x 6 = Innovation
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By The Hawk
WE arc likely to see a new type of chassis before the end of the year—an 8 x 6. I gather that two of the larger manufacturers are working on the design of such a chassis for a special application. A lot of new ground is being broken in its development.
Before Two Falls
pRIDE reared its disdainful head in the Yorkshire Licensing Authority's court last week. A dairyman who applied for a B licence and was opposed by British Railways and a haulier. wrote to the Licensing Authority saying there was no equality of opportunity and he would not attend court, as he did not wish to join such a select society.
A B-licensee who wished to extend his radius, said indignantly that he had been in business longer than British Road Services and almost as long as British Railways, yet they were pushing him from pillar to post by objecting to his application. The suggestion that he should appear before a road-rail negotiating committee was positively indecent.
Starting Young
THREE-MONTH COPPER RECOVERS £6," says a heading in The Financial Times. I knew the police were short of manpower, but not that they were recruiting babies in arms.
The Early Bird
BRIMMING with ideas as usual, Mr. R. B. Brittain. of Essex Carriers, Ltd., has thought up a new way of selling transport in the industrial section of Southend Corporation's Town 322
Show, to be held at Priory Park from September 4-6. His stand will be divided into panels, one of which will be devoted to Essex Carriers and will be decorated with safe-driving awards presented to their drivers.
The others will be given over to well-known consumer products carried by the company, the theme being, "You bought it —we brought it." Mr. Brittain obviously realizes that the oblique selling approach is often the best.
wAs it a penchant for punning that made Mr. lain Macleod, Minister of Labour. appoint Mr. David Karmel, Q.C.chairman of the committee to review the Truck Acts? Mr. Karmen name has tong been closely linked with the law on trucks, but I was not aware that he was an authority on truck as well.
Keeping Afloat
COACH operators tell me that this remarkable summer has not produced the upsurge of traffic that might have been
expected. It has done little more than to counteract the decline of business caused by growing competition from private transport. Day tours, however, are highly popular. This is obviously a branch of the industry to be cultivated.
The Evil Eye
BAD news for busmen: More than tm. television sets were sold in the first six months of this year-80 per cent, more than in the corresponding period of 1958. The present rate of demand is expected to continue for the rest of the year.