Men in the News
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Mr. W. IL Smith, divisional engineer, South Eastern Division, British Road Services Ltd., has been appointed engineer designate, Pick fords Ltd.. to succeed Mr. R. H. Faro on the latter's retirement in April, 1965. After an apprenticeship and service as a junior engineer with Leyland Motors Ltd., Mr. Smith jained B.R.S. in 1951 as a technical assistant in the chief engineer's department. He was appointed divisional engineer. North Western Division, in 1956, and in the following year became rolling stock engineer at headquarters. From November, 1963, he was divisional engineer of the South Eastern Division of B.R.S.
Mr. T. C. Andrews, rolling stock superintendent of the Glasgow Corporation transport department, is to succeed Mr. D. Shaw, who is to retire shortly, as chief engineer. Mr. Andrews has been in the department for nine years.
Maj. lain A. Campbell has been nominated by the Secretary of State for Scotland as one of the two Government directors of David MacBrayne Ltd. The other is Sir William D. Robieson, who was appointed in 1955. Maj. Campbell succeeds Mr. W. F. Robertson, of William Robertson Shipowners Ltd., Glasgow, who has been a MacBrayne director since 1962 and was last month elected chairman of the company on the retirement of Sir John C. DenboIm. The latter's place as one of the Transport Holding Company's members on the MacHrayne board has been taken by Mr. William Nicholson, managing director of the Lyle Shipping Co. Ltd., Glasgow.
Mr. Cyril Willetts succeeds Mr. Philip V. Morris as managing director of Allan Morris and Co. Ltd., builders' merchants and solid fuel distributors of Saltney. Chester. Mr. Willetts, who is 53, is a past chairman of the North West (Western) Road Haulage Association.
The Minister of Transport has appointed Mr. A. Barnes and Mrs. Y. Lees as members of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for the Yorkshire area.
The Minister of Transport has appointed Cdr. C. E. Talbot a member of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for the West Midland area.
Mr. W. Fleming has retired as deputy director of Dunlop (Scotland) Ltd. after 42 years in the tyre business. He joined the Bates company in 1922 before it became part of the Dunlop group.
Mr. Robert Lowery, S.E. London representative for Holt Products Ltd., has been selected as a member of the British canoe team for the Olympic Games in Tokyo in October.
Mr. Harold Clark, works superintendent of Scammelfs semi-trailer fac-tory at Moor Park, retired last month after 41 years with the company. Mr. Clark joined the company in 1923 and was the first member of the then newly formed sheet metal shop. In 1937 he was appointed to supervise production of municipal vehicles. After the Second World War Mr. Clark became works superintendent.
Mr. G. E. Brown has been appointed manager of the commercial vehicle division of Normand Ltd., Park Royal, London.
Mr. K. K. Haynes, Mr. V. P. FitzSimon and Mr. W. A. E. Head, directors of Car Mart Sales Ltd., have been appointed to the board of Car Mart Ltd. Mr. A. Hendry and Mr. W. D. Slatter have been appointed to the board of Car Mart Sales Ltd. Mr. K. K. Haynes has been appointed deputy managing director of Car Mart Ltd. and Car Mart Sales Ltd. because of the retirement of Mr. E. D. French through indisposition.
New appointments have been announced by Brown Brothers. Mr. R. A. Sewell, formerly district manager of Thompson and Brown Brothers, Glasgow, has been appointed district manager in Newcastle, succeeding Mr. W. McGregor. Mr. A. G. F. Ward, formerly assistant manager at Wolverhampton, becomes branch manager there in succession to Mr. N. F. Seabright. Formerly assistant manager at Glasgow, Mr. 3. A. Comrie becomes branch manager there. Mr. J. Stevenson becomes warehouse manager at Glasgow, where he was formerly a representative. Mr. 3. L M. Sutherland, who was a representative at the Edinburgh branch, becomes assistant manager (sales) at Dundee, and Mr. M. I. Stanford, previously radio and electrical departmental manager at Wolverhampton, becomes assistant manager at that branch.
Mr. William Myers, who has been chairman and managing director of Myers and Bowman Ltd. since 1938, has retired as managing director but retains his chairmanship. Succeeding him as managing director is Mr. John Myers.
Mr. Bernard F. Burrows has been appointed manager, Dover branch, by Martin Waiter Ltd. He succeeds Mr.. 3, C. Giles who has retired from the motor industry. Mr. Burrows joined the retail motor industry as a student trainee with a Rootes distributor in London, and in 1953 joined Wadham (Holdings) Ltd. as senior sales representative. In 1956 he was appointed sales manager and in 1957 branch manager.
Mr. P. C. Powell, formerly a representative at the Cardiff office of The Skefko Ball Bearing Co. Ltd.. has been appointed area service manager, South Wales, with effect from September I. Mr. Powell, who joifted Skefko in 1960, will continue to operate from Skefko's office at St. -David's House, Wood Street, Cardiff. Mr. P. C. Hunt has been appointed traffic manager, Potteries Motor Traction Co. Ltd., in succession to Mr. R. Bailey, who has been appointed general manager, Lancashire United Transport Ltd. Mr. Hunt, who is at present Brighton area manager, Southdown Motor Services Ltd., was a former B.E.T. cadet. He takes up his new post on October. 1.
Mr. K. R. Fossey has been appointed public relations manager of Expandite Ltd., a member of the Castrol group of companies.
Florida Auto Lamps have appointed two new sales representatives. Mr. H. Lewis will cover North London and Hertfordshire, and Mr. S. Steadman North and East Hampshire.
Two new general industrial representatives have been appointed by the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Mr. Richard Buckley and Mr. David McKay.
Mr. D. Whitehead has been appointed Press relations officer of The Automotive Products Group. He has rejoined the group with whom he previously held another appointment in the publicity department.
Mr. Ivor Mitchell has been appointed service department manager of the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., at Wolverhampton, following the retirement of Mr. Howard Jordan. Mr. Mitchell joined the company in 1939. Mr. Jordan became Goodyear's service manager in 1936.
Mr. B. P. Bent, Chester branch manager, has been appointed general manager of Radiator Repairs (Auto and Industrial) Ltd., Birmingham, a subsidiary of Serck Radiator Services Ltd. Mr. R. H. Snuggs, St. Austell branch manager, moves to Chester as branch manager. Mr. R. Al!chin, Bournemouth branch manager, moves to St. Austell as branch manager, and Mr. A. J. Snook, senior representative at Maidstone branch. moves to Bournemouth as branch manager.
Mr. Peter C. Whitehouse has joined Simms Motor and Electronics Corporation Ltd., as assistant to the controller of group public relations, Mr. Alan Hess.