Fire-Brigade .1
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Swansea hopes to get a motor fireengine before long.
A second Dennis engine has been ordered for Birmingham.
Penge L.D.C. recently approved the purchase of a motor fire-engine.
Glasgow has decided to order two more Dennis and four more Halley engines.
Chesterfield is about to obtain tenders for a motor fire-engine—and new hose pipe.
Kilmarnock, having " tasted the sweets " of Glasgow's motor fire-engines, is going to buy one of its own.
Edinburgh will not decide upon the tenders in hand for a month, as the municipal elections have to be finished beforeha ad.
Coal Owners Move.
A Merryweather petrol fire-engine with "Hatfield " reciprocating pump hits been delivered to the Durham and Northumberland Coal Owners Association.
Eccles (Lancs.) To Test a Leyland.
Upon the recommendation of the Fire Brigade Superintendent of Eccles, the Town Council is to invite Superintendent Frost of the Sheffield Fire Brigade to give a display in Eccles with the Leyland motor fire-engine now in course of completion for the Sheffield Corporation. Worthing's Dennis—and others.
The Worthing Brigade, for which Chief Officer H. N. Collet has done so much good work, is about to take over its four-cylinder Dennis engine with turbine pump. Sat urday last witnessed certain tests, at Patching Pond. some 4 miles from this fruit-growing centre and select watering place. Jets, varying in height from 90 ft. to 140 ft., in number from one to four, with nozzles of from 1 in. to in. in diameter, and with pressures be hind them averagi n g well above 120 lb.. ,% etc thrown. A fe,‘ visi tors had been invited to see the trials, and everybody agreed that the engine did its work splendidly. Its high speed and stability were fully demonstrated.
The output of Dennis engines, since the first demonstration of the company's engineers at Weybridge on the 16th September, 1908, has been steady. It now promises to be in geometrical progression, as new and repeat orders are coming in from all parts of the United Kingdom and the Colonies. Messrs. John and Raymond Dennis, the two brothers who have created an industry of which Guildford is rightly proud, have been ably backed in this department by Mr. R. Downing, which. gentleman's cartoon (from " The Den
nis Tatter is reproduced herewith. Albion Testimony.
The Post Office awilmrities at Wellington, New Zealand, took delivery of an Albion lorry, for mail-conveyance purposes, 10 months ago. They have now communicated the following written testimony in regard to this machine: " You will Ise pleased to know that the lorry which you supplied has given great satisfaction and has only cost the department ifs, in repairs in eight months."
New Registrations.
Atlas Non-Puncture Inner Case Syndicate, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £10,000 in 3s, shares, and with its office at 124, High Street, Kensington, W., to carry on the business of manufacturers of and. dealers in tubes, tires and other accessories for motors and other vehicles, also to enter into an agreement with Arthur French-Brewster and Cloud and Co.
First directors: A. 0. French-Brewster ; D'Arey R. Baker ; C. W. Keighley; S. Taylor; and W. W. Richardson.
Hertford Street Motor Hiring Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £50 in is. shares, by Kenneth, Brown, Baker, Baker and (a., Lennox House, Norfolk Street, W.C., to carry on the business of letters to hire, repairers, cleaners, agents, storers, and manufacturers of and dealers in automobiles, etc. Two directors are to represent the shareholders of shares Nos. 1 to 500, and two to represent the holders of the remaining original shares.
" Relyante " Motor Works (190)), Ltd., with an authorized capital of V1,000 in :C.1 shares, and with its office at Blackhorse Lane Works, Blaekhorse Lane, WaIthamstmv, to take over the business of motor engineers, etc., and to acquire the assets and liabilities of the " Relyante " Motor Works, Ltd., incorporated in 1904, and to adopt an agreement with the said old company, and Annie Hodgson, A. St. C. Caulfield, A. E. Hodgson, and S. G. Spoor. The first directors are S. G. Spoor (permanent .managing director), and D. McNay.
Reflex Tail Lights.
The General Commitee of the Royal Automobile Club, upon which the Commercial Motor Users Association is represented, has been considering the matter of reflex tail lights for attaehment to farm and other carts. This method of giving warning to overtaking vehicles consists in the retlectiun of the light upon the motorcar by a " bull's eye " reflector of red glass attached to the cart. Cheapness is the desideratum, but not in first cost. It is probable that the price of such a reflex tail light will with difficulty he brought below 7s. 6d., but it must be obvious that breakages ought to be nil, and maintenance the same. The Technical Committee of the R.A.C. is about to carry out a series of tests.