Motorcab Topics.
Page 14

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Dublin's jarveys are still excitedly discussing the possibility of the introduction of the taxicab into the Irish capital. We are watching developments with interest.
We are asked to remind our readers that the Shrewsbury and Challiner detachable rim has now been sanctioned by the P.0.0. authorities at Scotland Yard for use on London taxicabs.
The current traffic return of the General Motor Cab Co., Ltd., is as follows: For the week ending Saturday, the 23rd April, the total receipts were 217,407, which is an increase of on the corresponding week of last year, and an increase of 2649 on the previous week of this year.
In Liquidation.
At an extraordinary meeting of the Consolidated Motor Cab Co., Ltd., held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, a resolution was passed to the effect that the company be wound up voluntardy, and Mr. Adnam Sprange, of Whitehall House, Charing Cross, 11`.0., was appointed liquidator.
"Extras" and Wages.
A letter from " West Dulwich," under the interesting heading of " The Rapacious Taxieabby," will be found on page 159. At the moment of going to press, we have received other important correspondence on this subject, and we regret that it has to be held over until our next issue-particularly one from the Secretary of the London Motor-cab Proprietors' Association.
Warning the Driver.
In giving judgment, and 2100 damages, for an injured pedestrian, against the Provincial Motor Cab Co., Ltd., in Newcastle County Court last week, Judge Greenwell said that drivers of vehicles had no right to assume that people with their backs turned would hear them coming, nor to drive on until they were so near that people could not get out of the way without great risk.
New Registration.
The Swansea Motor Cab Cu_ Ltd., 'with an authorized capital of e i0.000 in 21 shares, and with its office at the Mackworth Hotel, High Street, Swansea. to acquire the goodwill of tile business of a motoreab proprietor ferried on under the style of the Swansea
Motor Cab Co. Directors : B. Jones, MaIvern House, Heathfield, Swansea ; 11. E. ;Tone*, The Cottage, Portheawl ; and H. A. Chapman.
In view of the fact that the taximeter flag is not always conspicuous upon motoreales which are fitted with canopies, several additional devices, for drawing attention to the fact that a cab is " for hire," are being tried by
London owners. A neat and conspicuous example is shown in a. photograph of one of the new Panhard machines which was specially taken for us.
"Safety" Lamps.
The Public Control Committee of the London County Council reports that a petroleuenespirit fire, the cause of which cannot be definitely ascertained, occurred recently on the premises of the National Motor Cab Co., Ltd., Windsor Castle Yard, Hammersmith. It appears probable that the fire was due to a defective safety lamp which was taken close to a petrol store, and the company is to be warned that safety lamps require examination.
Twenty Points.
The text of our " Twenty points for London Taxicab Users," together with an explanatory diagram with regard to the incidence of hiring charges, will be found on page 154, and we are now printing off an is.sue of 2,000 wall cards, for hotels, clubs, large stores, restaurants, etc., and of e0,000 pamphlets. These will be delivered and circulated, with the utmost dispatch ; we regret that publication is somewhat later than we anticipated, but the settlement of several of the " points " has occasioned a few references to our legal advisers, and several consultations with the authorities at Scotland Yard.
In the House of Commons on 21st April, Mr. .Atherley-Jones asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the attention of the Government had been called to a ease where a petrol trader, having paid the whole duty on a quantity of petrol, under the original Budget Resolutions for 1909-10, sold the same in small quantities to drivers of motorcabs, but did not charge such drivers of motorcabs with any duty, relying on a statement of the Chancellar of the Exchequer that a rebate would be allowed in respect of all spirit used upon commereial-motor vehicles ; whether the attention of the Governteent had been called to the fact that the Board of Customs and Excise claim that, under the wording of the Finance Bill, 1909-10, it has no power to repay motor-spirit duty to any other person than to the actual user of the spirit (namely, to the driver of the motorcab) and that it has refused to entertain the application to them of the petrol trader for repayment, although, when the petrol was sold, the amendment of the Finance Bill had not been made and although it was impossible for the petrol trader to know that the right to recover would be limited to the ultimate user ; and whether he would give instructions that the abatement should be allowed in cases where it is shown that the petrol has in fact been used upon a commercial vehicle, whether or not the tax was paid by the ultimate user or by the petrol trader ? Mr. LloydGeorge, in reply, said :—" I do not know what particular ease my hon, friend has in mind, OT to what statement ef mine he is referring. But it was made perfectly clear in Clause 65 of the Finance Bill, as first introduced into the House of Commons on 27th May, 1909, that the repayment of motor-spirit duty was restricted to the actual user of the spirit in respect of which any claim for repayment might be made. .The action of the Board -of Customs and Excise is, therefore, in neeerdanee with the intention of the Bill. As regards the leek part of the question, I regret I cannot see my way to make any concession allowing the rebate to persons other than users. The experience of the last eleven months has shown that it would be impossible, consistently with the interests of the revenue, to relax the conditions ender which the rebate is resulted." Thus do we find another instance in which the uncertainties of last Session take effect.