Contract A and C Licence Switches are Heavier
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THIS week contract A and C licence transfer requests appear •to be unusually heavy.
The largest of them is in the Western Area. This comprises a seven vehicle (tippers) switch from Contract A licence to B licence by R. W. Baker (Stonehouse) Ltd. to carry goods for Roads Reconstruction Ltd., E. H. Bradley and Son Ltd., of Swindon, bricks, sand and gravel, and goods into and out of licensee's stores, all within a radius of 150 miles, In the North, Overland Car Deliveries, proposes to operate 5 arts, under a B licence from its Carlisle base-a transfer of vehicles from Contract A licences.
Contract A and C licence switches are as ff..-40ws:-- Contract A to A lic.: Yorkshire: C. D. Rhodes, Bradford. Western: Avalon • Transport Ltd., Glastonbury. Metropolitans Dixon's Transport, Brentwood.
Contract A to B lic.: Northern: Overland Car Deliveries, Carlisle. North Western: J. Parry, Glan Conway. Western: R. W. Baker (Stonehouse) Ltd., Stonehouse.
C lic. to B lic.: Northern: W. Bowman, Penrith. North Western: D. Miller, Blackpool; F. J. Parker, Denton; S. L. Robinson Ltd., Cheadle Hulme. Western: Ashbreak Properties Ltd., Salisbury. South Eastern: C. Adams, Basingstoke; A. S. and J. E. Lockley, Newchurch.
APPLICATIONS (December 19, 1962) S. Dasfield, Kendal, new A lic., 1 vrh, (4t). Farm produce, Kendal, Ormskirk. Penrith.
K. Cooper. Stockton-on-Tees. A var.. add 1 T. (4t).
H. L. Walker Ltd.. Thornaby-on-Tees, A var.. add 1 att. (60 (overall length not exceeding 35 ft.). Mainlyfor the carriage of empty stillages and crates, spares and steel fargings from the North East to Luton and Dunstable.
J. Kennedy, Hexham, new B lic., 1 T. (3t). Coal within 17 miles for the Station Masters of Alston and Gilsland.
W. Bowman, Penrith, new B lie., 1 veh. (41t). Carriage of goods for the Blencowe Lime Co. Ltd.. Penrith. Cumberland. Lime and limestone within 150 miles. (Vets. specified in C lic.) Fenwids and Co. (West Hartlepool) Lid., West Hartlepool, new B lie., 3 arts, (1710 and I Ill. (310 (overall length not exceeding 35 ft.). Timber and allied products within 175 miles.
Overland Car Deliveries, Carlisle, B var.. add 5 arts, (371 Sc) (overall length not exceeding 35 ft.). Motor vela from manufacturers to destinations within 80 miles and Carlisle Airport and return loads from garages within 80 miles to manufacturers. (If granted contract A lic, will be surrendered.) D. Elgle, Northallerton, B var., add I art. (Sr 18c) overall length not exceeding 35 ft.
APPLICATIONS (December 14, 1962) Bainb Road Services Ltd.. Manchester, new A lie., 1 art. (440. Mainly pet fonds for Petfoods Ltd. and Pyrex products for I. Jobling Ltd.; Sunderland. Manchester, Melton Mowbray. F. Smith, Audenshaw, new B lic., 1 veh. (20 (van). Sewing machines for Jones Sewing Machine Co. Ltd. and rubber goods for Berwin Rubber Co. within 300 miles.
Clearways Automatics Ltd., Birkenhead. new B lid. 2 veh. (2}0 (vans). Groceries, provisions and household goods within 15 miles; small machine parts and merchandise for sale through vending machines within 100 miles, and coin-operated machines within 100 miles. (Vch. at present specified in C lic.)
D. Miller, Blackpool. new B tic., I. veh. (HO. Christmas mail for G.P.O.; goods for Timothy White and Co.; small parcels for Owen. Owen and Co. within 20 miles. (Vets, specified in C tic.) F. J. Parker, Demon. new B lie.. 4 veh. (211). Textiles, canons, containers and glassware within 70 miles. (Vela specified in C lie.)
