28th August 1959, Page 52
28th August 1959
Page 52

Page 52, 28th August 1959
C Licences Or High Rates Responsible ?
A SKING for an application to be adjourned, at Leeds last week, Mr. T. B. Atkinson told the Yorkshire Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. Randolph, that the heavy haulage......
Earlier Start Refused By Commissioners
R EPRESE.NTATIONS to the Northern Traffic Commissioners by Morpeth Rural District Council at Newcastle upon Tyne, last week, requested that United Automobile Services, Ltd.,......
" Tidal-flow " System To Speed Traffic
WIDE application of the " tidal-flow Yv practice—the temporary division of a highway by movable bollards to suit the prevailing flow of traffic—is strongly recommended by Mr.......