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Concise Details of the Principal Exhibits which Cover a Large Range and are Widely Used in All Branches of the Industry.
FUOI Apparatus. Stand 244
XAMPLES of .the Gasolio standard I '4 apparatus are to be seen on' this stand. This is a fitting which, it is claimed, enables internal-combustion engines to burn crude oil. The appara, tus consists of a half-moon-shaped aluminium block with a flange similar to that.Of a carburetter, this flange being bolted to the induction pipe. The fitment includes two carburetters—one being tuned for the density of the gas oil, which becomes vaporized by the heat of the exhaust gases, whilst the other uses only petrol for starting. The price of the combustible Used with the Ga.solio system is exceedingly cheap. .
ADANAC, LTD. Tyre Fillings. Stand 210
ADANAC filling is a spongy sub: stance which is installed in a solidified condition in outer covers of pneumatic tyres, and, by dispensing with the need for the used of an inner cover, it eliminates the possibility of punctures, bursts, at tyres and leaky valves. It is .claiined that it gives resilience equal to that of a properly inflated pneumatic, and, moreover, that it enables 50 per cent. more niileage to be obtained from outer covers.
Lighting Equipment. Stand 210
WiTH the approach of the long winter evenings users should devote proper attention to the question of the lighting of their vehicles, and any information which is needed ori this important subject will readily be dispensed at the stand of this company. The A-L system of aCetylene lighting is largely used on commercial vehicles in one-.of its two forms, i.e., use of gas from .a generator and dissolved acetylene in exhibit' both types of ighting equipment, and their well-known east-aluminium lamps, of which a range is to be seen, are suitable
for use with either.
The A-L patent cone valve generator is. also on view, and other items of interest include the Ralph traffic, warner and an anti-dazzle headlight attachment.
Mater Spirit,Stand 207
MUTT'S Perfection spirit, which is 1giving much -satisfaction to all -classes of ,commercial-vehicle users, is given special prominence on this stand, and other fuels, including Pratt's benzole mixture, are also shown. Th ere are also one-gallon and five-gallon types of the company's golden pump, as well as speci., mens of the Angloco Depth-o'-meter, which, as the name suggests, enables the quantity of spirit in an underground tank to be ascertained.
Anti-attrition Metals. Stand 246
pATENT anti-attrition bronze and white-bronze specialities consisting of big-end connecting-rod bearings, crankshaft bearings, gudgeon-pin bushes, floating wheel bushes, worm wheels, and
all kinds of bushes and bearings and other wearing parts of petrol and steam. vehicles are shown.
Components. Sfand 231'
ANexhaustive range of various classes of American and other components is here displayed, including Continental Red Seal engines, Timken worm and bevel-driven axles, Mather chrome-vanadium road springs, Borg and Beck clutches, Detroit fourspeed gearboxes, Lavine steering gears, door bumpers, belting, fans and a host
of other components. ,
Valves. . . . • Stand 7
WHE principal exhibit of this com pany consists of inlet and exhaust valves for application to internal-corn bustion engines of various types. There are also to be seen examples of other products of the company, these including valve guides, axle shafts, bushes and bearings, gears and leather couplings.
Hire-purthase Business. . • Stand 131
WHOSE who have hire-purchase
quirieS to make should call at this stand, where literature in plenty and advice concerning. transactions of this .de scription will be readily given. It should be, borne in mind that the:company do not quote rates to the consumer-buyer) but deal only with the trade.
ATTE R I ES, LTD. Batteries, Stand 251
ON this stand is to be seen an array klof batteries of various types for use on electric vehicles, miniature trucks and in connection with stationary lighting plants. The company's batteries are sold under the title of "Nile," which, as many may know, is a name compounded from the chemical symbols for nickel and iron. The batteries are of the nickel-iron-alkaline type.
BAZLEY-WHITE. Pumps. " Stand 195
RAPIDAYTON kerbside pumps', )which are an American production, manufactured by the Dayton Pump and Manufacturing no., of Dayton, Ohio,are displayed by the company's agents in this country. Two types of this pump are being marketed, one being a twogallon piston-type installation.Apart from the pump, Triplexd hose is also shown.
Window and Door Fittings. Stand 26.8 THE articles which are to the fore on this stand have particular reference to windows and doors, some of the fittings being expressly designed to render a passenger-carrying vehicle suitable for winter and summer service. The frameless glass carrier, the special door lock and the window raiser should receive _special consideration, whilst. 'there is little need for us to draw attention to Beclawat silent window channelling.
,AsPestos. Stand 188 C0MPRESSED asbestos jointings for motcir-vehicle use are given prominence here, where working demonstrations are also being given of the AutoKlean strainer for use in connectiOn with petrol, oils and other fluids, in which the presence of foreign matter May impair their efficiency.
nownsti BRAKE CO., LTD.
Spring Seats. Stand 201
OOWNERS of •passenger vehicles who attention to the comfort and convenience of those who use the vehicles which they run should inspect the new Bowden spring seat, which is on view. This seat is constructed of a series of highly tempered spring-steel slats, which are said effectively to absorb all road shocks not ta,ken up by the Ordinary suspension, and to give a perfectly buoyant seat. It is a simple matter to replace any of the slats, for they are each provided with a bayonet-type -of fitting.
