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D URING this critical period in the history of road transport it is vital that those in charge of its well-being should take...
r - rHERE are not wanting many thinking opera]. tors in this country who believe that the steam wagon will again take its place...
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Opening a Banking r HATTING with a bank Account with an A ii â¢-⢠manager the other day, he Licence told us of a visit he...
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'The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
place in the range of " inner zone " transport vehicles and municipal appliances marketed for the forthcoming season by Ka:...
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The Hercules Motors Corporation, Canton, Ohio, the engine products of which are used on certain vehicles available in this...
Operating costs of the council's lorries are revealed in the annual report of Warwick county surveyor. The 12...
with costs, was given at Leeds Assizes, last week, in an action for alleged libel brought by I. W. Holdsworth, Ltd., the...
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'THE big increase in the number of 1 cinemas, and the rapid expansion of the film industry, were points that received...
A N allegation that' four vehicles 1 â ilicensed to Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd.. for the carriage of certain goods...
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Crosville : Motor Services, Ltd.., Chester, which has nearly 1,000 vehicles in operation, has organized a parcels-delivery...
Sons, of Wheelock, near Sandbach, has completed 20,000 miles during the past nine months and the fuel consumption has proved to...
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The danger of sugar-beet falling into the roan from carelessly loaded lorries was emphasized by a police superintendent in a...
W E have attended quite a number of interesting and, sometimes, unusual functions, but for sheer novelty that in which we took...
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THE REASON WHY-A.R.O. VERSION. The question of the merger is to be discussed, and the reasons for the breakdown given, at an...
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MR. W. D. PATRICK, K.C., has been appointed by the Minister of Transport to be a deputy chairman of the Appeal Tribunal, mainly...
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A LTHOUGH the railways are appealing against the Metropolitan Licensing Authority's derision in the Bouts-Tillotson test case,...
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vexing problems appertaining to internal-combustion engines is cylinder wear. The high-efficiency engine of to-day, with its...
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B UILT expressly for handling excavators and similar machines of up to 10 tons "in weight, the semitrailer shown in the...
WHILST apparently possessing no in superable disadvantages, a scheme for the arrangement and design of coach and bus windows,...
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L AST week we vere able to give, in a large number of copies of this journal covering all parts of the country, the first news...
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MOT only is the National Council of the C.M.U.A. of opinion that the merger cannot be consurnifeated at the present time, but a...
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In Parliament PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS TO BE ILLUMINATED? D IETICULTY experienced by drivers M seeing pedestrian crossings at...
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A N article under . the above heading appeared in The Motor of November 17. Although written by Mr. Roland E. Dangerfield...
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I HAVE, this week. had brought to my notice the most flagrant and outrageous example of rate-cutting with which I have ever had...
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Ingenious Features in New Crane Product Mounted on I3.50-in. Pneumatics A N interesting type of gun - carrying trailer to...
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LAUNDRY VANS " C OACHBUILDERS have turned out some fine special bodies for us laundrymen," said one proprietor to another....
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Passenger Transport The enterprise of Rootes, Ltd., in Argentina, has resulted in a number of local transport undertakings...
A GREEING to state a case for appeal, Rhondda Stipendiary, on November 19, at Porth Police Court, disposed of the charge on...
L./Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners allowing a relaxation of duplication restrictions in respect of road services operated...
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L./ I ICENCE renewals for Lancashire London coach services were considered at a sitting of the NorthWestern Traffic...
I N the appeal of Mr, R. .C, Yates, of Rothesay, against the refusal by the Southern Scotland Traffic Commissioners to grant a...
IN an address to Southampton Chamlber of Commerce, on Monday, S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, dealt with the...
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C of horsed and `......-mechanical transport is not a new `......-mechanical transport is not a new idea in mechanical...
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INCREASING SAFETY BY A NEW SYSTEM OF ROAD LIGHTING. [4932] Feeling that this subject still engages not only your minds but...
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drive from New York to Chicago over the famous Lincoln Highway yielded some interesting sidelights on the opeption of...
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A Résumé of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published P ATENT No. 455,301 describes a two-stroke engine of the...