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S.m.m.t. Wants Noise Levels Altered
eST Friday, at a meeting initiated by the Traders Road Transport Associato discuss the proposed vehicle noise rlations (The Commercial Motor, tember 20), the Society of Motor......
One-cent Fares Not Far Off
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT DECIMAL coinage system based on the divided into 100 minor units has a recommended to the Government by tajority of the Halsbury Committee, heir......
News In Brief ['sport Law: " Some Aspects Of The Law
inland transport " will he the title of a to be given by Mr. T. H. Campbell rdlaw at a meeting organized by the Teesarea of the T.R.T.A,'s Northern Divii at Stockton on November......
Forked Rates T He Forked Rates Systems Was The First Of
the E.E.C. Commission's common transport policy proposals to be studied by a working committee of delegates from the six member States who 'last week began a series of......