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Future of B.T.C.'s Road Transport Interests : High Prices Alone Will Secure Units SURPR ISE has been caused by the Road Haulage...
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A DECISION by Lord Goddard in the Divisional Court earlier this year (reported in The Commercial Motor on February l'3) placed...
Broadsides in the House A MOUNTING barrage of questions on roads is r - k being put up in the House of Commons. Although the...
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"Have 100 transport units been lost?" That Homalloy light-alloy bodies are arousing much interest. That the Rootes Group seem...
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List: Response "Moderate" RY Monday of this week, the British Transport Commission had " received 2,000 applications for the...
L OW-VISCOSITY oils are saving Liverpool Transport Department £3,000 a year. Research into engine speeds and other factors...
I T is unlikely that the Road Safet Bill will make its appearanc before the spring, writes a specia correspondent. It is even...
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EPRESENTATIONS by Regional IA Boards for Industry and various lational associations about road conlitions will be given full...
WHEN The Commercial Motor road W tested the Guy Arab passenger chassis of 16-ft. 4-in, wheelbase with a 44-seat body (August 8,...
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the 1 Metropolitan LicensingAuthority's Notices and Proceedings," operators , are reminded of the closing of London's Judd...
MR. W. F. FRENCH, managing director of the United Service Transport Co., Ltd., recently completed 50 years' service. MR. L. W....
• • Bus Costs " IT is really scandalous that, in this new, progressive Elizabethan age, there should still be hundreds of...
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A LARGE increase in the production of oil engines by Morris Corniercial Cars, Ltd:, is foresbadoWed,,by a announcement in he...
TUDGMENT was reserved by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council last week after they had con sidered the question whether...
Brussels IVIOtor Show this year, the British heavy-vehicle inakers rill support the 1954 exhibition. Representative models of...
A DRIVER of British Road Services . was convicted at Perth on Monday for carrying an excessive load of timber, stated to be 3...
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IN two • years an Austin A40 van I operated by Birmingham Post and Mail, Ltd., has covered 100,000 miles without a rebore and...
THE first 39 of the 58 Leyland at Leylarld-M.C.W. Olympic bus ordered for Jamaica Omnibus Servic( Ltd., the new British company...
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PLEA that it was the personal touch that distin g uished a private ty from an excursion and tour was de on behalf of an...
A / TUCH g reater 'efforts must be made ILL to recapture the South American • markets, which for "many years have traditionally...
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O N an appeal by Bridgwater Rural District Council, the Minister of Transport has ordered the Western Licensing Authority to...
A N appeal by Mr. W. Trezise (IllP-ICat Coach and Taxi Co.) against 1 Eastern Licensing Authority's refusal grant him a...
D ELIVERY vehicles falling within the category of motorcycles are increasing in popularity among retail traders, as they can be...
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. 2HEFFIELD expects to have a deficit - I of £72,500 on its trams and a surd - us of £114,000 on its buses at March I, 1955....
IN. the year ended October 31, 1951, L C licences increased by 8 per cent., aid Mr. Molson, Parliamentary Secreary to the...
FTER waiting at a stop while passengers alighted from the double-deck bus that he was driving, a defendant in a Cambridgeshire...
Of 22,000 commercial vehicles produced in this country last month, 11,150 were exported. The north-eastern regional sales...
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New. E.R.F. Articulated Tractor Having Four-cylindered Engine and 10-speed Transmission is Nicely Powered for Hauling 10-ton...
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k FOUR-WHEELED 5-6-cu.-yd. dumper, with a supercharged four-cylindered two-stroke oil engine and the steering gear, axles,...
F OURTEEN extended tours in England, Scotland and Wales are to be offered by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co.,...
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A N unusual mobile outfit which should prove adaptable for a wide variety of purposes has heen produced by J. H. Jennings and...
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— In the Distribution System of Ushers Wiltshire Brewery, Ltd., which Employs 57 Goods Carriers and Serves Eight Counties By...
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A Haulier's Experience Reveals the Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Schemes By P. A. C. Brockington, rr 0 preserve'...
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HEN a carrier receives an order by telephone, it can be assumed the contract is made according to standard conditions of...
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O NCE Christopher Columbus was well on his way across the Atlantic, a snap vote among' his crew would probably have been in...
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EE article on the subject of lightweight buses by L. J. Cotton in your issue dated October 23, was icularly interesting and...
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Whilst a Vehicle Can he Made to Run Almost Indefinitely, Its Owner is Hampered in Competition with Other Operators with Modern,...
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WHATEVER BRAND OF PETROL YOU S some, also, employed on service which is favourable to lornic operation, such as ir earrying...
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when driven by the vehicle is often thought to be caused by compression, but this is largely wrong, because most energy...