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The Commercial Motor Industry at Last Sees the Turn of the Tide. The Prevalence of a Healthier Feeling, T HE VITALITY of the...
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I T WOULD be safe to say that the thing which first strikes the majority of provincial visitors to London is the road traffic....
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Too mita' talk of rival buses.' That not every precis is precise. • Of much Mobiloil writing on the wall. That the ad. might...
" Think I could get my missus to come to this Show with me? Not a bit ! " complained the grass widower. "When the cars, were...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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T HE luncheon inaugurating the Commercial Motor Exhibition, promoted by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, was...
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The Need for Finally Ousting the Horse from Busy Traffic Centres. Fairer Taxation Demanded. How the Country Stands to Gain by...
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Improved Brakes, Engines, Tyres and Suspension. Increasing Use of Tractor-lorries. Developing the Light Van Chassis. Lower...
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A Full Report of the Show, in which Attention is Drawn to Features of Outstanding Interest in Connection with Each Vehicle or...
STAND No. 123. MBE Allehin is an orthodoF overtype • wagon, embodying the charaoteristic features of its type. Its three-speed...
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-Tractor-lorry..2-ton Chassis., 20-seater Bus. 54-seater Bus. 1,000-gallon Tank Wagon.. STAND No. 94. MHIS year the exhibit...
30-cwt. Subsidy Chassis. Viking Coach. 21-seater Bus. 2-ton Lorry. 30-cwt. Box Van. STAND No. 113. T "Eproducts of the...
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New Two-speed Gear for hilly districts. The Uniflow Engine. STAND No, 85. A LTHOUGH the complete vehicle is undeniably the...
Miniature Vans. A One-seater Taxicab. Large Vans, and an Ambulance. STAND No. 117. A/rUCH of the interest which is 11113eing...
A Tractor-trailer, capable of • ready disconnection. STAND No. 89. A MOST remarkable example of sixwheeled tractor-trailer...
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Internal combustion and Steam Light Locomotives. • STAND ,No. 69. rpW0 light locomotives of 60 cm. gauge (i.e., standard...
150-200-.gallon Multi-stage Fireengine. Supertonna Coach. 15-cwt. Trailer. • STAND No. 79. B AICO PATENTS, LTD., are showing...
20 - 25 cwt. Chassis, Taxicab. 14-seater Coach. Sectioned Engine. STAND No. 90. A T the Beardmore stand one's attention is at...
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15-cwt., 30-cwt.1 21-ton and 6-ton Chassis. Buses. Ambu STAND No. 42. T HIS famous French concern are showing four commercial...
5. ton Chassis. STAND No. 26. T HE only exhibit on the Berne stand is the 5-ton chassis of the G3 type. This chassis,...
2-ton and 4-ton Chassis. One-man-control Bus. 52-seater Bus. STAND No. 23. O N ACCOUNT of the interest which is at present...
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30-cwt. and 50-cwt. Chassis. Lorry and Van for Railway Work. STAND No, 88, O N the stand occupied by H. G. Burford and Co.,...
Citroen-Ifegresse, with Platform and Van Bodies. London type Taxicab. STAND No, 21. K NOWN in some quarters as the 11 -...
Standard 6-ton Tipper Undertype Steam Wagon. Electric Refuse Wagon. STAND No. 16. T HE Clayton overtype steamer which is...
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Two-stretcher Ambulance. 14-seater Coach. STAND No. 9. T HE two complete vehicles to be seen on the Clement-Talbot stand are...
10-cwt, Van. 14-seater Bus. Traveller's Brougham. STAND No. 33. TIIVE exhibits are available for in spection on the Chevrolet...
Ambulance. 30-cwt. Subsidy Chassis. R.A.F. Tender. STAND No 31. O s THE Crossley stand an exhibit which is sure to attract...
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2-ton Chassis. Tipping Wagon 20-seater Coach. Double-deck Bus. STAND No. 92. O NE OF the most interesting features of the...
20-30-cwt. and 50-40-cwt. Chassis. . Special Coach Chassis. STAND No. 112. CIF THE four chassis exhibited by Nee/De...
Dual-purpose Vans. l0-cwt. and 15-cwt. Box Vans. STAND No. 37. F M cars are shown on the Durant, stand, and of these perhaps...