Radiators., . Stand 2 ADAMAQED radiator: :may conceivably result in a Vehicle being out of service for an unduly lengthy period, although if the Bowman sectional radiator is used this risk is -minimized. This type of radiator is expressly built for Farcl vehides and COnsiiits, in the Main, of five separate honeycomb sections of the Ordinaq type: Each section is virtually a miniature radiator in itself, The -shell is of highly polished cast-aluminium.
Fuel Storage. , Stand 200
BOWSER petrol measuring and-filling -appliances have achieved a deserved popularity , amongst business vehicle owners in this country, and a wide range of fueLpumPs and appliances of various capacities is exhibited. To afford au-indication of the accuracy of the petrol and oil pumps of this make, we might draw -attention to the fact that all those installed in privately " owned filling stations in -London have been approved and tested by the Weights and Measures Inspectors of theLondon County Council. The equipment, which provides adequate storage for :large quantities of oil apd includes a series Of tanks with a barrel track and cradle, is worthy of particular note.
. BRAMCO (1920), LTD.
Components. . . Stand 256
IT is obvious that the range of 'goods on this stand is so comprehensive that all of them cannot receive the same attention. It is certain, however, that. the Servis recorder will attract much notice. The Warlord auxiliary transmission system will make special appeal to 'Ford owners.
Other accessories and components on this stand include Drednaut shock absorbers, Bramcalite alloy pistons, compression puncture-proof air tubes, cutspeed .governors, rear-view mirrors, cotter-pm pullers and tools for various purposes.
BearingS. Stand 265
THE bold claim that it is possible for a vehicle to run on British Back bearings for ,a year, i.e., equivalent to 15,000-25,000 miles, without adjustment or attention of any kind Should ensure the taper roller bearings on this stand receiving adequate attention. The rollers of this bearing are of an unusual design, and are such that it is claimed that a perfectly even rolling action is maintained at the point of contact of the spherical heads and the flange on the inner cone, this feature minimizing friction and consequent wear.
Electrical Equipment. Stand 250
'II HE range of 13.L.I.O. lighting seta
for commercial vehicles which is shown here includes a complete five-light set and also a set in which the two electric headlights can be supplemented as required by a pair of ordinary side lights. Proprietors of public-service vehicles will undoubtedly be attracted by the new B.L.I.C. current controller, which depends for its operation on an electrolytic process.
The magnetos staged are of unique design.
Oils. Stand 138
BRANDS of lubricating oils, which are suitable for use in commercial vehicles and are sold under the mune of " Speedwell," aredisplayed ion this stand, together with specimens of gas oils, engine oils, machinery oils and other classes ref lubricants.
.MOtor-Spirit. Stand 217 THERE is Tittle need for us to draw attention to B.P. motor spirit, for this brand is widely known throughout the commercial-vehicIe industry and is giving satisfaction to many users. Specimens of the various brands of fuel are displayed, whilst literature relating to the company's White May and Royal Standard lamp oils T.V.0.—tractor vaporizing oil—and P.V.O.—pure vaporizing oil—light fuel oil for semi-Diesel engines and heavy oil for Diesel engines is obtainable.
Bearings. Stand 171
min outstanding attraction an this
stand is the Timken tapered roller bearing, which is of robust build and possesses a. load-carrying capacity which particularly fits it for Ilse on commercial vehicles. The exhibit staged is very representative, bearings for every size and • class of motor vehicle, both steam and petrol driven, and also for trailers, being shown. A selection of bearing components, including outer and inner races, rollers and cages, is also well to the fore. A typical front hub, which is mounted and sectioned, amply demonstrates the fitting and adjustment of Timken bearings, and a sectioned huh and steering pivot illustrates the latest practice of incorporating taper bearings in the steering knuckles.
Gearing. Stand 192
pARTICULAR attention is directed on this stand to the D.B.S. patent worm gear for back-axle drives, several examples of -which are exhibited. This gear can be equally well applied to light
and heavy vehicles, and is particularly silent in operation. Spiral curved-tooth bevels and straight-tooth bevels for final drives are also on view, together with a selection of spur, spiral and doublehelical gears for gearbox drives, and internal gear drives. Of importance is the selection of ground spur and bevel gears. The company have installed a complete plant for grinding these gears on the flanks of the teeth after hardening. This process eliminates any distortion due to hardening and ensures that the gears are • correct in pitch and profile.
BROWN AND CO. (LOTON). LTD, Equipment. Stand /86
THE Loton power intensifier should 1 be inspected here, since the company make the hold claim that it will increase to a remarkable extent the power of an internal-combustion engine, whether it be running on petrol, ben-sole or paraffin. The apparatus is fitted between the carburetter and the engine, and it automatically permits air and water in the form of a fine miat to be drawn /nth the cylinder heads.
A display of other accessories sold under the company's trade mark, "Lotion," and a full range of tools complete the exhibit.
Insurance, Stand 145
ALL information relating to the many .aspects of insurance can be obtained from the Car and General stand, where the usual prospectuses and policies dealing with cover for all classes of commercial vehicles are obtainable.