S. L. Robinson Ltd., Cheadle Hutme, B var., add I T. (Sit). Excavated mats. from sites on which. the licensee is engaged within 35 miles of Manchester to tips within the area. (Veh, at present specified in C lie.) J. ParrY, Glen Conway (Denbs). B car.. add 1 veh. (3)0. Slates and slate products for Dinorwic Slate Quarries Co. Ltd., and John Dean Ltd., as required, and feeding stuffs and fertilizers into store. (If granted contract A lit. will be surrendered.)
APPLICATIONS (December 15, 1962) Pioneer Haulage Ltd.. Beer (Devon), new A lie., 5 vela (21.t 19c). G.g. normally within 300 mites. Amey's Transport (Oxford) Ltd., Frome (Sons).
A var., add 1 veh. (310 (van). G.g. to or from own distribution depot. within 100 miles.
Avalon Transport Ltd., Glastonbury, A var., add (I veh. 120t Sc). G.g. mainly peat products and building mats, normally within 300 miles. (2 veh. at present specified in B lie. and 4 veh. on contract A lic., and if granted will be surrendered.) F. E. Walther, Laity Wendrou (Cornwall). new
B lie.. I veh, (30 (van). Furniture and household effects within 60 miles and occasionally long distance.
Ashbrealk Properties Ltd., Salisbury, new 13 lie., 3 T. (4t lc). Building mats. of J. C. Wilkins and Dellshore Properties Ltd., within 50 miles. (Vela. at presentspecified on C tic.) Western Asphalte and Tar Paving Co. Ltd., Bristol. B var.. add 1 T. (610. Stone, tarmacadam and plant, within 50 miles.
R. W. Baker (Stonehouse) Ltd., Storiehnuse. B var,, add 7 T. (381-0. Goods for Roads Reconstruction Ltd., C. H. Bradley and Son Ltd., of Swindon, bricks, sand and gravel, and goods Into and out of licensee's stores at Stonehouse, all within 150 miles. (If granted yeti, at present specified in contract A tic, "Goods of Roads Reconstruction Ltd." will be surrendered.)
APPLICATIONS (December /9, 1962)
C. D. Rhodes. Bradford. new", lie.' I veh. Mainly chemicals and wooden cases. Mainly Yorkshire, Midlands. London and Home Counties. (If granted contract A lic. will be surrendered.)
Trans-European Pallet Services (Great Britain) Ltd., Hull, new A lid, 1 art. (610. Goods palletized through the ports of Hull. Manchester and Liverpool. Mainly Midlands and North East to and from the above ports. • B.D.R. Transport, Sheffield. new A tic.. 2 veh. (9f0. Mainly goods for Tempered Group Ltd., Sheffield. as required. (If granted contract A lie. will be surrendered.) C. L. Hall. York. new A lie.. 1 veh. (MO. Livestock and farm produce. Wetherby District.
British Transport Commission (British Waterways) North•Eastern Division, Sheffield, A var., add 1 veh. (3)t).
P. and M. Transport Co. Ltd.. Bradford, new B lic.. I veh. (240. G.g. within 20 miles, mainly to serve trunk veh, loading for Belfast. Dublin and Cork.
Sheeptaridge F.Malneering Ltd.' Chesterfield. new B lie., 4 veh. (1910 Precision . Presion lathes and machine tools. GB.. as required for Messrs. Hardinge Machine Tools Ltd.. Feltham, Middlesex.
R. G. Ramsden. Halifax, new B lie., 1 veh. Oft). Roadmaking mats, for the West Riding County Council within 25 miles.
A. M. Smith (Hull) Ltd., Hull, new B lic., 2 veh, (70. Iron and steel, and fabricated steel units up to 50 ft. in length for customers of own business within 70 miles and occasionally to Birmingham area, Glasgow area, and London area.
E. Hiecheliffe Ltd.. Liversedge, new B lie., 1 vets. (40. Textile machinery, metal fabrications and castings, textiles, timber and building mats., batteries. plates and accessories and g.g. within 70 miles (mainly Yorkshire. Lancashire and Cheshire); London and Scotland.