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A New 20-25-cwt. Chassis. Small Bus. All-weather Coach. Fire Pumps and Municipal Appliances. STAND No. 91. MINS year the...
24-55 h.p. Dodge Chassis. 50-cwt. Graham Chassis. Van. Bus and Hearse. STAND No. 30. T's ODGE BROS., LTD., are now selling a...
10-cwt. Van, 1-ton Truck. Lorry. Ambulance. Hotel Bus. One-man , STAND No. 106. A MOST comprehensive exhibit of passenger...
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5-ton and 6-ton Steam Wagons. A Platform Lorry in White. STAND No. 102. T HE most striking exhibit on the Foden stand is the...
Motor Fire Pump. F.W.D. Tipping Lorry and Tipping Trailer. STAND _ No. 40. T HE outstanding exhibit shown by this company is...
The Busvan for the Couatry Carrier. STAND No. 28. T WO EXHIBITS are staged by Henry Garner, Ltd., and of these the one -which...
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Undertype Steam Wagon Chassis. STAND No, 87: S TEAM-WAGON manufacturers are this year displaying chassis to an unusual...
Buick : 15-cwt. Chassis. 15-cwt. Van. Traveller's Brougham. G.M.C. :-30-cwt. Chassis. 14 and 28-seater Coaches 18-seater Bus,...
50-cwt. Chassis. 20-seater Coach. STAND No. 80. T WO examples of the Ootfredson vehicles are shown, one being a bare 30-cwt.....
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10-ton Tractor-lorry. 3i-ton End Tipper. 2-ton Box Van. STAND No. 14.• MHE centre of interest on the G.V. stand will...
Chassis for 10-cwt. and for 1-ton Loads. A Commercial Traveller's 2-seater. STAND No. 10. T HE Gray is a moderately priced...
18-seater Saloon Coach. Coach. Bus and Fire-engine. STAND No. 86. WIVE exhibits are shown by these ..12 famous makers, and...
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75 h.p. Fire-engine. Gully Emptier. Refuse collecting Wagon. 4-ton Van. STAND No. 114. T HE outstanding machine on the Halley...
Oil-tank Wagon. Tractor-lorry. 5-ton Chassis. 55-cwt. and 5-ton Lorries. STAND No. 107.. T HE centre of this stand is...
Open, Semi-limousine and Allweather Coaches. 20-seater Bus. STAND No. 22. T EIF. vehicles on the Lancia stand form one of...
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30-cwt. W.D. Subsidy Chassis. Goods and Passenger Vehicles. Municipal Appliances. STAND No. 109. O NE OF the most...
Crosville-type Bus. 30-cwt. Chassis and Lorry. Fireengines. Trojan Light Van, STAND No. 99. I T. IS extremely difficult to...
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30-cwt. Chassis. Horsebox. 18-seater Bus, Coach. Tractor-lorry-tipper. STAND No. 108. V ERY unusual design is displayed in...
18.seater Coach. 25-cwt. Tilt Vans with MarIes Steering. STAND No. 124. V ISITORS to Olympia are always interested in...
6-ton Tipping Wagon. An Interesting Tipping Gear. STAND No. 43. T HE Mann exhibit is a single tipping wagon of 6-ton...
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New 30-cwt. Chassis. New 2-5.tonner. Large Passenger Chassis. 7-ton Lorry. STAND No. 100. F GUR models are shown by this...
A New Light Van of British Make. Commercial Traveller's 2-seater. STAND No. 111. M ORRIS pleasure cars have, of course, been...
10-cwt., 20-cwt. and 50-cwt. Vans and Chassis. A Comfortable Coupe Brougham, STAND No. 101. O N THIS stand there is a very...
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Refuse Collecting Lorry and Containers. 5i-ton Forward Dash Chassis. STAND No. 46. A FEATURE of the Pagefield exhibit which...
Steam Wagon. Steam Tractor. Electric Industrial Truck. STAND No. 38. MRE Ransome steam wagon exhibited is a standard...
25-cwt. Chassis. Box Van. 14-seater Coach. STA.ND No. 41. rp HERE are three exhibits on this ..I. stand, comprising a Reo...
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A Range of Twelve Vehicles of Different Types for Many Purposes. STAND No. 93. riims famous French concern, which 1 produces...
A Light Van and a Commercial Traveller's Car on 8 h p. Chassis. STAND No. 82. T HE Rover exhibit consists of five different...
