What the Associations Are Doing
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The question of the merger is to be discussed, and the reasons for the breakdown given, at an important meeting of A.R.Q. Metropolitan Area, to be held at River Plate House, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2, at 7.30 p.m. to-day (Friday).
The speakers will he Mr. J. F. E. Pye, chairman, Metropolitan Area ; Mr. R. W. Sewill, national director; Mr. H. Norman Letts, legal adviser: Major the Hon. Eric Long, political adviser, and Mr. H. J. Lloyd, member, National Council.
S.T.R. at LiverPool and Hove Next .Month.
Liverpool district operators should not. miss the opportunity Of hearing art address on costing and minimum charges by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, at -Liverpool, on December 8. The meeting will-be held at the Common Hall, Hackings Hay, at 0 p.m., under the auspices of the C.M.U.A. Liverpool and North Wales Division. .
On December 15, • S.T.R. is fixed. to give a lecture at the Ship Hotel, _Hove Street, Hove, at 7 p.m., under A.R.O.
Licensing Assistance .Appreciated.
The need for adequate local collaboration was recently stressed by Mr. E. A. Harris, secretary of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers, on the occasion of a recent visit to the Southend and district branch. He enjoined the .branch to keep head office advised on all matters directly or indirecty affecting members.
With t'egarcl to the work of the' National Executive, he believed that
there was universal appreciation by the trade of -the licensing scheme which was evolved by the committee, prior to the coming into operation of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933. Many members, he added, had been assisted in their applications.
1937 F.W.R. Conference.
Next year's annual conference of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers will be held in London on Wednesday and Thursday, June 9 and 10.
Transport in Peace and War.
Lewisham Chamber of Commerce has invited Mr. R. W. Sewill, national director of A.R.O., to speak at its luncheon on December 2, on " Road Transport in Peace and War."
Grappling with Beet Haulage Problems.
In connection with the work which has been done by A.R.O. on the question of sugar-beet haulage, a meeting of the committee., formed last July to deal with this problem, has been called for December 1 in London.
Mr. H. J. Lloyd, chairman of the Eastern Area, is chairman of the coinmittee, and Mr. E. D. Grey, secretary of the East Midland area, and Mr. P. J. Authers, secretary of the Eastern area, are the hon. secretaries.
A great deal of work in connection with beet has been carried out hy A. R .0. during the past summer, and those concerned are confident of producing a long-term policy of the utmost benefit to road hauliers as a whole. We are also informed that A.R.O. is developing other plans in close co-operation with the Agricultural Marketing Board. No details can yet be given.
At a meeting of the freight brokers' section of A.R.O., on November 19,a new committee was elected, and it was decided to prepare a policy for clearing houses throughout the country, in conjunction with the haulage section of A.R.O.
Arrangements were made to hold regular monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month, and a sub-committee was formed, which is to meet on November 30 to prepare a statement of policy for presentation to the full committee on December 7.
The following were appointed to the committee:-Major Thomas, Capt. Jones, Messrs, W. Donaldson Wright, Nathan Fine, C. Walmsley, M. II. Harris, H. A. Palmer, J. Miller, A. C. Denton, N. E. Bennett, C. A. Hodge, J. McGregor, J. F. Archbold and D. E. D. Worthington.
Mr. H. A. Palmer was appdinted joint hon. secretary, with Mr. J.
Five Lancashire C.M.U.A. Meetings. A series of meetings at which operators will be addressed by various speakers on matters arising from the administration of the 1933 Act, has been arranged by the C.M.U.A. SouthEast Lancashire Area. The dates are as follow :
Wigan, November 20; Oldham, December 2; Rawtenstall, December 7; Rochdale, December 10; Bury, December 14. Details of the places of meeting, together with all information, will he supplied on application to Mr. W. F. Farnorth, 155, Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, 8.
A.R.O. Policy Explained,
At A.R.O. meetings at Kew and Aylesbury, last week, Mr. R. W. Sewill, national director, outlined the policy of the Association. He said that the industry, through its associations, or preferably through one association, should control rates and wages, with some form of final enforcement through the Licensing Authorities.
The precedent for such control of the industry could be found among the professions, but the best instance of the principles involved was probably that of the National Farmers Union, which acted through the various Marketing Boards.
Mr. Sewill explained the policy sub. B23 mitted to the Government committee of inquiry on wages and conditions, and he showed how the question of rates was intimately bound up with that of wages. In conclusion, the speaker dealt with the work carried out by the Association in conjunction with the Marketing Boards.
At the Aylesbury meeting, Mr. Sewill was supported by Major the Hon. Eric Long, who spoke on the Parliamentary work and propaganda carried out by A.R.O. Major Long pointed out how the Press in this country had at last realized that the road industry was being deprived of its freedom by anomalies due to the Road and Rail Traffic Act. The methods adopted to enforce the existing laws were, he added, neither British nor lair.
Walsall C.M.U.A. Meeting. • Members-of Walsall Sub-area of the C.M.U.A. will meet at the Stork Hotel, Walsall, on November 30, at 7.30 p.m. Non-members are also invited. Tamar Bridge Campaign Continues.
Keen interest has been aroused among all sections of East Cornwall road users, especially C-licence holders, by the action of A.R,O. Devon and Cornwall Area in pressing for the construction of a bridge over the River Tamar, in the vicinity of Saltash.
Mr. K. G. Foster, chairman of the Area, who is taking a leading part in the propaganda work, extended the scope of his crusade by stressing the advantages of the Tamar Bridge to members of St, Austell Rotary Club, on Tuesday. He referred to the considerable delays to road traffic cadsed by the lack of a bridge.
Writ Against A.R.O.: Settlement Reached. "
Following the application (exclusively disclosed by The Commercial Motor on October 9) by Lt.-Comdr. Alexander Fallon and Mr. Anthony Todd, prominent members of A.R.O., for an injunction to restrain that Asso
ciation from merging, wider certain conditions, with the C.M.U.A., a settlement has been reached. The application was made in the Chancery Division of the High Court.
Under the settlement, until a special resolution has been passed at an extraordinary general meeting of A.R.O., the Association will not assign its assets to the C.M.U.A., and will not bina itself on any matter connected with the merger, or the appointment of the principal officers of the new unified organization. "
Fuller details of the settlement are given on page 513 of this issue, where other moves affecting A.R.O. are also reported.
Licensing to be Explained.
Mr. J. Foley Egginton will address a meeting, to be held under the auspices of the C.M.U.A., at the Sandwell Hotel, West Bromwich, on December 1, at 7.30 p.m. He will speak on current licensing matters.