Field-day for Express
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by N. H. Tilsley
tests. (His team mate. R. Harrington-first in Class B—was second best with 114 penalties.)
It was refreshing to gee some of the better scoring this year coming from the bigger-class vehicles, whose drivers were seriously delayed in commencing their part of the competition because of a general slowing-up of the scheduled programme by the maintenance inspections.
From the beginning of the morning— and I should mention that the first vehicle on the road test started off at 8.30 am.-vehicles, due (according to the timetable) to start off at one-minute intervals, gradually began to leave with longer gaps between them until, eventually, after lunch (they were still starting the road test then) they began to get out of order, arriving on the tarmac for the three manoeuvring tests, even out of class order. The third test—reversing into a loading bay—caused serious bottlenecks throughout the day, vehicles awaiting their turn blocking up the exit from the preceding kerb parking test.
Towards the end of the day, a decision was taken to lengthen the third test to allow a low-loader, driven by R.
Underhill (Adams Brothers), enough room to make his two "shunts." In common with other competitions this year, the stewards allowed him an extra 10 ft. (his vehicle was 41 ft. overall), and his masterly second attempt earned him loud applause from a large crowd of spectators.
There was the usual crop of small complaints from drivers. These concerned mainly the method of approach to the reversing bay test. Some of the drivers in the smaller classes of vehicles told me that they did not know they were allowed to open their cab doors to assist them in backing; others complained that they thought they had to make a straight run at it and were not allowed to shunt. More markers were knocked down here than in any other test—the " artic" drivers incurring most penalties.
Looking back, and remembering what happened at Stepney last year, the competition ended up well with the cups and trophies being handed over to the winners and runners-up by Miss Sheila Van Damm. By 6.30 p.m. the vehicles and the spectators started to thread their way out of the Airport gates, leaving the organizers and officials. who had worked very hard indeed, to clear away the equipment and—sadly enough, because of the heavy fee for the use of the ground— to count the cost!
• .RESULTS CLASS A—Up to 15 ft.: F. Battle (Express Dairy Co. (London). Ltd.), Morris, 154. 1: A. J. Saunders (International Chemical Co., Ltd.), Austin, 199. 2: L. M. Coxall (Joseph Lucas (Sales and Service), Ltd.), Morris. 309, 3,
CLASS 11-15-19 Me R. Harrington (Express Dairy CO. (London), Ltd.), Earner, 114, 1: R. C. W. Dryer (S.P.D., Ltd.). Conner, 123, 2; W. Sacre (William F. Rees, Ltd.). Redford, 192,-3.
CLASS C-19-22 ft.: L. Hattam (Express Dairy
Co, (London), Ltd.), Austin. 89. F. G. Spraggett (E. Dagger and Sons. Ltd.). Bedford, 148, 2; R. L. Whymark (National Bengole Co., Ltd.). Albion, 151. 3.
CLASS D-22-25 Da J. Morrison (Union Cartage Co., Ltd.), Ford. 108. 1: -3, Gifford (Beecham Foods. Lull Bedford, 144, 2: J. Knowler (Union Cartage Co., Ltd.). Austin. 157; 3.
CLASS E (11—over 25 ft., with 2 axles: J. E. Bullock (Whitman Roadways. Ltd.), Leyland. 186. I; B. Cordery (W. T. Noble and Sons. Ltd.), Dodge. 223. 2; G. Larkin (George Bristow. Ltd.), Dennis, 255, 3.
CLASS E (2)—Over 25 ft., with more than 2 axles: R. Clayton (Power Petroleum Co.. Ltd.). Leyland. 133. 1; C. D. &Hicks (Power Petroleum Co.. Ltd.). LeYland, 153. 2: R. Sanders (Guiness. Ltd.), A.E.C.. 166. 3.
-CLASS F (1)—SetnI4ratler under 22 ft.: A. Childs (George Cohen 600 Group, Ltd.), Harrier. 168. /: P. Hartwell (Crow Carrying Co.. Ltd.).-Bedford, 187. 2; .1. Flollinsnvorth (Belling and Co.. Ltd.). Austin. 248, 3.
CLASS F (2)—Seud-trailer 22-27 ft., tractor unit under 3 tons: J. Hurley. (Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.
(London)), Ford, 161, E Rodman (Eipress Dairy Co. (London). Ltd.). Bedf-rd. 206, 2: R. 3. Leggott (Evan Cook, Ltd.), Commer, 22p. 3.
CLASS O—Sensi-traller up tO 27 ft. overall,; tractor unit 3 tons or oven C G. Fey (Shell-Meg and B.P.. Ltd., Fulham). Leyland. 156, • 1; J. 0; • Partridge (Post -Office Supplies Department, N.,1), A.E.C., 221. 2: K Stevens (L. Rose and Co.. Ltd.).
Cormier. 256, 3. • '
CLASS FI—Any type. seml-trager over 27 ft., . tractor nith any unladen weight: R. Underhill (Adams Bros. (Kingston), Ltd.). Austin; 192, I; RI Vincent (Adams Bros. (Kingston). Ltd.). Fader:: 314. 2: two entrants.
CLASS 5—Standard Amy' load-carrYflit H. G. Chivers. (R:A,F.. KidbrOoke).:Reciforti; 170,
li.soie entrant.. • . . . • . . • • BESt.fiVERALL PERFORMANCE: 1... Hanam.