Hire-purchase Business. Stand 144
XHIBIYED on this stand are pro
spectuses and literature relating to the buying of motor vehicles on the hirepurchase system. Representatives of the company are in attendance to give details of this method of purchasing,
Hooters. Stand 189
-FiXAMPLES of the various models of 11 electric horns sold under the name of Clear-hooters are displayed, and jimrticular attention should be given to the Model M, a new production which has been introduced at a price which, it is hoped, will make special appeal to COMIncrcial-vehicle mews. The note of the Clear-hooter is produced by magnetically vibrating the diaphragm. The features of the hooter are perfect tone, clearness and intensity of note, carrying power {it is claimed to be one mile) and small current consumption.
Castings, Stand 247 COANS have built up quite a reputation in the industry for the quality of their aluminium castings, and examples of their products, such as crankcases, gearboxes and the like, are displayed. As visitors to the Show will soon learn, the company can undertake aluminium castings of every description, both sand and die, suitable for 2 h.p, to 600 h.p. engines. Their aluminium number plates are perfectly legible and their use will avoid the possibility of collision with the administrators of the law.
Springs. Stand 263
T4 AMINArED springs manufactured 1 from rustlesi steel are shown in considerable numbus on this stand. The company's springs are manufactured under a patented process whereby all plates are rendered interchangeable. An assortment of spare spring plates, busfiecl eyes, bolts and spiral springs are shown alongside leaf springs which possess oil grooves in the bushed eyes.
Out. Stand' 261
THE Miracle oils sold by this company and staged hero have been put to a series of practical tests from which they have emerged with good results. Miracle oil is simply a high-grade lubricating oil which is compounded by a secret process, and has but one purpose, i.e., lubricating the cylinders above the piston rings. It is claimed that by adding half an ounce of the oil to every gallon of fuel poured into the tank a perfect system of upper luhrics.tion results. Various brands of the oil can be seen on the stand.
Body Fittings. Stand 211
ACOMPREHENSIVE display of various classes of body fittings for goods and passenger vehicles is shown on this stand. The lorry fittings are all solidly built to withstand rough usage, whilst most of the accessories for use on passenger vehicles cannot fail to add to the general appearance of the vehicles, apart from, in many instances, giving additional comfort to the passengers. Amongst the fittings shown we would mention windscreens, ventilators, steptread plates, commode handles, etc. The Jones's patent window-raiser, which is particularly suitable for bus work, shoald not be overlooked. Emergency seats for use in ithe gangways of buses and motor coaches, thereby increasing their earning capacities, are included in the exhibit.
Wheels. Stand S MHIS company represent the Societe An,onyme Union des Acieries, of Belgium, in this country, and have on view a range of various types of cast. steel wheels which are suitable for commercial vehicle use.
Radiators. Stand 191
ACOMPREHENSIVE Collection of cast-aluminium radiators for various commercial vehicles, including those of Thornycroft, Dennis, Albion, Leyland, Karrier and Vulcan makes, is shown by this company, who also make a display of similar radiators for Ford vehicles. The latter are made in three patterns. Examples of sheet-metal work in the form of bonnets, tanks, undershields, etc., complete the exhibit.
Friction Material. Stand 238
CHEKKO semi-metallic pure asbestos brake linings and clutch facings are the products of this Bradford concern, who are showing various examples of their goods. Specimens of the friction material as applied to brake shoes and bands and to clutch cones are in evidence.
Aaessaries. Stand 252 ATILEAGE recorders, tachometers, .12V_Land speedometers have always figured largely in this company's manufacturing programme, and examples -of such devices in many designs suitable for different classes of vehicles are ehown. These include scroll drive hodometers, as well as those driven off the tailshaft, gearbox, cardan shaft, etc. Special adaptations needed for such forms of drive are also shown.
Cast-aluminium lamps for use with acetylene or electrio lighting installations are to the fore, as well as various types of head, side, tail and roof lamps. Other Imspecs accessories which should catch the eye include bulb horns, driving mirrors with patent adjustable dips, petrol-can carriers and ignition and lighting cables.
Lubricants. Stand 134
HIGH-GBADE lubricating oils suit.table for the lubrication of all types of internal-combustion engines, steam wagons and tractors form the spacial product of this concern, who have sufficient examples on view to indicate the quality of the various lubricants and greases produced, which, be it noted, are widely used by some of the leading transport concerns.
Upholstery manilla Stand 148 PASSFNGER-VEHICLE users and 1 those concerned with the production of fittings for use on such machines will be attracted to this stand, whereon is dieplayed examples of celluloid sheeting for use in side curtains and hoods, Cotex leatNer cloth, which is a waterproof material finished in various colours, and a rubber-coated hood material, known as •Pontop, Woven curled hair; -which is suitable for cushions and squabs, also forms part of the range of goods displayed. This material is supplied in rolls up to 40 yds., and its maximum width is 40 ins.
Castings. Stand 253
NOW that large-sized pneumatic tyres are very extensively used on Commercial vehicles, the Esco Simplex road wheel, which is suitable for carrying such eqnipment, should come in for special notice on this stand. An inspection of the wheel will reveal the fact that it Consists of a spider and two half-rims, the latter being inserted into the rubber tyre and held in position by means of a series of six damns. On the underside of the rim there are six V-shaped keys which engage the ends of the spokes on the wheel spider. Other types of cast-steel road wheels form part of the company's display, as ao various castings in steel and n3alleab1e iron.
