box dimensions for public service vehicles were among the principal topics...
lkif R. LOVELL'S use of statistics of vehicles per mile in Britain and other countries, to show that traffic congestion was...
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QUPPORT for the maximum-capacity double-decker, as advocated by Mr. Bottomley, came from Mr. R. C. Moore (Sheffield Joint...
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By G. Duncan Jewell T R' grant of 10 A-licensed vehicles to Boston Stevedores, Ltd., for maintenance purposes, and the...
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L AST Sunday's round of the Lorry Driver of the Year contest at Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, left the impression that the city ,...
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By Tom Walkeriey I N the long and entertaining history of the pioneer bus companies there must be many examples of policy...
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THE placing of the Mann Egerton crane relative to the 11-ft. 6-in, wheelbase of a new Thames Trader breakdown tender enables a...
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Rail to Suburbs Long Journeys by Road ? 1NI ETHODS of combating congestion in town centres and the dearth of trained highway...
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L AST week I traced the mental processes of longdistance hauliers full circle from disappointment that denationalization of...
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Standardization A Special C 33 Orrespondent F IVE hundred delegates from 19 countries attended the 8th Congress of the...
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A CLAUSE to change the Excise duty payable on certain types of bus was passed during the committee stage of the Finance Bill...
B y 1963 the Great North Road will be either three-lane or dual-carriageway from end to end, claimed Mr. John Hay, Joint...
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ONSIDER exemption 2K of the Road and Rail Traffic Act (Exemption) Regulations 1957. The effect of this is that a C licence is...
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I " WONDER if we are g oin g too far with bonus and incentive schemes instead of ensurin g that we have the ri g ht type of...
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I DISCUSSED last week the standing costs of commercial vehicles and pointed out that a background of practical experience was...
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Thicker Coats with Epoxide Paint S OLVENT-THINNED epoxide paints are used extensively to protect metal surfaces from...
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A N injection pump and nozzle combined in one unit are described in patent No. 830,963. The injector is hydraulically powered...