G. Hinebellffe, Liversedge, new B lie., 1 velar' (30. Fabrications, machinery and engineering goods for Max Hartley Ltd., Perseverance Foundry Co. Ltd.. R. F. Dorsey Ltd., and Liversedge Welding and Engineering Co. Ltd., in Lancashire and Yorkshire; furniture for Bretts Furnishers, Dewsbury, within 25 miles.
G. Lloyd, Low Ad:worth, new B lie.. 2 veh. (80. Furniture within 25 miles.
X.R.E. Transport, Rotherham, new Ellie., 5 veh. (200. Excavated mats. within 25 miles.
Arthur Cooper Haulage (Wakeliekl) Ltd.. Sandal (Wakefield. new B tic., 1 veh, (310). Mats, for the local authorities' builders and public works contractors within 15 mites; bricks for Warmfield
Co. Ltd., Normanton. as required. . . Workmen's Home Coal Delivery Scheme, Woodlesford, new B tic., 2 veh. (MO. Solid fuel within 15 mites.
J. W. Clark. York, new B tic., I veh. (310. Rubble, refuse and soil within 20 miles.
APPLICATIONS (December 20, 1962) .
F. V. Carroll and Son Ltd., Hounslow, A vat., add 3 vets. (340. (Bonded Vans). Air freight. within 50 mites of London Airport and to and from Birmingham, Horn and Manchester airports.
Dixon's Transport, Brentwood, A var., add 2 vets. (7t 11c). G.g. mainly aerie. produce, mainly wubin 100 miles. (If granted, contract A lic, will be surrendered.) C. R. Bennett and Sons Ltd.. Dunstable, new B lie. 5 T. (20t 6c). Building mats, within 401 miles.
Abbey Wood Transport Co. Ltd., Abbey Wood, B var., add 1 veh. (2f0. Building and roadmaking mats. for Cawood Wharton and Co. Ltd.. Greenwich, and Abbey Stone Co. Ltd., Dartford, within 50 mites of Eltharn.
Mrs. M. H. Crowden, Southall, B var., add 1 T (4t lie).
Drapers Transport Ltd., Grays, B var.. add 2 art. (13t). Goods for Proctor and Gamble Ltd. (formerly Thomas Hedley Ltd.) on outward journeys, waste paper as return loads for Thames Board Mills Ltd., within 150 miles.
Inward of Guildford Ltd., Guildford, B var., add 1 veh. (21 19c) (F. Van). Furniture and effects as household removal contractor within 60 miles of Guildford, (If granted, lic, held in the South Eastern Area specifying 1 veh, will not be renewed.) H. Sibbons Ltd., Canning Town, E.I6, B var.. add I T. (430.
APPLICATIONS (December 20, 1962)
H. W. Lockhart Ltd., Newport, new A lie., 1 veh. (310 (and container (20). Mainly goods within the Isle of VvIght and livestock within 100 miles of Southampton. (If granted, a B lic, specifying the above veh, and container, with conditions: Goods within the Isle of Wight; livestock to and from the Isle of Wight within 100 miles of Southampton Civic Centre and based at Newport, Wilt be surrendered.)
R.R.S. (Parcels) Ltd., Canterbury, A var., add 1 art (641). (If granted l vela will be deleted
from tic, held in the Metropolitan Area,) • COiill Ashby Ltd.' Maidstone. A var., •add 3 vela (12ft). Goods, England and Wales.
C. Adams,_ Basingstoke, new B lie.. 6 veh. (Olt). Market garden produce and small general items; food containers for Hampshire County Council contract all within 150 miles of Basing oke. (2 veh, at present specified its C lic.)
A. S, and J. F.. Lockley, Newchurch, new B lic., 1 veh. (It) (Van). Newspapers within 5 miles. (Veh at present specified in C
H. H. V. Baker, Battle, B var., add 1 veh. (310 (and livestock container) (30 and vary conditions to read: Sheep and livestock within 100 miles; other goods within 30 miles -of Westfield. • E. Cooley and Son, Farnham, R var.. add 1 T. (at). Solid fuel only within 250 miles.