Auxiliary Gearboxes. Stand 149
THE well-known Supaphord auxiliary gear equipments for the Ford ton truck and the 7-cwt. chassis are shown on this stand in various Lynes to meet standard and special applications. Apart from its uses On the ordinary goods vehicle, this auxiliary gearbox has distinct merits for use on the Ford coach an'cl bus. The Supaphord auxiliary equipment is fitted at the forward end of the drive-shalt tube and it doubles the ordinary two speeds provided by the Ford mechanism.
011S, Stand 214
SPECIMENS of special grades of Lubol oils for all classes of petrol vehicles, and cylinder and engine oils es snpplied for use on Foden, Allchin, Burrell, Aveling and Porter and other steam wagons are ranged alongside lubricating oils and greases for use in all types of machinery.
Engine stands. Stand 220
FOR nee in repair shops and garages, Eh 'Empire universal engine stand, which is shown in two sizes, should prove indispensable. This stand enables any engine, gearbox or other component within its scope to be firmly and securely fixed and to be rigidly held whilst under repair. The brackets' to which the article under repair is bolted may be moved and-fixed in a multitude of positions, whilst the side frames of which the stand is composed can be fixed either parallel to, or inclining from, each other.
Friction Material. Stand 254
SPECIMENS of Ferodo friction linings for all types of brakes and clufthes used on road vehicles are on view. Ferodo fibre, radially woven and machine-made to the correct angle for facing cone clutches is shown, together with bonded asbestos linings for brakes and special forms of cone Oath, as well as die-pressed linings for flat-plate clutches and brake segments. To render laminated springs more efficient and lasting, the fabric interleaving is specially recommended. Bonrest is another of the company's products, and this is claimed to prevent vibration and noise from rattling or loose bonnets.
AN an"of specimens of Catharine and Glico motor spirits, Glico lubricants and greases and Glieo White Spirit (turpentine substitute) are to the fore on thin stand, together with kerbside and portable barrel fuel pumps, demonstrations of which are being given each day dazing the run of the Show.
Antl-friction Metals. Stand 161 Antl-friction Metals. Stand 161
FINDLAY'S motor metal in ingot form, which is prepared for use in the bearings of internal-combuetion engines, and a complete line of die-cast bearings cast to limits and requiring no machining, as well as a display•of bearings and white metal alloy, constitute the exhibit of this company, who specialize in the manufacture of anti-friction metals.
Paints. stand 72 TIEMONSTRATIONS of the
three-coat process are being given throughout the period of the Show to prove the advantage and economy of this method for finishing the bodywork of
passenger and goods vehicles. Quickdrying fillers, colours, enamels and varnishes of a quality suitable for mass production work are also displayed.
dointings. Stand 136
}J• A LLITE motor jointing, which occupies a prominent position on this stand, is suitable for making joints on all classes of road vehicles. The jointing is impregnated throughout with graphite, so that the surface in non-adhesive, with the result that if care be exercised when breaking a joint the same Beate washer can be used over again.
Hides. Stand 266
COLOURED upholstery leathers such as are in everyday use amongst eoachbuilders are shown by this exhibitor, and it will be noticed on inspection of them that special attention has been given to securing a regular and even grain. Enamelled hides for hoods, twill-lined leathers for the same p-urpoee and upholstered hides with antique and fancy grains complete an exhibit which should attract the attention of coachbuilders.
Machine Toots. Stand 242
TITJFF-BARRETT jacks of various Jelsizes for lifting light and heavy vehicles are displayed on this stand and Will chiefly interest users, although those associated in any way with the manufacture and repairing side of the industry will no doubt be attracted by the hand and machine tools which are shown. The company also supply a wide range of engineers' stores and sundries which are of good quality.
Carburetters. Stand 203
THE Olaudel Ho.bson carburetter enjoys a great popularity amongst makers and users in this country, and various patterns of this well-known instrument are shown. Different models of the company's new power-jet carburetter are also given prominence, and it should be mentioned that in the design of this carburetter the same principle as is incorporated in the Z diffuser-type is included with the addition of a power jet.
A mechanical device fur raising and lowering windows by means of a rotating handle should be inspected by, passenger-vehicle users. This regulator is widely adopted by the makers of de luxe-type motor coach bodies. Sparking plugs for all types of internal-combustion engines complete the company's display.
eearines. stand 197 ACOMPLETE range of Hoffmann steel balls and rollers, as well as complete bearings of the ball and roller types, are shown here. There is a certain amount of fascination about the pyramids of steel balls end rollers which are exhibited in glass cases. Steel balls in various stages of manufacture will afford visitors to the stand some idea of the ecearaey with which the balls are made, and machinery in operation will give an indication of the efficiency of the bearings under actual running conditions. Magnetotype bearing components are included amongst the display in order to illustrate the interchangeability of the parts.
Tyre ProsseS, Stand 77
S00 far as we noticed, the only tyre to be seen at the Show are those which are exhibited on the stand of this Birmingham company. There are several examples on view, including the No. 14, which has a slot head and is designed for dealing with tyres without the need for ta.kine the wheels from the axle. This press is capable of exerting a pressure of 200 tons. A lighter model is the No. 10, which is suitable for use
in small • garages. A hand screw.tyre press is also on view, and all presses are shown complete with tyre blocks.
Components. Stand 142
VARIOUS components upon the manufacture of which this company have specialized for the past ten years are displayed here, the different exhibits including all forms of gears, back-axle drives, steering worms and sectors and special cams for steering boxes. In addition, other components which merit attention are tipping gears. There are also various types of milling cutters to be seen and ground and taper hobs.
