Coach-Air Combination At Brighton Coach
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NEW boys made their mark among the major awards at the 1961 British Coach Rally at Brighton on Saturday and Sunday (April 22-23), and it was perhaps fitting in these days of coach/air travel that the overall winner should be in the livery of an air line.
Despite strong opposition from the cracks the Brighton Trophy found a new home with Samuelson New Transport Co., Ltd., Victoria Coach Station, London. Their 1961 A.E.G./Duple looked a picture in the colours of British United Airways, and driver A. T. G. Smith, if not quite so brilliant as the new Northern . star, "Coach Driver of the Year" E. Jenkinson, Jnr.; nevertheless turned in a magnificent performance.
Jenkinson's Victory
Jenkinson's victory in a 1961 Leyland/ Harrington was a triumph for the north western company, Ellen Smith (Tours), Ltd., Rochdale. Both the driving and the coach turn-out were worth going a long way to see.
Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., went one better than last year, when they were runners-up in the Concours, and their 1960 A.E.C./Plaxton was this time awarded the highest marks.
No rally story these days is complete without mention of Birmingham's Flight's Tours, Ltd. Winner of last year's Concours and fresh from successes at the recent Blackpool National Rally, Mr. F. K. Flight, driving the company's new 1961 A.E.C./Harrington, was again among the prizes, and, but for knocking down a row of markers in test No. 8, must have run the overall winner very close.
But as overall runner-up and winner of the P.S.V. Circle. A.B.C. Coach Guide. Harrington and Associated Weavers. Ltd..
c24 trophies for the highest placed operator with a fleet of less than 10; highest marks for passenger comfort; highest marks for coach with Harrington bodywork; and highest marks for interior decoration, respectively, Mr. Flight must feel well pleased with his effort.
Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., were deserving runners-up in the Concours and their 1961 Leyland/Harrington came in for much favourable comment. '
Among the manufacturers, A.E.C. were happy with almost a clean sweep, taking three of the first four major 'awards, while Leyland also did well with the runner-up in the Concours and 'Coach Driver of the Year" awards. Harrington-bodied coaches figured in three of these five awards, a fine percentage from 10 entries.
Although the weather was bad on the first day, the second part of the event took place in brilliant sunshine and was watched by a large crowd, who saw the prizes presented by Lord Montagu.
An interesting innovation was •a parade of historic vehicles, headed by Watney's famous "Red Rover" fourin-hand stage coach.
Special awards were made to two entrants, the first, John Monks and Sons, Ltd., Leigh, Lanes, for their courage in entering a 1958 Bedford/Plaxton, still in its original condition, which they had bought second-hand; and secondly to Phyliss Hunt, the only woman p.s.v. driver, competing for Superior Coaches. . Ltd., Tottenham, and driving a 1961 Ford/Burlingham.
The driving standard among the 71 entries was generally high and it was pleasing to see four out of seven Lancashire competitors gaining awards with the performance of driver Jenkinson outstandine.
BRIGHTON RESULTS Overall Awards " Coach of the Year "—highest aggregate marks in all sections (The Brighton Uopity): Samuelson New Transport Co., Ltd., London; 1961 A.E.C.1 Duple in the colours of British United Airways; driver, A. T. G. Smith. Also winners of Duple Trophy; driver Smith awarded The Veteran's Trophy, and runner-up in Class .3 driving test award.
Runner-up (The Rawlings Trophy): Flight's Touts. Ltd., Birmingham; 1961 A.E.C./Harrington; driver, F. K. Flight. Also awarded p.s.v. Circle Troplo; A.B.C. Coach Guide Trophy; Harrington 'Dorm: and Associated Weavers, Ltd., Trophy.
" Coach Driver of the Year" (Transport World Trophy): E. Jenkinson, Jnr. Capasco Trophy: Filmn Smith (Tours), Ltd., Rochdale; 1961 Leyland' Harrington. Also awarded Arlington Trophy and runncr-up in Class G.
Concours d'Fiegance (Clacton Trophy): Sheffield United Tours, Ltd.; 1960 A.E.C.1Plaxion; driver, J. Hancock. Also awarded Plaxton Ttophy; runner. up (Lister Trophy): Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., Brighton; 1961 Leyland/Harrington; driver, G. Gattrell.
Other Awards Road Section and Driving Tests Vauxhall Trophy: Kenzie's Coaches, Cambridge: 1961 Bedlord/Plaxion; driver, C. B. Kenzie, Conuner Trophy: Fred Davis and Sons (Notting Hill). Ltd.; 1953 Clorrinter/Beadle; driver, R. E. Davis.
Redex Trophy: Frank Harris (C'ilaelie. Ltd.. Grays, Essex; 1961 A.E.C,Itiatrington: driver. F. W. Harris. laYlltr Trophy: Whitefriars Coaches, Sudbury; 1961 Ford/Plaxton; driver, D. F. Janes, Also awarded the Ford Trophy and Crew Turnout Award for the smartest non-uniformed driver.
Barnard Trophy: Excelsior European 'Motorways, Bournetnouth; 1961 Ford/Plaxton; driver, J. Feast.
Ventes Trophy: E. Deakin, Isltworth; 196() CornmerAeates; driver, E. Deakin.
Class Awards A (not exceeding 26 ft.): Motorways (Overseas), id...1.onion; 1961 Bedford! Duple; dreier, E. Ackhani.
It (seating capacity not exceeding 37 with vertical engines): Morden Travel, Sutton; 1961 Bedford! Dame; driver, W, H. Pagan.
C (not exceeding 37 with underfloor engines): 1.iss and District Omnibus Co., Ltd., Borden; 1960 A Al.C./Duplc; driver, H. C. Wilkins.
D (38 and over with vertical engines): Fred Davis and Sons (Notting Hill), Ltd.; 1961 Ford/ Dan/e; driver, }2. Griffiths.
F. (38 and over with underfloor engines): W. Lander and Son, Rainworth; 1961 Lcyland/Plaxton; tirver, M. R. Lander.
F (special touring conches): Glenton Touts. Lid., London; 1961 A.E.C4Plaston; driver, V. Strongman.
C. (overseas coaches): West Belgium Coach (:o.. Ostend; 1961 Fiat/Van Hoot.
Crew Turnout Awards Smartest Crew: Glenton Tours, Ltd.
Sll'narlest Courier: J. B. '1 itlock. and Son, Ltd., Whdefield, Manchester.
Smartest Driver: Fred Duo is and Sons (Nollin) Ilifi),