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Warning About Lorry Thefts
A FTER examining figures made avail1-1 . able by Scotland Yard on Wednesday relating to lorry thefts in the Metropolitan area in the second quarter of this year, a warning was......
Six-wheeled Leyland Super Comet Announced
ri A SIX-WHEEL version of the PowerL Plus Super Comet has been introduced by Leyland Motors Ltd. for use as a 20-ton-gross tipper or truck mixer. Called the Power-Plus Super......
More ' Blitz ' Spot Checks Around Country
A T some time within the next two weeks Ministry of Transport teams will be launching a two-day programme of intensive roadside spot checks" on heavy goods vehicles in and......
Evening Classes For F.w.r.i. Estimators
E VENING classes for estimators in the London district, organized by the Institute of the Furniture Warelousing and Removing Industry, will 7estart on September 29 at Princeton......
Norway Roll-on/roll-off
THE first British Road Ferry Services roll-on/roll-off load to Norway left Harwich on the " Oberon " of Mann Lines on Monday. It was a six-ton printing press built by Victory......
238 Finalists At L.d.o.y.
A T a meeting on Tuesday of the executive committee of the National Organizing Committee of the Lorry Driver of The Year Competition it Was announced that 238 drivers would be......
Scheme To Beat Traffic Jams
I - 1 A SCHEME by Marks and Spencer Ltd, to beat traffic jams in delivering goods to their stores got a severe testing during the Aberdeen typhoid outbreak-and came out on top.......
H.g.v. Licences Meeting
P -1 A PRELIMINARY meeting to discuss the re-introduction of heavy goods vehicle drivers' licences, described as useful ", was held on Tuesday between the Ministry of Transport,......