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27th November 1936
Page 51
Page 52
Page 51, 27th November 1936 — OPINIONS and 'QUERIES
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?


[4932] Feeling that this subject still engages not only your minds but many others, including that of the Minister of Transport, I claim to be justified in submitting a suggestion, which has interested me for some time, with the knowledge that you will consider it in -the light of its having been submitted in the spirit of obviating accidents and loss of life on the roads. I am not an engineer, but feel that the idea has points which ought to be considered.

In your judgment, would it be possible to include in road construction and maintenance, the installation of neon-lit kerbs along all roads? Unbreakable glass is now obtainable, and I wonder whether a continuous neon light could be made, at an economic price, brilliant enough to light, at least, half the road from each side.

The introduction of this system would eliminate the overhead, side and other lights; would destroy shadow, and could be constructed also to light the footpaths. It would, therefore, eliminate the cost of overhead and side standards and wires, do away with the need. for brilliant headlights on motor vehicles, and cut out entirely the risk of dazzle.

It would also safeguard the cyclists, and, I contend, generally considerably help to reduce accidents on the road, which involve a large number of deaths.

As I have stated, I am not an engineer, electrical or otherwise ; I profess no knowledge of science, but• merely feel that with the enormous quantity of cheap electric power at our. disposal to-day, the cost of my suggestion, if workable, would be greatly assisted by the eliminations which I have enumerated.

I therefore feel that you, the Minister of Transport and others, might be inclined to give the idea your consideration. G. H. WARD. Liverpool, 1

[The suggestion made by Mr. C. II. Ward is certainly an interesting one and, at least, deserves consideration by those responsible for the lighting of our roads. Thera is little doubt that it would be expensive, because neon tubes can be of only limited length, consequently, they would necessitate a large amount of wiring; also, whilst they give a fairly long life, -they would probably require constant supervision and renewal. We do not, however, feel qualified to express a full opinion on the merits 4-)tdemerits of the scheme, and would suggest that this

could better be given by one or other of the itnpOrtant electrical-engineering companies which specialize in that form of lighting.—En.]


[4933] I" have read with great interest the article entitled " When Passengers are Carried in Goods Vehicles," in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated November O. I should be pleased if you would define my own position.

I run a 30-cwt. lorry daily to the local wholesale market, bringing back produce for six or seven tradespeople. On my way to market I call on each of my clients, .picking up empties, if any. Unless they have already gone to market, the customers usually accompany me, also on the return journey. There are, however, numerous occasions when some of the customers travel by other means. I am paid by each one at the end of the week, and receive the same amount, no matter how the clients have travelled to or from market.

To me, this appears to be a genuine case of being paid only for the transport of goods. My vehicle, which is run under a B licence, is insured for the trans

port of non-fare-paying passengers. PUZZLED. Stafford.

[This appears to us tube a case in which the police might well hold the view that the charge for the carriage of goods includes the cost of transporting passengers. The facts are not unlike those relating to the Hackney Stadium case, in which the High Court held that, although patrons of the Stadium paid the same price for admission whether or not they travelled by the, vehicles provided free of charge by the Stadium authorities, the work was that of transport for hire or reward at separate fares, and required an express-service licence.—En.]


[4934] We should much appreciate your advice on the following point : We have a claim pending against a firm for the sum of £250. It is only a one-man show, but the man is contemplating turning his business into a private limited company with a nominal capital of £100. If he should do so, will it be possible for us to claim our full amount of £250, or shall we be in a position to claim only up to the amount of his capital of £100? T.A. Exeter, [Your claim for £250 is against the firm or the individual

carrying on business as the firm. The fact that the individual is contemplating turning his business into tt limited company will not transfer the liability from him to the limited company, and the limited company cannot be held responsible for debts incurred prior to the date of incorporation. Your claim therefore will be against the individual personally, or the firm named, for the full amount, namely, £250.—En.]


[49851 So far, I have been unable to obtain the type of vehicle which I require. It should be a six-wheeler weighing just under 6 tons with both rear axles driven. The body should have a capacity of about 7 yds., and be about 15 ft. long, also it should he able to tip three ways. The weight-carrying capacity should be as much as can safely and legally be permitted with the unladen weight mentioned.

It appears to me that there must be a good many other operators under present-day conditions requiring a vehicle of this ,type. For the class of work upon B41 which I am engaged the maximum-load four-wheeler is not the type required, as it is easily beaten by many of the new vehicles weighing under 2-% tons.

Blackpool. T.H.C.


. [49361 I read in my daily paper, with great interest, the news regarding the feat of the L.M.S. Railway in beating the world record in a run from London to Glasgow and back, and noted that Sir Josiah Stamp gave the driver his personal congratulations.

This was certainly a feat of which to be proud, and the fireman must have been very busy feeding eight tons of coal each way into the furnace.

As a lorry driver, however, I would like to refer to Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, which stipulates that no driver may work for a period of more than 51 hrs. without a minimum rest of 30 mins. ; yet the driver of the train in question took 5 hrs. 44 mins. in one dikection and 5 hrs. 53 mins. in the other. He could not have had his meal, for, say, at least 20.mins. before starting and would probably get nothing until 20 mins, after arrival, so that the least possible time between his meals would be 6 hrs. 24 mins. on one journey and 6 hrs. 33 mins. on the other, unless the responsibilities of an engine driver are so little as to permit him to eat while attending to his work.

Are the requirements of the Road Traffic Act different from those of the Road and Rail Traffic Act? I am proud of the law that compels a lorry driver to rest after 51 hrs., but if I have to travel to or from Glasgow in a train controlled by a driver who had his last meal over 6 hrs. previously, and who would probably be

experiencing "that sinking feeling," I shall be rather doubtful.

The real point is, are the two Acts so framed that one is for lorry drivers and one for engine drivers? In any case, I say "Thank goodness I am a lorry driver."

London, S.E.13. A. H. GREEN.

[The Road Traffic Act, 1930, as its name implies, solely concerns road transport. Section 19 opens with the statement that "with a view to protecting the public against the risks which arise in cases where the drivers of motor vehicles are suffering from excessive fatigue it is hereby

enicted " The Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, contains an amendment of Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, but this also applies only to road vehicles. The railway section of this Act deals mainly with agreed charges, level crossings, the reporting of certain accidents and other points of a similar nature, so that it is a case of one law for the road and another for the railway.--ED.]


[4937] We are looking for an apparatus for cutting Triplex glass. Can you put us in communication with any concern which may market it?

1,Vill.iAm PIKE,

For William Pike, Ltd, Trowbridge.

[We have been in communication with the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., regarding apparatus for cutting Triplex safety glass. We are informed that the company supplies plant and instructions for using it, at a moderate cost to authorized dealers in Triplex glass. It is, therefore, suggested that you should communicate with the company at 1, Albemarle Street, London, W.1, for an agency, which will entitle you to the equipment.— ED.]