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Children to pay adult fares

28th August 1970, Page 20
28th August 1970
Page 20
Page 20, 28th August 1970 — Children to pay adult fares
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• A new fares structure for children is to be operated by Maidstone and District Motor Services, a National Bus Company subsidiary, now that approval has been given by the South-Eastern Traffic Commissioners. From Sunday children will pay the full adult fare if they travel before 9.15 a.m. and half the adult fare for journeys after that time. This is in place of the existing scale which charges children three-quarters of the adult fare throughout the day.

General fare increases will also come into effect on Sunday although not to the extent the company had hoped. Its original application, made in July (CM July 24) to meet the financial target of £426,000 set by the NBC for 1971, was refused by the Traffic Commissioners because they thought the increases sought were too high and recommended that the target be reduced by £94,000.

By reducing the increases on the 10d and Is fares M and D has cut the target by £97,000. All the other proposed increases stand.

For M and D the cuts mean an estimated deficit for 1970 of £18,000. The profit of £329,000 for 1971 is also unlikely to be reached because of ris g costs, including wage increases.