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;ix-man Probe Or Belfast Es Fares
A six-man committee is to investigate e workings of Belfast transport partment to try to avoid a 50 per cent . :rease in bus fares recommended by the gporation's transport......
West Midland Pta Agrees To Find Om
• Last week the West Midland Passenger Transport Authority accepted its Executive's recommendation that a needed £3m extra revenue should be sought by way of fares increases,......
Three Ptes Out Of Four
• A hope that the West Midland Passenger Transport Executive might decide to emulate the other three PTEs and join the MPTA's proposed successor was expressed by the president......
Selnec Reversion
• Newspaper speculation that the Minister of Transport was considering the partial dismemberment of the SELNEC PTE, and the handing back of municipal fleets to local......
Bristol Bus With Leyland 500
• One of the exhibits on the stand of Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd at Earls Court will be an RELL single-decker, which will be fitted with the horizontal version of the......