A 20-seater Bus and an 18-20seater Coach, each on 20 h,p. Chassis. STAND No. 95. T WO types of the Spa commercial vehicle are...
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A Three-way Tip Wagon. An End Tipper for Municipal Uses. STAND No. 20. V ISITORS to this stand cannot but be impressed by the...
A 2,000 Gallon Tank Wagon. A Pantechnicon and an End Tipper. STAND No. 36. " M UCH of the credit which has attended the...
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Road Tractor. The Super Sentinel Wagon. Interesting Components. ' STAND No. 119. F ' people will be able to deny the...
A New Light Load Chassis. Lorry and Tip Wagon on 30-40 cwt. Chassis. STAND No. 98 T IIIS well-known engineering concern are...
Brewer's Lorry On . a 3-4 ton Ch a ssis. A New 2i ton Petrol Electric. STAND No. 12. MWO petrol-electric machines of different...
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Double-deck Buses. 50-seater Bus. A-type Chassis. STAND No. 105 W ITH so many buses of Straker. Squire manufacture on the...
Steam Wagon. Tandem Roller. STAND No. 129. T HE typical outward feature of the new Tasker is the arrangement of the water...
2-ton Chassis. 2-ton L,orry. STAND No. 120., MBE TRAFFIC chassis has proved quite . a popular model in this country, for it...
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The New 50 h.p. J. Type Chassis. A Six-wheeled Tractor Lorry. A Motor Coach de Luxe. • STAND No. 97. S OME VERY fine...
A 48-seater Petrol-electric Bus for London. STAND No. 96. rpHE HUGE double-decker London_L type bus built by Tilling-Stevens...
wheeled Extended Lorry, STAND No. 58. W HAT is certainly one of the most interesting chassis at the Show is the...
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Provincial Cab Chassis. Light Load Chassis and 14-seater Coach. STAND No. 115. TTNIC MOTORS have, of course, 11 --- 1 been...
Timber Wagon, Tipper, Bus and Coach, each on a 2-ton Chassis. STAND No.116. T H "year the Vulcan Motor Co. have contented...
Battery Electric Chassis. Rearaxle Driving Unit. STAND NO. 19. T IlE exhibits on this stand consistof a Walker battery...
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A New 2-ton Chassis. 20-seater Bus. A Gravity Tipping Wagon. STAND No. 83. A VERY interesting exhibit on the stand of W. and...
A New Cab to Comply with Scotland Yard Regulations. STAND No. 25. T HE cans exhibited on this stand have obtained...
A New A11-British Van for 10-cwt. Loads. STAND No. 78. A VERY neat little van to carry 1O-eat. loads is shown on this stand...
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T HE Westinghouse system of larake 'operation has rapidly sprung into popularity, particularly Oil vehicles of the...
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Showing Individuality of Design, the British Production has Open to it a Field of Endeavour which is Well Worthy of Greater...
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In Passenger Vehicles Increased Seating Accommodation and More Comfortable Seats are Provided. In Light Goods Vehicles Stylish...
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T WO actions (Slough Lorries and Components v. Temple Press Ltd. and Slough Trading Corn pany v. Temple Press Ltd.) were...
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New Devices which will Find their Way into the Better-equipped Garages and Enable Repairs to be Carried Out instead of being...
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A Detailed Commentary on the Extensive Range of Exhibits to be Seen at the Agricultural Hall, Chief Amongst which are those of...
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1vr0 EXHIBITION of commercial 11 vehicles could be considered complete without examples of the trailer— that very useful means...
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Concise Details of the Principal Exhibits which Cover a Large Range and are Widely Used in All Branches of the Industry....
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W E repeat, once more, with revisions and corrections• to date, our tables of operating costs and hire charges for commercial...
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The Best and Quickest Way to Inspect the Exhibits of All Manufacturers. Tyre Equipment for All Classes of Goods and Passenger...
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Further Discussion of a Problem which has Arisen in Connection with a Road Repair Haulage Contract. T HE WEAK point about the...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, which will Appeal to the • Owner, Driver, and Repairer. I N TT - 11b series...
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Our Driver and Mechanic Readers Explain Difficulties which They Have Overcome. MHE STUPENDOUS task of convert ing the...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. A N INGENIOUS carburetter of the floatless type, in which the throttle valve,...