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N OW, as never before, is inventive genius needed. On the land, in the air, and both on and in the sea, in this war of...
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L AST week, in a leading article entitled "The Future of Government• Haulage," we suggested an impartial investigation into the...
Horsed Coach May HE suggestion, recently Come Into Its Own made in Scotland, that Again horsed coaches, once a familiar feature...
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Of somebody asking if charcoal bears tht same relation to wood as coke does to coal. Of a driver, who used to be scared of...
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T HE Minister of War Transport has made ' the Emergency Powers (Defence) Road Vehicles and Drivers Order, 1942, dated July 28....
A T a meeting of the Northampton Sub-Area of A.R.O., held on August 20, a resolution was passed to the effect that the meeting...
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D ISCUSSING plans sponsored by the Ministry of War Transport to keep the highways clear in blizzards by fitting snow-ploughs to...
IN order to effect economy in the use 1 of vehicles and railway rolling stock, the principle of rationalizing distribution,...
QTEPS against the atruse of taxicab licences through the use of taxi petrol for other purposes are being taken at York. Since...
A N important agreement between the Engineering and Allied Employers' National Federation and the Amalgamated Eongineering...
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COMMANDER STEPHEN KING-HALL, M.P., R.N. (retired), has been appointed chairman of the Fuel Economy Publicity Committee. He is...
R ECENTLY, at Exeter, the Regional Transport Commissioner, with the assistance of Mr. R. H. Densham and Mr. A. G. Akers (of the...
R EGRET that war-time difficulties had made imperative various restrictions on the activities of those present was expressed by...
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National Bodies Protecting Hauliers' Interests Have Not Officially Criticized ,the Government Haulage Scheme and . Suggests the...
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New Model of Arab 56-seater Which Reflects Maker's Efforts to Meet Present Economic Needs Whilst Providing the Good Service...
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T HE'value of welding as a repair medium for all types of light and heavy road vehicles was never so much in evidence as it is...
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Growth of a Local Industry Influences the Successful Development of a Staffordshire Haulage Enterprise A ROAD-TRANSPORT...
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Batch of International Articulated 'Outfits with Bromilow and Edwards Bodywork Incorporating Side Discharging Chutes R ESOURCE...
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Milk Hauliers Will Find, When Contracts are Renewed on October Next, That the Conditions May Not Be the Same as Those....
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published. Copies may be Obtained from the Patent Office, Price...