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No Rebore in 100,000 Miles

27th November 1953
Page 36
Page 36, 27th November 1953 — No Rebore in 100,000 Miles
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INtwo • yearsan Austin A40 van I operated by Birmingham Post and Mail, Ltd., has covered 100,000 miles without a rebore and has averaged 32.7 m.p.g. After the van had covered a little over 30,000 miles the engine bore wear was 0,002 in_ to 0.003 in. and the pistons were fitted with Wellworthy Duaflex rings. The big-end journal wear was about 0.0005 in. and new shells were installed.

A second set of Duaflex rings was fitted after nearly 55,000 miles, when the maximum bore wear was 0.010 in., and a third set at 79,500 miles. During this period the increase in bore wear was only 0.002 in.

The big-end shells were also renewed on both occasions and during the last overhaul a new timing chain and tensioner were fitted. The big-end journal wear was then 0.003 in.

The engines of all the vehicles in the Birmingham Mail fleet of 100 Austin, Commer, Ford and Morris vehicles are fitted with Dualiex rings. The total annual mileage is about lim.


AN agreement made in 1928 between the Mexborough and Swinton Traction Co. and Rotherham Corporation for through running of trolleyb uses on the Rotherham, Mexborough and Conisborough service is to end on March 31 next year, The company have applied to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority for permission to operate double-deck motorbuses on the route.

DUAL-PURPOSE CONVERSION A DOUBLE-DECK bus recently ti withdrawn from service by Dundee Transport Department has been converted to instruct learner-drivers. Benches on which mechanical components are exhibited have been installed,

The bus will also be used to remove overhead obstructions, such as tree branches, and to this end the rear half of the roof has been cut away.


WHEN controlled highway parking VY comes to Britain it will not be necessary for authorities to pay dollars for parking meters. Venner Time Switches, Ltd., are spending £25,000 on equipping their factory at New Malden, Surrey, to make the American Park-oMeter under licence. The meter has been designed to take sixpences and shillings and is said to be fraud-proof.

UNDERBODY SPRAY PLANT EEQUIPMENT suitable for spraying the undersides of vehicles with anticorrosion preparations has been produced by BEN. Patents, Ltd, High Wycombe, Bucks. The nozzle of the spray gun has been specially designed. Inaddition to the normal pressurereducing valve for the material con


tamer, there is a valve to control spraygun pressure.

The price of the equipment is £39 15s., or £54 if supplied with a sixgallon container.


A RECOMMENDATION has been I-1 made to the Home Office by the Association of Municipal Corporations that 'details of approved types of petroleum tanker should in future be made available to •local authorities. This action follows a comment by West Ham council that thefl aPproved types had not -been made known to the authorities responsible for the enforcement of regulations concerning the conveyance of petrol. .