NEWS of the WEEK
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all diffiallties of transport, at
whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
It appears that, for the present, Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., will continue the production of its highly efficient and successful steam wagons, but will carry on with its tests of a .new type, which is expected to weigh considerably less and have a special design of boiler, engine and steam condenser for greater economy in water, The work of development is being assisted by Mr. Doble, formerly of the Doble Motor Co., Ltd., California.
It is believed that the new boiler will have forced draught, will be able to get up steam in a few minutes, and will supply this at a pressure of 1,200 lb. per sq. in.
It will be remembered that Germany's' only steam wagon, the Henschel, also embodies the Doble principle.
The Lighting Regulations.
The Minister has not yet issued the road vehicle lighting regulaticais, which appeared in draft form last July, although he has informed the organizations concerned that they will be substantially as drafted.
Limitations of Hawker Formula.
• How far can the Hawker formula be applied? This question is answered, so far as possible, in the Appeal Tribunal's decision on the appeal of the L.N.E. and L.M.S. Railway companies against the Metropolitan Deputy Licensing Authority's decision to grant an extra A-licence vehicle to Mr. J. M. Beazley, 9, Leopold Road, London, N.W.10.
Certain cases in which the formula cannot be used are outlined on page 69, other valuable advice to applicants also being given.
The appeal was allowed with £2 10s. costs to each appellant.
Should Rail Capital be Cut?
"The obligations of the public towards railway capital" will be the subject of an address by Mr. I). C. McCulloch, assistant to the chief commercial manager of the L.M,S. Railway Co., to London members of the Industrial Transport Association, at Caxton House, Tothill Street, S.W.1, at .6.30 p.m., on March 3. Road-transport operators who wish to scotch railway propaganda should make a point of attending this meeting. PARLIAMENTARY INTEREST IN THE BLUNDER.
We reproduce the exact wording of a question put to the Minister of Transport by Captain Strickland, which is one of a number asked in the House of Commons as the result of our article dealing with what we allew,,e to be an omission in Section 111(2) of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933,
and the extensive correspondence which followed that article.
The Minister's reply, which we also give verbatim, was of the typical Parliamentary type.
The whole point is that whether or not the objection entered is legitimate, the applicant for the licence must be suitably represented at the hearing, and is thus put to inconvenience and expense.
On Wednesday afternoon Mr, Hall Caine asked the Minister what complaints and deputations he had received concerning Section 11 (2) of the 1933 Act, so far as road transport was concerned, arid whether he would consider introducing amending legislation. The Minister replied that it was for the Licensing Authorities, and not for him, to decide what weight should be attached to objections. He would not presume, on the evidence before him, to invite Parliament to overthrow a system which afforded judicial facilities to decide, in an orderly way, transport requirements.
• The Appeal Tribunal has allowed the appeal of Newbury and District Motor Services, Ltd., 7, The Wharfs Newbury, against the . South-Eastern Litensing Authority's decision to grant an A licence to Messrs. A-. C, Stephens and J. Hewett, 30, Westgate Road, New
bury: •
Messrs. Stephens and Hewett were employees of companies which, went into liquidation in 1934, when they lost theiremployment. They acquired from the finance corporation which had financed the liquidated companies two vehicles,, previously owned by their former employers. The Tribunal found that the respondents did not show that the work which they proposed to do could not suitably be carried out by any other operator.
New Leyland Service Stations
Tales, Ltd., the Leedsand district Leyland service agent, recently Opened a new depot in Parrot Street, Anlaby
Road, Hull. This branch, trading under the name of the Leyland East Riding Service Depot, is stocking f-;pares for the complete range of Leyland vehicles.
New Haulage Enterprise in Bradford.
A new Bradford road-transport company, Redfern and Greenwood, • Ltd., Canal Road Garage, Bradford, has been formed to. take over and extend the haulage business of Mr. 0. G. Redfern. The directors Mr. 0. G. Redfern and Mr. G. R. Greenwood, and the registered capital is £3,000.
The company's daily goods services, Swhich already run to Hull, Goole, Leicester and the Midlands, are to be increased shortly by daily services to' Liverpool and Newcastle.
Ban on Trunk-road Haulage of Coal?
During the hearing of a nuniber of applications at Liverpool, relating to the transport of solid fuel, Mr. W. Chamberlain, North-Western Licensing Authority, said that he was particularly watching the position with regard to carrying from railhead to railhead. He .did not wish road operators to de the trunk' work—that should be left to the railways.
The position which he had in mind was for the railways tq carry the coal froth-the Collieries to the railheads and the road operators to haul it from railhead.
I.M.T. Examinations.
The 21st examination of the Institute of the Motor. Trade wil! be held in London and provincial centres on April 24. The council is offering gold, silver and bronze ,medals for the three candidates . securing the . highest
• numbers of marks in the examinations held in April and November this year. Full particulars of the exainination syllabus and regulations, .copies of papers set at. recent examinations (price Is.), and -other relevant .literatyre may, be Obtained from the Institute at 201, Great Portland Street, London, W.I.