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Ribble Fares Application Granted

28th July 1961, Page 35
28th July 1961
Page 35
Page 35, 28th July 1961 — Ribble Fares Application Granted
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AT Morecambe on Tuesday, Ribble Moto.r. Services, Ltd., and their 22 joint operators, obtained permission to increase the majority of their fares above 9d., starting about the middle of August. Proposals estimated to result in increased revenue of £168,000 were explained at a joint sitting of the Northern and North Western Traffic Commissioners.

Mr. F. D. Walker, appearing on behalf of Ribble, said that it was essential that certain fares should be increased to offset the rising cost of bus operation and the recent wage awards to the company's staff. The latter took place in May, 1961, and had resulted in expenditure of some £175,000, plus another 120,000 to meet the various taxes for the staff's welfare.

Single fares under 9d. and return fares' under Is. 5d. would not be affected by the increases. However, single fares above 9d, were to go up by Id. and return fares over Is. 5d. by 2d. The rate for adults and children's period contract tickets was to be revised, but scholars' special concessionary tickets were to remain unaltered. Weekly books

of tickets were issued to passengers using the Bolton-Burnley service, and these would cost Is. extra.

Passenger resistance was to be taken into account and it was thought there would be a falling off of 2-1: per cent. for single fares between 9d. and Is. and of I per cent, for single fares over Is.

. Extendible Semi-trailer Improved MODIFICATIONS to the range of York Trombone extendible semitrailers have been announced by the York Trailer Co., Ltd. Instead of a twopiece boxed outer rail (used on the original design to enable the body to be used at lengths of 26 ft., 33 ft. or 38 ft.), three separate box members are used on the new version'.

The front member is spigoted to a smaller member, over which slides the rear member. Replaceable hronze bearing pads are used. The York patented locking device is retained, which enables the semi-trailer to be locked at any of the three lengths at which it can be used.