Windsoreen Clearer. Stand 77A
APREPARATION known as Clarocit is here displayed. The preparation takes a solid form, and possesses antiseptic and non-poisonous • properties, being also free from grease, oil, wax, soap or glycerine. constitutents. Its use in connection with motor vehicles is confined to keeping the windscreen clear in
wet weather. Demonstrations 6f the value of the preparation are being given on plain and Triplex glass.
Oils. Stand 227
SPECIMENS of the company's 250gallon 'tank, which is fitted with a rotary pump, barrel rails and a dip rod, are well to the fore on this stand, where 50-gallon oil cabinets are also to be seen. Practical demonstrations of oil-testing are being given on the stand, from which visitors will he able to see how the via. eosity, flash-point and other facts relating to oils are obtained. It is interesting to note that the company present oil tanks and cabinets to purchasers of certain quantities of their motor and other oils.
Metals. Stand 226
TgE exhibitors on this stand recommend their No. 11 alloy for use in commercial motor vehicles. This anti. friction material enjoys a wide popularity, and is composed of more than 92 per cent, of tin. It possesses exceptional anti-friction quantities, and is noted for its toughness and durability.
Tipping Gear. stand 135 USERS who deal with loads which require to be tipped in order to secure their rapid discharge from the body, of a meter vehicle will he interested in the hydraulic hoist made by this company, a working model of which is
shown on the stand. Diagrams and photographs explain the design and construction of the hoist, whilst those who wish to see the actual gear in operation should make arrangements to visit Stands 93 and 107, where Hanford and Renault vehicles are fatted with the company's hoists
Starters. Stand 132
THE Ida starter enables compressed air to be used for starting an internalcombustion engine, and it is claimed to be equally effective for use in connection with 20 hp. or 100 h.p. power units. The compressor and distributor are built as a unit, and are mounted on an accessibly disposed platform at, the side of the engine. The compressor consists of a twin-cylinder monobloc casting, which is finned for cooling purposes.
THERE are several varieties of the Ghost silencer shown on this stand, these being of the nickel-plate and sherardieecl typesThis silencer is claimed to possess excellent silencing qualities, and is said to eliminate back pressure entirely.
JONES AND SHIPMAN, LTD. Valve Tools. Stand 143
THE entire exhibit of this company consists of J. and S. valve reseating tools of various sizes for use in the engines of the smallest and largest types of vehicles. In the J. and S. valve re, seater the cutter is of oil-hardened steel, the internal cutting teeth being for refacing the valve, and the exterior teeth for resurfacing the seating.
JOSEPH KAYE AND SONS, LTD. Oilcans and Locke. Stand 258
ANEW forced oiler with a, spring lock carrier is conspicuous on this stand, where various types,of oilcans are displayed. This new oiler has two outstanding features, these being the distance which it can throw (12 ft.), and the neat bracket holder for attachment to the dashboard below the bonnet. Another device which should be inspected is the new door lock for motor coaches which has been devised with a small release bolt. There are also other types of locks which are worthy of examination.
Axles. KIRKSTALL FORGE, LTD. Stand 240
THE complete sets of front and rear axles which appear on this stand give a very good idea of the clean and solid design of Kirkstall products. There are to be seen a rear axle complete with worm drive for an electric chassis, and front and rear axles for a 1-ton chassis, a 25-30-cwt. chassis, a 30-cwt. subsidy lorry and a 4-tonner. The rear axles incorporate the company's patent dropforged one-piece casing.
TEE display of this company is intended to give visitors to the stand an indication of the workmanlike and thorough manner in which repairs to motor vehicle parts are executed, and parts which have been dealt with are exhibited. They inelude crankshafts, cylinders, camshafts, helical crown wheels and bevels, etc. -Examples of scored cylinders repaired by the Lawrence process are shown.
JOSEPH LUCAS, LTD. Lamps. Stand 202
ASELF-CONTAINED acetylene headlamp with a single carbide chamber, which is particularly suitable for commercial vehicle work, is 'prominently displayed here, where acetylene projectors for use with separate generators are also on 'view. Side and tail lamps of
various sizes are shown alongside specimens of King of the Road hydraulic lifting jack. The exhibit is concluded by an array of horns, observation mirrors, forced-feed oilers, petrol squirts and a range of tools.
Accessories. Stand 208
-Li-ERE will be seen many ingenious IA devices for facilitating repair work and reducing the cost of upkeep of commercial vehicle fleets. The garage pressure-cleansing tank is one of the most. useful items of the range and is shown in three sizes. The array of garage and workshop tools, such as bench milling machines, cylindrical grinders, bench presses, reinstalling jigs, etc., are worthy of speeial note, whilst the Universal engine stand should be sure of attention. Other accessories on the stand include atomizing valves, pedal extensions, sparking plug holders, etc.
Tools. stand 73 THE K.B. range of tools-cannot fail to interest those concerned with the manufacture ana the repair and, upkeep of commercial vehicles. These include valve-seating tools, bearing moulds, bearing jigs, crankshaft tools, etc. The crankshaft tool is supplied in two sizes, and it enables the truing up of journals to be accurately performed. The K.B. valve tool is a recent introduction of the company, and possesses novel features.
