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The Royal Automobile Club has suffered aimo her loss, in the lamented and unexpected death of 11.Si-1. Prince Franvis of Teck,...
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the road bored much too often. That if -you are " long " of rubber now the game will net belong to you. That. the first-aid...
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Topics. Nacs contributions are invited : payment witi be made on publication. ()Milani is perturbed at the possible...
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Peter Union Co.'s Extension. The Peter Union Co. has established a branch at Corbach (Waldeck), and the new factory, which has...
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Within the past week our attention has been directed to a 'simple and compact form of change-speed gearbox, the invention of...
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News eontrsbutions are invited: payment will be made on publication. The 'Manchester Tranr6 ays Committee has recently put...
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At the Royal Automobile Club, on Wednesday night of Iasi. week, under the ehnirmanship of Sir Charles D. !lose, Bart., a member...
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Some features of an interesting design of gearbox are illustrated and described on page 153; it promises well for rail-cars....
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Matters. News contributions are invited: payment wit.' be mink on publication. Swansea hopes to get a motor fireengine before...
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The vehicles enumerated in the following table. rut a result of their performance in the recent French military trials, are...
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than an ordinary shock, because he had endeared himself to mail:outside his princely circle. have been at many functions in...
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An Arrol-Johnston Load. I am sending this week a photo:graph of an Arrol-Johnston lorry carrying a load of wool. Most of the...
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A considerable amount of success has been obtained with the HanfordStevens system of petrol-electric transmission as applied to...
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Registered Owners and Mechanical Transport for Army Purposes. Tie Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. L1,21 Sir, !-Although rather...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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A Selected Collection of Extracts from the British and Foreign Press. A D cad Industry. The electrical hearse, moving with...
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TEN suiLur:Gs WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...