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Adequate Warning rE range of Italian-made Flamm horns is now being marketed in the U.K. by Autocar Marine and Diesel Co. Ltd. There are two basic types, the Mercury and Road-Master series, Mercury horns being electric whilst the Road-Master models are air horns powered by independent electricallydriven compressors. Mercury types are made in 6 and 12V versions but the Road-Master series is available also in 24V form.
Demonstrations were given recently of examples from the Flamm ranges compared with other makes of horn, some of Continental origin and others as fitted to British vehicles. Fiamm models of both basic types were shown to have a better sound performance than those with which they were compared, considerably better in the case of the British products.
All the Flamm horns are applicable to commercial vehicles but three Road-Master models are particularly suitable. The MTA/2FSLE is designed for fire service vehicles and the MTA/2ALAE is intended for ambulances. Both have two trumpets giving different notes and these sound together to give a combined tone or when a switch is operated alternately in a spaced sound. The difference is that the ambulance model gives a spaced sound of greater frequency than that for fire service vehicles.
The MTA/3iC is a three-trumpet horn, said to be popular on the Continent for fitting to coaches. This also can be sounded as a fanfare or after operating a switch to give four spaced tones. Another horn of particular interest is one intended primarily for marine use, the MTAE/NA, which is also supplied in the same voltages as the rest of the Road-Master series. This is a single trumpet horn with a less strident note than the others, but claimed to have a range in still air of up to four miles.
Concessionnaires: Autocar Marine and Diesel Co. Ltd., 5 Stonhouse Street, London, S.W.4.
Prices: Mercury series: between £3 10s. and 15 10s. approximately. Road-Master series: from £10 3s. MTA/2ALAE, £23; MTA/2FSLE, 124 17s.; MTA/3iC, £28; and MTAE/NA, £20 19s.
Heavy-discharge Tester I-1 A HEAVY-DISCHARGE tester has been developed by
Oldham and Son Ltd. which is suitable for use on its new Red Top and Lively-0 batteries announced in The Commercial 11/lotor last week. As testing these batteries has to be carried Out across the positive and negative terminals—there are no external cell connections—the distance between test prods can be varied to suit different lengths of battery.
The tester is also suitable for batteries of conventional construction and besides indicating a fully charged or discharged battery, will show, by the movements of the indicator needle, if any cells are faulty or shorted. The actual cell or cells which are defective are located by the behaviour of the electrolyte in the cells.
Anti-freeze ANTI-FREEZE which can be used for two winter seasons has been developed by Holt Products Ltd. Called 2-Year All-season Anti-freeze, it contains anti-cr rrosion inhibitors which are effective for the full two years' life and there is an added advantage from leaving the anti-freeze solution in the cooling system during the summer that its boiling point :s between 15°F. and 20°F. higher than ordinary water.
Corrosion tests carried out using methods recommended by the American Society of Automobile Engineers showed that the new product has no effect on copper, aluminium and mild steel and very little on brass and cast iron. When the corrosion-protection is reduced by excessive acidity entering the coolant, its normal red colour changes to yellow and protection is restored by adding neat anti-freeze.
A 25 per cent solution gives protection against freezing down to —26°C. (-18°F.) and a 30 per cent solution to —39°C. (-38°F.).
Makers: Holts Products Ltd., New Addington, Surrey. Price: Ss. 11d, per pint (retail), 11 19s. 10d. per gal. (retail). For trade use, 5-gal. drums and 40-gal. barrels are available.
Aerosol Adhesive D ECENT additions to the wide range of industrial aerosolIN. packed products made by D.C.M.C. Industrial Aerosols Ltd. include " Aeroweld " Spray-and-Stick Industrial Adhesive, Molybdenum Disulphide Dry Lubricant Spray, Graphite Dry Lubricant Spray and Silicone Water-Proofer. All four are sold in 16 oz. containers.
The Aeroweld Adhesive is said to have taken five years to develop, the adhesive being a contact type of a special formulation suitable for aerosol application. It can be used on all types of material and will be ideal for sticking such things as plastics to metal or wood, particularly over large areas. The two dry-lubricant sprays will be useful for engine and unit assembly whilst the Silicone Water-Proofer provides a quick and convenient method of treating tarpaulins and so on.
Other aerosol products available from D.C.M.C. — claimed to be Europe's biggest maker of these—include Rust Inhibitor, Penetrating and Cleaning Oil, Silicone Release Agent (one use is on plastics moulding), Silicone Polish, Grease Spray and Clear Plastic Lacquer. Currently, a 33+ per cent discount is offered on all products to new users.
Makers: D.C.M.C. Industrial Aerosols Ltd., 2 Parkhurst Road, London, N.7.
Price: " Aeroweld " Spray-and-Stick Adhesive 18s. 6d., Silicone Water-Proofer 13s. 6d. and both Graphite and Molybdenum Disulphide Lubricants 15s. These prices are for 16 oz. containers and are reduced when quantities over six and over 12 are ordered.