M i I eometers. Stand 172
THE display on this stand is devoted exclusively to Veeder counting and measuring instruments. The main exhibit deals with the hub-cap form of odometer or mileometer, but instruments of this description are also offered for attachment to other parts of the running gear. The Veesier is an instrument, which accurately records the mileage covered by a vehicle whether it be running in a backward or forward
direction. It registers up to 100,000 miles before repeating.
Gearing for Fouts. Stand 133
XAMPLES of the Miller patent 1'4 gear for increasing the scope of the Ford standard chassis or the 1-ton truck are shown here. The actual exhibits include a fousespeed gear for standard types of Ford vehicles, a gear suitable for a Ford tonnes in section, as well as part sections of a, light model gear and a complete is nit. In the latest model of the gear the number of working parts is reduced to a minimum.
Mileometers. Stand 257
THE main feature of this stand is the Dreadnought indestructible huh
odometer. The siatentself-adjusting spring drive in this instrument automatically engages with the stub axle, and thereafter the distance travelled by the vehicle is accurately recorded. Another instrument of interest is the Recordograf, which enables a reliable reading of the miles covered by a vehicle, as well as the m.p.h., to be ascertained.
Motor Spirit. Stand 215
NATIONAL benzole mixture and N.B.C. lubricating oils and greases, together with interesting scientific ex. hibits and samples of paCkages, in which sorrie of the products of tue corn. pany are put up, are given prominence, on this stand.
Oils . Stand 220
SPECIMESS of Dragonfly motor oil in heavy, medium and light grades, EIS well as a similar oil which is suitable for use in the Ford, are shown on this stand, alongside brands of gear oil, motor grease and an oil intended for upper lubrication, which is known as :Starvehail. The advertising novelty in the form of a globe is attracting much attention,
Magnetos. Stand 187
AFULL range of Watford magnetos is displayed here, someof these models being fitted with movable extensions to the pole shoes, by means of which a spark of equal intensity is obtained throughout the whole range of advance. The company also thaw a magneto conversion set adapted for the Ford. So far is.speedometers are concerned, there is a full range of models.
Oils. Stand 211
VARIOLTS sorts of containers, including steel drums with pumps and trolley attachments, wooden barrels, five and ten-gallon drums and halfgallon squat tins are displayed here to show the various methods in which Oiline lubricating oils are put up.
Lamps. Stand 185
SPECIAL lamps for special services is a slogan of this company, who produce lighting equipment which is suitable for use on steam and petrol-driven vehicles of all types. There is a full range of lamps on view, and special attention is drawn to the paraffin driving lamps, which are Said to illuminate the roadway for 25-40 yds. ahead of the vehicle to which they are fitted. There is a new model self-contained acetylene headlamp which is worthy of inspection, and the driving mirrors of various types should hot, be overlooked.
Aecrssories. Stand 190
T-TEMS of interest to Ford dealers and Ford commercial fleet owners are arranged on this stand. This company market a number of well-known specialities of American construction built for use on the Ford, the most interesting of which is perhaps the K.W. timer. KW. coilunits, radiators, springs, bearings, replacement parts and a variety of labour-saving devices complete the exhibit.
Paints. Stand 146
ADISPLAY of panels, which gives a very good idea of the results obtained on the class of bodies fitted to motor vehicles by the use of the various products of this company, occupy prominent position on the stand. The company's specialities mclude anti-rust -priming paint, non-poisonous paste filler, Motoline undercoating, Motoline enamel and various grades of varnish.
Accessories.. Stand 137
FEAT-ORES of the clip-spring seat frames which are shown here include those of durability, resilience and low cost. These seats are particularly suitable for public-service vehicles, as are the frameless balanced windows. Bodybuilders will be chiefly attracted by the
• samples of Agasote and Sundeala millboards. These boards are suitable for bodywork of all classes,: being, as they are, impervious to moisture and unaffected by climatic changes. Ventilators and appliances of various types, as well as petrol and oil gauges, are displayed on this stand, with examples of ca-stings and drop forgings.
Petrol Fillers. Stand 184
MUCH fuel can be wasted by the careless filling of petrol tanks, but this risk will be ,avoided if the patent filler which is marketed by Pettett's, and
• which is shown on this stand is used. This filler dispenses with the need for a funnel, and enables filling orifices . which may be placed in awkward positions to be easily reached.
.d. W. PICKAVANT (HIMSELFr Accessories. Stand .230
AS sole concessionnaire for Midland radiators, Grippo external brakes, Mainets shock absorlaers, Milegal meters, Falcon pumps and many other utility accessories, this exhibitor has a representative display. Midland radiators are for use with 'Ford vehicles. and the Milegal meter is a dashboard instrument which enables the m.p.g. to beascertained, Other exhibits include jacks, oil gauges, petrol-can carriers, synchronized ignition sets, extra-air valves, etc.
RANSOMES AND MARLES CO., LTD. Bearings. Stand 203
S'FEEL balls and rollers to within the finest, limits of accuracy, ball bearings and roller bearings suitable for all automobile applications are exhibited on This stand. A special feature in the design of this company's products is the exceptionally shallow filling notch employed to insert the balls in journal bearings. Ball and roller bearings of varioustypes are shown, as well as a few line-shaft bearings of the self-align. ing roller type.
