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Milk Haulage Charges: Commissioner Holds Inquiry

28th August 1942, Page 22
28th August 1942
Page 22
Page 22, 28th August 1942 — Milk Haulage Charges: Commissioner Holds Inquiry
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RECENTLY, at Exeter, the Regional Transport Commissioner, with the assistance of Mr. R. H. Densham and Mr. A. G. Akers (of the Minister of War Transport's Panels of Agricultural and Haulier Assessors respectively) held an inquiry on the application of Miloko Products, Ltd., for a direction under the Road Haulage and Hire (Charges) Order, 1942, in respect of charges made by Crews Bros. for the haulage of milk.

The Commissioner, after consultation with the assessors, reached the conclusion that sufficient case had not been established to justify him in exercising. his power to give the direction sought. The 7i Per cent. specified' in Paragraph 4 of the Minister's Order -is understood broadly to represent the general increase in operating costs as between October, 1940, and the date (February, 1942), when the Order was made. But, in any particular case, a Commissioner may see fit to review the propriety of a rate actually charged in October, 1940, and to take account, not only of any general increase in operatinglcosts, but also of any other factors differentiating the conditions of the task to be carried out at that date from those of the present time.

The evidence presented at the inquiry gave some ground, it is stated, for doubting whether either applicant or haulier had, as yet, achieved the best possible arrangements for securing the most economical operation. The Commissioner is well %ware of staff difficulties, but hopes that bOth parties will take an early opportunity of conferring and reviewing the ,machinery of collection in the hope of effecting reduction of real emits.