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News Of The Week
The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all diffiallties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John......
42 Objectors To
Railway Application W HEN the Midland and Great Northern Railways Joint Committee applied for a variation of its licence• for vehicles at Wisbech, there were 42 objectors. The......
Black List For Hauliers Urged
T HE dislike of hauliers for hiring when their work grows beyond the, scope of their fleets was again the theme of a pointed protest by Mr. G. H. P. Beanies (for the L.M.S.......
Ancillary Users And Return Loads
T reason why )3arratt and Co., Ltd., the big London confectionery concern, might net be making as great a profit as it might wish, might be due to the fact that the company had'......