Transmission. Stand 243 THE merit of the Rhodes Fordgear, which Provides a three-speed-andreverse gate change gearbox for Ford vehicles, is that it occupies the usual position . taken up by the regular Ford mechanism, the transmission drums, bands, triple gears, etc., being entirely removed. The Rhodes gearbox is an extremely compact unit, and it is made in two models.
Sparking Plugs. Stand 237
THE exhibit on this stand consists of a range of E.L.G. sparking plugs suitable for all British and foreign makes of commercial vehicles, including the Ford model plug. The Gjype .plug continues to be the most popular where 'a plug with a normal . reach metric thread is required: In this series, however, will be found long-reach inetrie thread plugs and those with A.L.A.M. threads of long and short reach.
S Acessories. tand 2.04
ROTAX electric lighting and starting equipments suitable-for all types and sizes of goods and passenger vehicles are shown here, these including dynamos, batteries, switchboards, switches, lamps,
etc. These components are built to withstand hard service. Bulb horns, tyre pumps, jacks, tools and tool kits, and general accessories in brass are also available for inspection.
Wheels. Stand 245
'D UDGE-WHITWORTH patent triple
spoke detachable wire wheels for use on commercial vehicles and light delivery vans and carrying giant, beaded edge, and straight-side tyres are to the fare on this stand. In addition, a full range of standard bearings is shown, as well as ball journal bearings of an entirely new design. Other accessories ale shown,. together with press work and stampings and forgings.
Storage Systems. Stand 216
STORAGE systems' for all 'classes of product form the exhibit of this company, but that which Will chiefly interest the commercial a chicle user is the kerbside oil storage tank, which is marketed at a most reasonable figure. Steel tables, lockers and cupboards of a fire-resisting nature for use in garages are to the fore. Petrol storage bins and .batteries of 100' gallon oil tanks complete the exhibit.
• SHELL-MEX, LTD. . Motor Spirit. Stand 209
SHELL motor spirit in its different .grades, and various classes of motor . oils are included in the exhibit of ShellAlex, Ltd., together with a wide range of industrial lubricating oils, which are suitable for use in various types of machinery.
Lubricants. Stand 199
OlsT this stand the model of a portion Lief the Jubricating oil stills of Silver. town Lubricants, Ltd., forms an attractive feature. Apparatus which is used for the testing of oils, and samples shoWing the various stages of the product, from the crude state to the finished article, can be seen. Users who favour bulk storage will be interested in the 250-gallon tank.
SiNtMS MOTOR UNITS (1920), LTD. Stand tand 267
AS might be expected, high and lowtension magnetos are conspicuously disposed on this stand. The S.R.4 model has been specially designed for use in four-cylinder engines which develop up to 50 h.p, and, like all this company s magnetos, it is fitted with the patent extended pole shoes. . Flexible magneto .and dynamo couplings are given space, as well as many accessories, etc.
Sta' Bearings, rt:1178
BEARINGS of all types which possess application s to commercial vehicles are, included amongst the comprehensive display on this stand. Those shown include single-row, doublerow, single-thrust and double thrust bearings, as well as a range of magneto bearings.
Friction Material. Stand 264
mHE friction materials for lining
brakes and facing clutches sold under the name of Don are shown on this company's stand. This friction material possesses good wearing qualities.
Accessories. Stand 188 THERE is a wide range of accessories shown on this stand, prominent amongst the display being speedometers and mileage recorders. There is a new recorder which has been apeciallir designed and constructed for use on Ford vans and lorries. There is a number of single and five-jet carburetters on view, With regard to electrical equipment, a new bus-type dynamo with an output of 12 volts 18 amps. is shown. Another exhibit of interest is an impulse starter, whilst acetylene lamps_ oil, side and tail lamps, mecnanical horns, spailt testers and other accessories are worthy of inspection.
SMITH, PARFREY AND CO., LTD. Wheels. Stand 248 Wheels. Stand 248
01HIS company is one of the oldest _L manufacturers of artillery wheels in the country, and were established as long ago as 1836, and, therefore, their exhibits can be taken as embodying features which have proved by experience to be satisfactory. The actual exhibit includes artillery wood wheels, P.W.W. patent artillery steel wheels, forgings, springs, and machined parts.
T_TERE is shown a number of rough 11.drop forgings such as are generally used in the motor industry, and it will be noted on visiting the stand that the output of the company is built to the designs of motor manufacturers.
Stand in 1868, thStisandco211136 company pany claim to he the oldest firm in the country whose business is solely devoted to the manufacture of lubricating oils and greases. There are various oils and greases which are given prominence but that known as Royal Snowdrift, which is a new super-refined motor oil possessing superior qualities, is well to the fore.
Radiators. Stand 234
POLISHED aluminium radiators made for such well•known vehicles as Leyland, Dennis, Albion, Guy, Bristol and other makes are attractively displayed here, as are tubular radiators for use on certain American lorries and treetoss. Radiator components, such as tube blocks and centres, copper tubes and double-tinned gilled tubes are also exhibited. Ford users should not overlook the new aluminium radiator.
Brake Shoes. Stand 196
BRAKE shoes for Ford vehicles form J..../the exhibit here. The special feature of the Stephens patent adjustable shoes is the means provided for adjustment, which is made by means of a wedgeshaped block upon which the brake shoes pivot. Screwed bushes for Ford axle housings and an adjustable and portable turnover engine stand are also to be seen.
