28th December 1962, Page 7
28th December 1962
Page 7

Page 7, 28th December 1962
Haulage Pay Rise On January 16
T HE Minister of Labour has signed the Order authorizing an increase in wages for nearly 130,000 road haulage employees. The increase, which will add 5 per cent to the rates......
T.d.g. Buy Smith's Of Eccles
THE Transport Development Group I has bought the old-established Lancashire haulage concern, Smith's of Eccles Ltd., Urrnston, and its two subsidiary companies, thus adding......
• Customer's Liability In Illegal Vehicle Operation
W/HEN Mr. T. E. Peacock of Avey VY Lane, Waltham Abbey, Essex, Was convicted recently at Arnpthill Magistrates Court, Bedford. of operating a goods vehicle without an......