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Johi an Murly I T was at Trinity Wharf, Rotherhithe Street, on London's waterfront, that I met John Murly, but it was mainly...
k) UNDAY was, in effect, 0-for-Debut day for three newcomers to the centres which run eliminating contests for the Lorry...
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A FORMER lorry driver who set up a haulage business with his wife, was faced with formidable opposition when he applied to the...
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Front our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Regulations increasing the speed of buses and coaches were approved by Parliament...
THE regulations affecting the maxi' mum dimensions of public service vehicles, and controlling the use in motion of excess fuel...
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Mr. M. C. F. Pettit has been appointed assistant sales manager of Paynes Jiffytape, Ltd. (London). Mr. A. W. Edlin has been...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT D EARER fuel, less credit, and fewer new roads—that is the prospect for road transport in...
A SPECIAL 11-deck coach body has PA been built on four Leyland Royal Tiger chassis by Liverpool Transport Department, for use...
A T Morecambe on Tuesday, Ribble Moto.r. Services, Ltd., and their 22 joint operators, obtained permission to increase the...
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T HE Transport Tribunal on Tuesday said it could give no decision on an appeal by H. L. Walker, Ltd., of Thornaby-on-Tees,...
THE Transport Tribunal in London on Monday postponed hearing an appeal by the executors of E. Nelson (deceased), trading as E....
A N appeal to the Transport Tribunal by C. Bristow, Ltd., of Solebay Street, London, E.3, against a refusal by the Metropolitan...
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A CTION to improve the "woefully inadequate" rural bus services is being decided upon by local authority associations in the...
A HINT that the Thames Valley Traction Co., Ltd, would have to cut some unremunerative services was given at a sitting of the...
HE Transport Tribunal on Tuesday I adjourned for three months a decision on an appeal by Mr, E. J. C. Lytham, of Quarry Road,...
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On Diesel Fumes • From our Parliamentary Correspondent D ESEARCH work now being carried out with the object of combating the...
A T Penrith last week a Carlisle haulier who told the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, that he employed 60...
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A REPRESENTATIVE of British inCanners, Ltd., told the Western Licensing Authority at Bristol last week that they had lost...
A SYSTEM of checks on certain goods carried by road vehicles is proposed in the Weights and Measures (No: 2) .Bill, which has...
T HE Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. I. A. T. Hanlon, and solicitor Mr. T. H. Campbell Wardlaw, clashed during the hearing of...
'TO improve distribution "of chemicals . and other. products in the West . Riding, C. Hellowell, Ltd., were granted a new flat...
QUNTER BROTHERS . , LTD., of Northallerton (Yorks), successfully applied to • the • Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A: T....
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IN a "rash and hazardous speculation" 1 a, 37-year-old Newport man incurred liabilities of over £10,000 in the business of...
P LAIN ignorance" and inexperiencz in business matters led to his failure. Evan Edward Fussell. 44. told Newport Bankruptcy...
T HE Licensing Committee of the Road Haulage Association have reappointed Mr. F. Wheeler (A. Dunham, Ltd., Hanwell) as...
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T HE Court of Appeal last week allowed with costs an appeal by the East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., from a decision of the...
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by A Special Correspondent T HE road haulage of thousands of tons of plateand sheet-glass, extending over a period of more...
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Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. U P TO the day. , when the Transport...
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T HE development of new trading estates on the perimeter of Liverpool has been one of the main features in determining the...
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Leicester Makes a Fine Start by P. A. C. Brockington xy/INNER of Leicester's first leg of the VY Lorry Driver of the Year...
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Smooth Debut As 74 Drivers Go Through By A. J. Wilding CONSIDERING that it was the' first ‘..-• time that a round of the...
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by N. H. Tilsley tests. (His team mate. R. Harrington -first in Class B—was second best with 114 penalties.) It was...
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by P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. I N the forefront of those who stress the practical importance of a transport manager...
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Strapping Tape Dispenser A N improved hand dispenser is being marketed by P. P. Payne and Sons. Ltd., Hayding Road,...
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Many Operators Seek Tippers on B Licences W ITH the holiday season in -full swing, Applications and Decisions this 'week are...
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Sharing Out Fairly Equitable Proportioning of Overhead Expenditure is Discussed in Reply to a Reader's Inquiry: Costing the...
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rr HE prototype of a mechanical washing plant which can be adjusted to accommodate vehicles from 4-ft. 8-in. to 8-ft. wide has...
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A DEVICE shown in patent No. 866.195 is intended to facilitate the unloading of heavy cylindrical objects such as full barrels...
1-1 . A CONSTANT-LEVEL suspension 1-1 . valve is shown in patent No. 865,952. It is said to. have a long life. (Engineering...