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The Article By Stephen Gray On 40-tonne Lorries ("let's Grow
Up", April 22) prompts me to ask if any of your readers can provide me with any hard figures to show tliat in general a 40-tonne lorry with five axles will not do more damage to......
Guide Gout
teteleke , 16 • • I read your Editorial (CM May 6) regarding wrecker men. I do not know if you are aware of the fact, but Wreckers International, an association of which we are......
Ikie Ifteedsig?
May I bring to your notice, something which must affect many small coach operators. For many years we have been providing coaches to the National Bus Company, in the summer......
9ubitee ?mute...
We are organising London's only official Jubilee Parade, to be held on June 19, and urgently need four open lorries to carry floats. All companies involved in the parade can be......
Tkia [(append
la GW11400... I can tell you what happened to Garners (CM, April 15). The company produced interesting vehicles and began as Moseley Motor Works in 1907 and change its title to......