Tenders of Interest to Hauliers
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OTIENDER.S are invited by the following (latest dates given in parentheses):—
Bat ley B.C. for road materials. Apply to borough engineer, Brunswick Street, Batley.
(March /01 .
Leek 13.110. for macadam StAlle and chip' pings, limestone and slag tarinacadam, Portland 4v1nent, washed gravel and sand. Apply to Mr. W. E. Beacham, Town Hall, Leek, (March 9.1 -` Wrexham B.C. for macadam, coal, lime, cement, also haulage. Apply to engineer, 1, Grosvenor Road, Wrexham, (March 7.)
Swinton and Pendlebury B.C. for Welsh granite setts, Portland cement, broken grit stone. tarred macadam, eliippings, limestone, granite and washed gravel. Apply to surveyor, Town Hall, Sniinton, Lanes: (March 4.) Heston and Islewerth B.C. for sand, hana.st, shingle, coal, coke, roadstone, also haulage. Apply to Mr. J. G. Carey, Council House, Hounslow. (March 4.) ShiPley II.D.C. for granite and limestone &innings, hituminized limestone and bituininized granite or %Millstone,' tar, broken stone, sand. Apply to Mr. H. DaWS01), Town Hail, Shipley, (March 7.1 . .
Holborn B.C. for sand, ballast, gravel, cement, bricks, stone, coal and coke. Apply to Mr. J. E. Parr, Town Hall, London, -W.C.1. (March. 3.) Newton•in-Makerfield II.D.C. for dry slag chippings, cement, granite &innings, tarred slag, tarred granite macadam, broken stone, sand, screened gravel. Apply to surveyor, Town mu, Earlestown, Newtonde-Willows. (March 7.) • Whitby U.D.C. for whinstone; tarred, slag, dry slag, cement, coal, coke.-Apply to engineer, Council Offices, Whitby.. (March 4.1 Mamie -IJ.D.C, for granite, macadam'and ebippings, limestone macadam and chippings, wailied crushed gravel, tarmiteadam and haulage. Apply to Mr. D. J. Diver, Council Offices, Marple. (March 7.)
Exeter C.C., for building' liMe, granite kerb, stone, tarred metal,-grovel, sand,.br..cks. Apply to Mr. It. II. Dymond Municipal Offices, Exeter. (March 4.1 Anglesey c.c., for chippings delivered to. s-tations within county, -ChIppings .:delivererk direct on to roads,, tar and biturnincrus road surface dressings, steam-roller hire. Apply to Mr. M. Spencer Rogers, (flanaber, Llangefni, Anglesey. (Marc)s 4.)
• Hemel Hempstead' B.C., for tan-macadam, Portland cement, bituminous compounds, steam coal. Appiy te Mr. .A, Murray-Smith, Market Square, Hemel Hempstead. (March 14.)
Rochdale B.C., for . bituminous limestone, broken granite, basalt, etc., bituminous slag surfacing. Apply 'to surveyor, Town Hall, Rochdale. (March 7.) Morley B.C., for (1) dry' granite and limestone chippings; (2) bituminous granite; (3) sand; (4) gravel and -quartzite. Apply, stating sehedule number of form required, to engineer's office, Town -Hall; Morley, Yorks. (March 41 .AbingdonB.C., for gravel, shingle, tarred slag, anthracite. Apply to surveyor, Abbey House, Abingdon, Berks. (March 311 •
New Windsor B.C., for tarred slag and lime. stone, sand, ballast, shingle._ Apply to Mr. F. N. McRae, 16, Alma Road, Windsor. (March 9.)
East Suffolk CC., for coal fo 'team rollers, steam wagons and tar-boilers. Apply to county surveyor, County' Hall, Ipswich. (March 6.)
Bury B.C., for tarred .slag, tarred limestone macadam, limestone &innings, Portland cement, rubble Stone' for -crushing' and -ballasting. Apply to Mr. J. Chadwick, Municipal Offices,. Bank Street, Bury. (March 91 Carmartherishire C.C., for (1) brokenstone, hitnmincras macadam; (2) haulage of road materials and ca-coat haulage; (3) hire of Petro/ lorries; (41 ban/age of road sweepings; (9) large Steam coal for steam rollers. Apply, stating schedule' number of form required, to Mr. '1'. W. Wislalade,.., Castle, Carmarthen (March 3.)
Atherton 13.11.0., for tarred -granite, -tarred limestone, granite and limestone ch:ppings, gravel, broken stone for concrete, rock ballas4 for road foundations, granite setts. Apply to surveyor, Town Hall, Atherton, near Manchester. . (March 6).
• Orpington U.D.C., for (1) broken granIte, in.. eluding clippings; (3) , tar-coated . slag or granite; (5) shingle and 'sand; (6) fine foetpath,gravel; (12) hire of road rollers; (13) hire of petrol lorries; '(5) 'steam and house coal: Apply, stating. schedule number ofform , required, to Mr. T. Watson. Bark Hart, rping
ton, Kent. (March 7). . .
Fulham 18.C., for 800 tens of Welsh semianthracite peas for baths and viashhouses; 150 tone of bast-quality coke. Apply to Mr. W. Townend, Town Hall, Fulham. LondOm-S.W.6. (March 31
Hollingbourne n.n.c., for (1) ragstene tarmacadam; 13) broken and unbroken ragstone; (4) gravel. Mr gritting; (5) crushed grit. Apply, stating-form required, to Mr. J. Kitney, Star House. Pudding Lane, Maidstone (March 14.) gearsley 1.7..O.C., for 14K4n. glean granite tarred white limestone, limestone clippings.Apply to Mr.' J.' F. MoYsc. council Office's, Kearsky. (March 7.)
Torrington TO., ler quarrying and yarding stone, crushing stone, haulage of stone. Apply to Mr. B. W. C. Kingsley, surveyor. Torrington. (March 6.) Llonelly 11.11,0., for' bricks, cement, limestone, Coal and coke. Apply to clerk. Castle Buildings, Llanelly, (March 4.)
Stourbridge T.C., for told blast-furnace slag, tarmac, limestone tarpaving, asphalt macadam, granite claippings, crooked washed gravel, coal, cement, also haulage. Apply to surveyor, Council House, Stourbridge. (March 7,1