STERNS, LTD. MN. Stand 233
" IT clings to the teeth" is the well-known house slogan of t.he. company, and that this claim is well substantiated is shown by the Ambroleum lubricant in use in a gearbox, which is shown under actual running conditions. A complete range of Sterno lubricating oils, together with certain brands special!y refined for use in commercial vej4gles are also displayed. Other fea
D58 tures of interest are the measuring pumps and storage batteries, to he noted amongst which is the new 20-gallon drum stand.
TN the Supurb carburetter, examples of 'which are shown here, the float chamber functions as in the ordinary form of carburetter with the fuel feed from the tube. One of the chief claims made for this carburetter is that the mixture is always in correct proportion to the speed of the engine.
Lubricating SyStems. Stand 71
TECALEMIT, LTD., are the exclusive proprietors of the British patents for Alemite and Thecla high-pressure lubricating systems, examples of which are in evidence on this stand. The Tecalen& system is composed of little grease plugs, either straight or with an elbow joint, and of a grease gson with a flexible tube, to which is attached an instantaneous coupling device.
THOMPSON BROS. (DILSTON), LTD. Storage Tanks. ' Stand t
VARIOUS types of tanks suitable for fitting to commercial vehicle chassis or for fixed installations are shown. The elliptical-type tank is for mounting direct on to a chassis for the conveyance of motor spirit in bulk. The tank shown has a 1,000-gallon capacity, and is of the double-compartment type. • Other exhibits are the 400-gallon double-compartment, circular cradle tank, and the 200gallon steel-footed kerosene tank. Pressed steel and welded •work is also displayed.
Lawsuits. Stand 235 GARGOYLE mobiloils and greases' for the lubrication of petrol-driven vehicles and Gargoyle lubricants for steam vehicles are arrayed on this stand, visitors to which should make a point of securing a copy of an instructive booklet entitled, " Correct Lubrication." An interesting exhibit is the electrically operated machine, showing specially prepared. diagrams of various lubricating systems.
Eieetrieai Equipment. Stand 206
Ns/ N this stand a range of electrical
productions is shown, these including dynamo lighting and starting equipments, bus lighting outfits similar to those supplied to the L.G.O. Co., and installations suitable for fire-engines and steam wagons. A new model switchboard is given prominence, as well as various models of commercial batteries which incorporate the corn: patty's patent threaded-rubber insulation. Lamps for use in different positions and a range of sparking plugs and electric horns are also prominently displayed on the stand.
Owls. Stand 162
A 'FULL range of Castrol oils and greases is, shown by this . wellknown company, who also stage a patent selfslocking tap for fitting to barrels and drums of oil, thereby avoid ing the risk of wastage. A patent dustproof cover is fitted to the onegallon tins of lubricants which are on view.
Fuel Pumps. I Stand 225
SELF MEASURING piston type petrol pumps .in several patterns are well arranged on this stand. There are to be Been kerbside installations as well as those which can with safety be employed iri garages and the like. All these pumps are of the visible type; that is to say, the fuel measured into the tank can be seen as it flows down from an overhead calibrated container.
Brake Attachments. Stand 190
A NEW brake attachment for the Ford ...ns one-ton truck chassis, known as the Bet.aford, is shown here. The outfit consists of a standard Ford brake drum and shales fitted as an extension at the. end of the worm shaft and operated by foot, at the same time throwing the standard Ford brake out of operation.
Spring Covers. Stand /39 A FEATURE of the Iiiiefeo spring Ili cover which is displayed on this stand is the neat and ingenious method of fastening employed. This is invisible, and no hooks, eyes or straps are used. A perfect fit is ensured by blocking the cover to the shape of the spring.
W. H. WILLCOX AND CO., LTD. Supplies. Stand 239
SUPPLIES and sundries of all descriptions figure amongst the exhibits on this stand, and these are all suited for the work of general engineers. Highgrade lubricating oils for petrol and steam vehicles are displayed, and a new speciality is Lubrigear—a lubricant for use in gearboxes, differentials and backaxle assemblies. Vices. WILSON'S BEARING VICE SYNDICATE.
Stand 5
IN this company's' vice the two jaws approach one another at the same speed, and their inclined forward edges; carry a spindle on which is mounted two discs. With this tool the operation of " setting-up " is controlled entirely by the machine, so that the need for a skilled worker is not needed.
Carburetters. Stand 163 MHE Solex carburetter is the speci
ality of this company, and various types and sizes of the instrument 'are shown. These include vertical and horizontal patterns, and a special model for the Ford. A new compound carburetter i4 on view for the first time.
WORSNOP AND CO., LTD. Lighting Equipment. Stand 218
ANEW lighting set for commercial vehicles is shown on this stand, and it includes two powerful side lamps capable of throwing a beam of 300 ft. A large selection of the company's Alklum accumulators for both lighting and startina purposes, as well as a range of headlamps, are also on view.
ZENITH CARBURETTER CO., LTD. Carburetters. Stand 259
ZENITH carburetters in all their forms are attractively displayed here, these being suitable for all types
• of commercial' vehicles and agricultural tractors. Special sets, consisting of carburetters and induction pipes or adaptors, as the case may be, are shown alongside special fittings, such as flanges, bends, hot-water jackets,. exhaust. heated jackets, etc.