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There is rin closer observer of contemporary events than Sir Joint Macdonald, K.U.B., Lord Justice-Clerk of Scotland, anti...
The " Cheap Jack " will soon go on his way by motor. and the motor pedlar will become a commonplace. Shcmmen and itinerant...
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" I " . Personal, It is a relief to be able sometimes to use the first person singular My desire to get away occasionally from...
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Mr. Allan C. Instone back in London from his Second Long Tour. Mr. Allan C. Instone, whose name is well knoNvii in motoring...
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Large Sales and Good Delivery. Since cur last visit to the Lacre Co.'s new works, at Letchworth, remarkable progress towards...
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At a recent meeting of the Colwyn Bay Council, it was resolved to tarspray the roads over which the L. and N.W.R. Co. is now...
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Only Parade Award for Owners: a "Team" Prize for Annual Competition. The handsome silver cup, which has been presented to the...
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The authority and influence of this journal rest upon facts. Plans for the financing of motor pedlar, and the extensive...
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Chelsea Borough Council has ac'ceded to an application from Leyland Motors, Ltd., asking that six of the ('ouncil's motorvans...
The Barnes tenders, to which we made advance reference last week, must be lodged on or before noon, on Monday, the 9th prox....
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The articles on " The Highway Bridge question," from the pen of Mr. H. Howard Humphreys, which appeared in our issues of the...
1.—In the old horsed cab, the hirer seldom knew what he ought to pay. In the modern motorcab, at the journey's end, he is...
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Glasgow, last week. The principal of a, oompany on whom I called was out, and I asked the demure and guileless-looking...
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Dublin's jarveys are still excitedly discussing the possibility of the introduction of the taxicab into the Irish capital. We...
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" Time will not, permit of going into any detail of the tour of 1900. Suffice it to say that, as a. demonstration of prac tical...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Article No. II: A Column of Transport and Supply. By T. E. Harrison. • Since the appearance of the first article of this...
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Summary of the Discussion on Mr. Hill's Paper.—Concluded from page 137. Mr. CAUTLEY, of Hans Renold. Ltd., who opened the...
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TEN SH11,k,INGS 'WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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VEHICLE WHEELS.—Societi Michelin et Cie.—No. 26,699/1909, dated under Convention 28th November, 1908.—This invention relates to...