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Injector Testing Device
A RECENT addition to the range of testing equipment manufactured by Leslie Hartridge, Ltd., 151 Great Portland Street, London, W.1; is the Hartridge Poptest. This machine has......
Rid To Stock Checking K \i Instrument Which Will Be A
considerable help in any type of ock-taking is now marketed by lellerman, Ltd„ Gatwick Road, Crawley, assex, Called the Hellerman Mark Counter, the instrument marks each item as......
Lectric Welding Sets Range Of Electric Welding Sets Has - I
been introduced by Taylor Bros. .lorkshire), Ltd.,. 32 Baker Street, [iddlesbrough. Details of the sets are eluded in a brochure now available om the concern. Sets ranging in......
Safer Ladders A Fitting Designed To Make Ladders Safer Is
now marketed by Heafield Industries, Ltd., Spa Lane, Derby. These fittings, which are known as Ladder Feet, are made of heavy-duty rubber and are attached to galvanized castings......
Portable Pressure Greasing T He Latest Addition To The...
equipment made by V. L. Churchill and Co., Ltd., Great South West Road, Feltham, Middlesex, is their No. 75 de luxe Portable Pressure Greasing equipment. This is a......
In New Packs T He Makers Of Rocol Molyspeed Now Produce
molybdenum disulphide oil additive in a 4-oz. polythene bottle to supplement their existing 10-oz. can, This is intended to facilitate the application of the additive to......