The death of Prince Francis of Teck collies as more
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than an ordinary shock, because he had endeared himself to mail:outside his princely circle. have been at many functions in which he was playing a leading part, and always with an entire absence of frills " or " side." He will be keenly missed at the R.A.C., as he not only shed much lustre on that body but brought much intelligence and tact to bear in dealing with its difficult business. I recounted in these columns not much more than a veer ago. how, at an R.A.C. dinner, 'Prince Francis, in my hearing, observed, in the most-casual way, in the course of his speech, "my friend' Mr. Jolian Orde." This bright reference to the popular secretary of the R.A.C. seemed to strike a right note with all present and it sized up Prince Francis, Ho will not be easily replaced.
Gold medals have never done any arm any good on the steam side so far as I can see," said a prominent maker to me quite recently, and then fob lowed a cursory discussion, and vs e each ransacked our memories. He mentioned eminent firms who never have received any gold medals, and I reminded him of others who have received such awards and have made the hest possible use of this concrete form of special recognition, for a gold medal essentially goes to the BEST. My point is that if a concern is awarded a gold medal for a competition or for a superior exhibit, it is their own fault if they do not afterwards secure an adequate share of any orders which may be placed, because, in competitions, gold medals do not find their way to vehicles of defective construction. It is true that often an excellent vehicle just misses the gold medal, but that hall-mark having been obtained the trade should legitimately follow if time responsible people properly follow up their advantage. Take the older steam firms who have shown at the Royal Show for say 30 or more years past : their cases of gold medals. and their photographic reproductions of the same, must have assisted to clinch many a bargain as they undoubtedly help to establish the reputation of a concern. On the petrolvehicle side, which is more go-ahead than steam, I could name innumerable firms, especially if I included pleasure . vehicles in the category, where the gold medals obtained in competition have just placed the crown on their efforts, and it has been plain sailing afterwards. If it be of interest, I will willingly give chapter and verse for my assertion. In conclusion, it is hardly necessary to say that even after being awarded a "gold " vehicles must still be improved : it is almost equivalent to the proverb that one cannot stand still—one must go forward or backwards.
It is a busy season this, and I bad only time to run up to the Brewers' Exhibition, late one evening last week, so I did not meet with many of the principal& The Sentinel wagon, very properly, had its position at the entrance, on guard as it were. Mann's and Foden's both had good exhibits, and familiar faces in attendance greeted one. Allehin's, too, were there with a useful wagon painted a vivid
hue, and compelling attention; someone said those were its racing colours. A newcomer was the Hallford vehicle, opposite the big display of Leyland petrol vehicles.
I ran across Mr. Bullock in London the other day, and I gathered that matters in connection with the Manchester show are proceeding, and, as things shape now, only one show will be hold, in Manchester, comprising both commercial vehicles and those for the pleasure side, as was the case last year. Doubtless more details will be found in another part of this issue as Mr. Bullock, when I met him, was endeavouring, in his eager and enthusiastic way, to track the Editor of this journal. I have personally a great belief in the Manchester show as a business-bringing concern.