AN ATTEMPT by the Ira sport and General Worke Union
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to persuade ti Brighton Industrial Tribur to reverse a decision givi last month, failed last wee) The bid was made by ti TGWU on behalf of tv former employees of Oliv Taylor (Coaches) Ltd, of C terham who had previous been refused cornpensatic for unfair dismissal.
The tribunal had decidi the two men had not bei dismissed, but had walk' out of their jobs of their ov accord.
The TGWU said th before the previous hearin unknown to the two men, tl company had contacted t1 local Job Centre to fi replacement drivers.
The Jobcentre had thi placed cards in local emplo nt exchanges specifying trs of work.
'he union's case was that the previous hearing, no -ticular hours of work re stipulated for the vers but they had to work Tquired by the company. ppearing on behalf of ver Taylor (Coaches) Ltd., ristopher Grieves said re was no case to review previous decision :ause even if the card was :epted at face value, it ly set out a brief ,cification of the job as en to the Job Centre.
he card, said Mr Grieves, s not evidence of the ms and conditions upon ich the two drivers were ually employed.
'he tribunal said it would e its reasons later for using the application to iew the decision.